Campgrounds: Levels 51 to 60

Our Campgrounds Walkthrough provides you with detailed instructions, screenshots, and video solutions to help you achieve an expert rating on both the eco and money trails in this exciting time management game. How will you run your Campground? Find out today!

[b]Ruins of Endorus Level 51[/b] Goals: $100,000, 20,000 supplies, 10,000 seeds Start with $1000, 150 supplies, 745 seeds, 4 workers, 4 broken trailers [NUMBERED] [item]Repair trailer[/item] [item]Clear in 3 directions[/item] [item]Hire worker[/item] [item]Dig up treasure[/item] [item]Repair 2 trailers[/item] [item]Clear obstructions in 2 directions[/item] [item]Build factory[/item] [item]Dig up treasure[/item] [item]Scare off top gorilla[/item] [item]Run factory for 500 supplies[/item] [item]Dig up last treasure[/item] [item]Clear debris[/item] [item]Build villa[/item] [item]Scare next gorilla[/item] [item]Collect 5000 gold and run factory[/item] [item]Demolish last trailer[/item] [item]Build 3 villas in open lots[/item] [item]Buy 3 parking spaces[/item] [item]Start hiring workers[/item] [item]While running factory and upgrading villas one by one, destroy trailer[/item] [item]Build a greenhouse and run[/item] [item]Destroy another trailer build a factory and run[/item] [item]Work up to about 13 workers[/item] [item]After upgrading done, destroy last trailer and build a factory[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-51.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 52[/b] Goals: 2 villas, 2 chalets, 2 cabins, 135 campsite eco Start with $21,000, 2000 supplies, 2700 seeds, 2 workers [NUMBERED] [item]Clear in 2 directions until finished[/item] [item]Hire a total of 7 workers[/item] [item]Build factory[/item] [item]Build 2 villas[/item] [item]Scare away gorillas and dig up 2 treasures[/item] [item]Need a total of 1575 supplies then destroy factory[/item] [item]Build a greenhouse[/item] [item]Need a total of 4000 seeds[/item] [item]Build 2 chalets, 2 cabins, and 1 tent[/item] [item]Build gardens at the tent, cabins, and chalets[/item] [item]Build a tree[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-52.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 53[/b] Goals: 200 happiness, 160 campsite eco Start with $9000, 900 supplies, 1700 seeds, 6 workers, 1 factory, 1 broken villa, 1 broken cabin [NUMBERED] [item]Clear in both directions and dig up treasures as you come across them[/item] [item]Buy parking space[/item] [item]Build 2 tents[/item] [item]Repair the cabin[/item] [item]Repair the villa[/item] [item]Build the greenhouse; [/item] [item]Make 2 batches of 1000 supplies[/item] [item]Run the greenhouse at less than full capacity the first time; you will need a total of 2600 seeds[/item] [item]Destroy the factory and build a pool[/item] [item]Build gardens at the 2 tents and cabin [/item] [item]Build 1 tree[/item] [item]Destroy the greenhouse when you have over 2100 seeds[/item] [item]Build 2nd tree[/item] [item]Build a tent and add a garden[/item] [item]Run an event[/item] [/NUMBERED] [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-53.jpg[/gimg] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 54[/b] Goals: 1 pool, 1 volleyball court, 1 flower, all homes with gardens Start with $6000, 0 supplies, 700 seeds, 9 workers, 2 villas, 1 chalet, 1 pool, 1 volleyball court [NUMBERED] [item]Clear debris to villa[/item] [item]Build a factory[/item] [item]Clear the other obstructions, gorillas, and dig up treasure[/item] [item]Upgrade 2 villas to 3 stars[/item] [item]Buy 3 more parking spaces[/item] [item]Build 2 more factories [/item] [item]When you have enough money for 20,000 supplies, destroy the 2 villas[/item] [item]Build the bridge [/item] [item]Clear debris and dig up treasure[/item] [item]Build flower[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-54.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 55[/b] Goals: Construct the playground, 60 happiness, 3 ponds Start with $4000, 500 supplies, 1200 seeds, 1 factory, 1 villa [NUMBERED] [item]Run factory[/item] [item]Clear debris[/item] [item]Hire 1 worker[/item] [item]Build a villa[/item] [item]Scare away the gorilla blocking the villa[/item] [item]Clear debris and scare away the other gorillas[/item] [item]Build 3rd villa[/item] [item]Buy 2 parking spaces[/item] [item]Hire to 10 workers gradually[/item] [item]Send workers to playground gradually[/item] [item]Build a greenhouse when you are consistently over $10,000[/item] [item]Destroy greenhouse when you have 3600 seeds[/item] [item]Build 3 ponds[/item] [item]Build a volleyball court[/item] [item]Destroy factory[/item] [item]Hold an event[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-55.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 56[/b] Goals: $60,000 daily income Start with $18,000, 0 supplies, 850 seeds, 8 workers, 1 factory [NUMBERED] [item]Run the factory[/item] [item]Dig up the treasure[/item] [item]Build 2 villas and upgrade to 2 stars[/item] [item]Buy 4 parking spaces[/item] [item]Build 2nd factory[/item] [item]Build bridge[/item] [item]Scare away gorilla[/item] [item]Hire workers gradually up to 12[/item] [item]Upgrade the 2 villas to 3 stars[/item] [item]Build 2nd bridge[/item] [item]Build 3 villas and upgrade 2 to 2 stars and 1 to 1 star[/item] [item]Dig up treasures[/item] [item]Make 6000 supplies[/item] [item]Build a pool[/item] [item]Destroy both factories and build pools`[/item] [item]Hold events at all 3 pools[/item] [/NUMBERED] [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-56.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 57[/b] Goals: 7 flowers, 6 shrubs, 5 ponds, 4 fruit trees Start with $1000, 8400 supplies, 815 seeds, 12 workers [NUMBERED] [item]Build 2 villas and upgrade[/item] [item]Dig up treasure[/item] [item]Buy 4 parking spaces[/item] [item]Build 2 greenhouses[/item] [item]Make all the goal items; starting with smallest first[/item] [/NUMBERED] [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-57.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 58[/b] Goals: 200 campsite eco, all building types (factory, greenhouse, ice cream stand, volleyball court, pool) Start with $13,000, 0 supplies, 800 eco, 4 workers [NUMBERED] [item]Build a factory[/item] [item]Clear debris[/item] [item]Dig up treasure[/item] [item]Run the factory[/item] [item]Build a villa; you need to do this quickly so that you get rent right away[/item] [item]If you don't have enough money to make another 1000 supplies after this rent, play some bonus levels to get a higher starting cash value[/item] [item]Scare away the gorilla[/item] [item]Build 2nd villa[/item] [item]Clear debris[/item] [item]Scare away the 3 gorillas[/item] [item]Dig up treasure[/item] [item]Buy 2 parking spaces[/item] [item]Build a pool[/item] [item]Hire 2 workers[/item] [item]Build a greenhouse; need 5200 seeds[/item] [item]Build bridge for 2500 supplies[/item] [item]Clear the debris and dig up treasure[/item] [item]Build a volleyball court[/item] [item]Build an ice cream stand[/item] [item]Build 1 tree and 2 ponds[/item] [/NUMBERED] [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-58.jpg[/gimg] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 59[/b] Goals: $500,000, all homes with gardens Start with $1000, 2800 supplies, 900 seeds, 8 workers This level is possible to do, but it is hard. You want to be waiting for an event to end at each pool and immediately click on the host button. [NUMBERED] [item]Build a pool[/item] [item]Build 2 trailers[/item] [item]Clear obstacles[/item] [item]Build 2 more trailers[/item] [item]Shoot the gorilla and clear more[/item] [item]Dig the treasure for $5000[/item] [item]Build 2 tents[/item] [item]Buy 4 parking spaces[/item] [item]Shoot the 2nd gorilla and clear the rest[/item] [item]Run events nonstop at the pool[/item] [item]Build the factory and make 6000 supplies[/item] [item]Build 2 pools and run events nonstop[/item] [item]Add gardens a couple at a time[/item] [item]Destroy the factory when you have 2000 supplies on hand[/item] [item]Build 4th pool[/item] [item]Run events without stopping [/item] [item]This is close so if you miss several events you will probably miss the goal[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-59.jpg[/gimg] [youtube] [/youtube] [b]Ruins of Endorus Level 60[/b] Goals: Construct the crane, Lift the rock with the crane Start with $21,000, 0 supplies, 900 seeds, 2 workers [NUMBERED] [item]Build factory[/item] [item]Hire 2 workers[/item] [item]Clear away 2 bears and debris [/item] [item]Build 2 villas[/item] [item]Clear more debris[/item] [item]Build 2 more villas[/item] [item]Buy 4 parking spaces[/item] [item]Hire 2 workers and keep hiring gradually until you have 13[/item] [item]Build 2nd factory[/item] [item]Send workers to crane (need 7 workers, 15,000 supplies)[/item] [item]Build greenhouse[/item] [item]When you will have enough supplies to finish the cranes, destroy the factories and build greenhouses[/item] [item]Be sure to reassign the workers to the crane[/item] [/NUMBERED][gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-60.jpg[/gimg] [youtube] [/youtube] 0 [b]Getting all the Trophies[/b] So you finished the game but you don't have enough points for the last trophies. If you have taken the eco option once and the money option once, you will get enough points. Just go play the secret campgrounds, and you will get lots and lots of eco points!