Mystery Case Files : 13th Skull : Chapter 7: The Swamp

Our Mystery Case Files 13th Skull Walkthrough will guide you through solving the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Lawson with custom screenshots marking every location and detailed instructions. Journey deep into the heart of Louisiana and discover the truth of the curse of the pirate's treasure with our CGG Mystery Case Files Walkthrough.

Swamp Entrance 1. use Mr. Crickets (parrot) on snake 2. examine Mr. Crickets 3. he will say five, forty-five, twenty 4. go up to swamp Swamp 1. examine old cannon 2. go right to swamp patch Swamp Path 1. examine old cannon 2. go up to swamp clearing Swamp Clearing 1. examine alligator nest 2. clear foliage three times 3. take alligator egg 4. exit down and left to swamp shack Swamp Shack 1. talk to stranger – ask about missing man, pirate's curse, and ghost 2. go left to shack side Shack Side 1. examine boat 2. return to voodoo shop Location of Inventory (Part 2) 1. Swamp – Turtle Shell 2. Shack Side – Mushrooms 3. side of tree 4. Swamp Clearing – Alligator Egg 5. alligator nest Congratulations on completing the [b]Mystery Case Files 13th Skull Walkthrough[/b] for Chapter 7: The Swamp. Please use the links above and below to navigate to the next chapter.