Super Granny 6: Enemies

Super Granny 6 Walkthrough provides a complete walkthrough to the most challenging Super Granny game yet. Our walkthrough provides detailed instructions and/or video solutions for all of the most difficult levels and screenshots for every level. This is a must have to get through the game while picking up all of the collectibles available in the game.



  • Actually these aren't spiders because they have 6 legs, not 8; but this is what the developer calls them, so spiders they are.
  • Spiders only stay on one horizontal level. They move back and forth at the same pace until they see you.
  • You will want to learn how to drop down on their level and dig fast as they will turn around and speed up as soon as they see you.

Small Dinosaur

  • This little pink dinosaur is nice and slow.  It is very easy to outrun him.

Venus Fly Trap

  • When you get near the seedling, it will flash and the fly trap will grow. 
  • If you run into a flashing seedling or fly trap or stand next to a fly trap, it will get you.


  • This larger green dinosaur will chase you a lot more quickly than a small dino but more slowly than a Magman Soldier.


  • Bats fly back and forth.  If you get in the way, you are dead.
  • They won't turn to attack like spiders do.

Blue Goo

  • Blue goo pokes back and forth along a single level
  • It will knock you down but won't kill you


  • Blue pterodactyl chases you around and knocks you down
  • It will knock you down but won't kill you unless it knocks you down a ladder


  • Purple lizard will go anywhere
  • It will knock you down but won't kill you