Super Granny 6: Granny Power Ups and Other Gadgets

Super Granny 6 Walkthrough provides a complete walkthrough to the most challenging Super Granny game yet. Our walkthrough provides detailed instructions and/or video solutions for all of the most difficult levels and screenshots for every level. This is a must have to get through the game while picking up all of the collectibles available in the game.

Power Ups

  • Whenever you walk over a power-up, you will lose what you were carrying.
  • For  power-ups, if you need to activate it, you will use the spacebar.
  • See the image below for names and appearance of each item. 
  • Use the Help function from the main menu to get information on the controls and such.
  • Whip
    • Use the spacebar to use the whip; you cannot dig holes.
    • As long as you aren't on a ladder or a monkey bar, you will be able to kill a enemy from any direction that it comes.
    • Swinging across gaps with the whip takes a little bit of practice, you don't have much choice of where you start but look at where you land and how far you jump.
    • You have to a rock one level up and one or two steps over from where you are standing. 
    • You can jump single or double spaces as long as that rock is available. 
    • You can sometimes even jump over things, like teleporters (hint, hint).
    • Sometimes you can use the whip to collect something (but not often enough!)
  • Handbag
    • The game developers call this a Bag'o Nuts.
    • Use the spacebar to throw nuts; you cannot dig holes.
    • You can throw nuts from your bag from a distance; however, it is a limited distance so practice with it.
    • You can also only get the enemy in the direction you are throwing, so watch your back and top.
    • Also you have to have at least one space between you and the enemy for your windup.
  • Springs
    • Springs will allow you to jump up or jump over a large space.
    • Unfortunately you have no control over where you go and if you get on the spring from the wrong direction you may go somewhere wierd (but not deadly).
    • The kitties will follow you with the spring.
  • Crates and Barrels
    • Usually the existence of crates or barrels will clue you into the fact that you will actually need them to fill in a hole or press a button.
    • Note that they will drop down ladders and that you can dig a hole underneath them.
    • You can push kitties and enemies with them, but once you hit an obstruction be careful that the enemy doesn't jump up on top and then get Granny.
  • Locked Doors and Keys
    • A key will last for 30 seconds.
    • If you walk over another item (hat, bag, goo, etc.) you will lose your key.
    • You are not defenseless though; you can dig holes with a key in your hand.
    • Just walk up to the gate and it will open.
  • Cat Carriers
    • Cat carriers are used to cross through teleporters and across monkey bars over lava or open spaces
    • Walk over the carrier and then any cats you have or walk over will be put in the carrier.
    • You only have it for 30 seconds.  You need to get to a safe destination so that the kitties won't run off and end up back in the original positions.
  • Elevators/Platforms
    • Elevators require that Granny be on them to move, unless they are returning to the starting point.
    • Platforms move up and down or side to side on their own.
    • If you get Granny well centered on an elevator or platform, your kitties won't fall off if you are careful.
    • Watch Granny's head; if she hits an overhead obstruction, she might fall off.
    • Keep the elevator below you especially if you have kitties with you.  Before you get ready to drop down to a lower ledge, let the elevator drop first.
    • Jump off platforms when you have kitties while the platform is going down if there is any danger to your kitties if they happen to fall off.
    • Elevators/platforms won't smoosh Granny, so Granny, kitties, and crates can wait at the bottom of the path and will jump onto the elevator/platform when it comes to the bottom.
    • Crates can ride platforms too.  It's a bit of a challenge to push them off but it's definitely doable. 
  • Bombs
    • Pick them up and put them down by pressing the spacebar where you need a bomb.
    • It'll blow away dirt and rock but not Super Rock.
    • Rock won't come back but dirt will.
    • You can drop bombs while you are hanging from a ladder or monkey bar.
  • Umbrella and Fans
    • You can fly!  Well, float.
    • An umbrella lasts for 30 seconds.
    • You can float straight down or kind of fly off to the sides.
    • When you are above a fan, the umbrella will take you up.
  • Goo
    • Goo allows you to jump by using the spacebar.
    • You are pretty much defenseless because you can't dig and it's harder to control where you go.
    • You can only jump 1 to 2 levels up.
    • Usually you can back up 3 spaces from where you want to jump to.
    • You don't need to be running (or walking) to get more distance. li The best way is to just be facing in the direction you want to go and press the spacebar.
    • To jump up one and over one, stand half way between the first and second space.
    • The best place to practice jumping is Level 2-8 Goo goo gadget.
  • Spikes
    • Grey spikes hang down just to kill you.  They will get you from above and to your side.  They will get you with the umbrella. 
    • They will get you if you crash into them from the side while running. 
  • Light switches
    • The light switch is a toggle switch.
    • The way to get the lights to stay on when it is dark is to figure out a way to either drop in on the switch, teleport, or dig your way out.
    • Dropping in is the most seen way to turn the switch on.
    • Teleporting in is used on 1-14, Feel Your Way
  • Super Sneakers
    • Pick them up and run fast--maybe too fast as I find it hard to control Granny when she's got the sneakers.
  • Super Granny
    • Granny becomes invincible and faster.  Any enemy she touches will just fly off the screen.
    • Pressure Plates (for bridge or gate)
    • These require a crate or barrel to keep them pressed.
  • Crumbling Tile
    • You have to run across crumbling tile.  If you stop, you will drop.
    • The tile comes back just like dirt.
  • Cages and their Switches
    • When you see the unique cage switches, you know you are in trouble. 
    • The cages hold things you want to keep caged, so see if you can avoid walking past them.
  • Blowtorch
    • The blowtorch can destroy rock, dirt, and bad guys that are to your side. It won't destroy Super Rock.  Dirt will come back.
    • Sometimes you will need to be a little creative; you can get to or from some interesting places with it.
  • Jackhammer
    • The jackhammer allows you to dig straight down thru dirt and rock.
    • This is NOT a good tool to trap enemies with and you probably should not use it in those levels that have spiders going back and forth in tight spaces.
    • If you really want to, you will need to drop down on the item or kitty you need to catch and hope your timing is good. I find this method less efficient and more dangerous but it is certainly doable as long as the item isn't smack in the middle of a short ledge.
  • Whistle
    • The whistle is a one use item.
    • It is usually placed there for a specific reason, so don't use it until you absolutely have to.