Super Granny 6: Hints

Super Granny 6 Walkthrough provides a complete walkthrough to the most challenging Super Granny game yet. Our walkthrough provides detailed instructions and/or video solutions for all of the most difficult levels and screenshots for every level. This is a must have to get through the game while picking up all of the collectibles available in the game.

Sometimes the names of the levels will give you hints on how to solve the level.

Multiple Screens

  • This game offers the opportunity to play through multiple screens (show image of switch).
  • There is a small map on the bottom right, you will see how many screens are in the level and a yellow dot where the Meow gate is. Once you finish rescuing all the cats, you will see a green dot where the exit flower is on the small screen.
  • To get to a different screen you need to stand on the (purple and pink switch) and press the spacebar.
  • You will have to take a step forward before you can use the space bar again for digging, throwing items, or using your whip, otherwise you will just go back to the prior screen.
  • You will want to finish off any enemies that are following you before you change screens; otherwise they will just be waiting for you when you come back and you might not have enough time to get them then. They might be waiting to close to the lever.


  • Sometimes you will see collectibles that don't seem accessible. 
  • Many times this is an item that will be accessible by a ladder when you rescue all the cats. So don't kill yourself trying to get an item until you rescue all the kitties.
  • Don't be greedy about getting the last item the first time through. Some of these levels are hard; I can't tell you how many times I have gone back for the last item after rescuing the kitties, been killed, and then had a heck of a time just rescuing all the kitties a second time.
  • If the level is hard, just get through the level once and then go back to get the items.

Catching Enmies

  • Needless to say, you don't want an enemy to catch you.
  • Each type of enemy has different characteristics.  See below for specifics.
  • Certain power-ups will destroy enemies.  See below.
  • Dig holes in dirt for the enemy to fall into.  These guys will regenerate though.

Granny and/or Kitties

  • Granny has five lives
  • Whenever Granny dies and you have a life left, all the kitties you have rescued and collectibles you have picked up are still rescued and collected.  All the kitties that were following you around will go back to their starting spots.
  • When the kitties fall off an edge into lava or open air, they will return to their starting spots.
  • Kitties are kind of stupid; they will blindly follow Granny anywhere.  Even if she is on a monkey bar and they can't follow her, they will just jump off the edge (can you say lemur?).
  • Even if they drop straight down below Granny, they sometimes commit suicide.
  • It is possible to get Granny and/or the Kitties to get stuck in a hole.
  • If you dig a hole with a bottom in it and drop into it (or have kitties, crates, or barrels fall in), you and anything else in that hole will pop back out when the dirt comes back.
  • If you or your kitties fall in a hole or get anywhere else that they can't get out of, you might as well just restart.

Restarting your level

  • If you get yourself in trouble and are about to die, you might want to consider restarting so that you don't lose a life.
  • If you are in the midst of a difficult level and  have gotten pretty far along, you probably don't want to lose your progress and restart the level.  You should just take it on the chin.