Campgrounds: Levels 11 to 20

Our Campgrounds Walkthrough provides you with detailed instructions, screenshots, and video solutions to help you achieve an expert rating on both the eco and money trails in this exciting time management game. How will you run your Campground? Find out today!

[b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 11 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: Remove all animals, 180 campsite eco Start with $1250, 200 supplies, 600 seeds, 0 eco, 4 workers, 1 greenhouse, 1 tent 1. Clear down to tent 2. Scare away the bear to the left 3. Remove the obstacles on the left 4. Build the factory 5. Build 2 trailers 6. Scare away the bear on the right and clear debris to greenhouse 7. Build 3rd trailer 8. Destroy the factory when you have 150 wood 9. Build 4th trailer 10. Start buying seeds 11. Clear the last debris and scare away last bear if you have not already done so. 12. Build gardens at the 3 of the trailers; the tent already has a garden 13. Build 2 shrubs and 1 pond [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-11.jpg[/gimg] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 11 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: Remove all animals, $20,000 Start with $1400, 100 supplies, 3 workers, 1 tent, 1 trailer 1. Scare away the bear 2. Build a factory 3. Remove the debris to the right blocking the right trailer 4. Start producing supplies 5. Scare the bear blocking the tent 6. Keep clearing 7. Make supplies 8. Build 6 more trailers 9. Collect money [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/11m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 12 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: Dig 4 treasure, 4 tents with gardens, 70 campsite eco Start with $0, 600 supplies, 0 seeds, 0 eco, 2 workers 1. Remove obstacles down to bottom right 2. Build 2 tents 3. Dig up treasure for $500 4. Upgrade the 2 tents to 2 stars 5. Hire 3rd worker and use him to dig up treasure 6. Upgrade 2 tents to 3 stars 7. Scare away bottom bear and next debris 8. Build 2 more tents at the bottom 9. Scare away the 2nd bear 10. Build greenhouse 11. Scare away last bear 12. Dig up the treasures 13. Build gardens and 1 shrub. [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-12.jpg[/gimg] [youtube][/youtube] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 12 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: Dig all treasures, 3 trailers with 3 stars, 2 tents Start with $3220, 0 supplies, factory 1. Hire a worker 2. Run the factory 3. Clear the debris 4. Dig up the top treasure for $500 gold 5. Build 2 trailers 6. Scare away bottom right bear 7. Build 3rd trailer 8. Dig up 2 treasures when you have time 9. Start upgrading the 3 trailers 10. Hire 4th workers when you can afford it 11. Scare away the final bear 12. Destroy the factory when you have 150 supplies for tents 13. Build 2 tents to finish [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/12m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 13 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: 4500 seeds, $5000, 1000 supplies, Dig 2 treasures Start with $2000, 0 supplies, 0 seeds, 0 eco, 3 workers, 1 factory, 1 greenhouse, 2 trailers 1. Clear obstacles and scare bear blocking the 2 trailers 2. Start making supplies 3. Upgrade the first trailer to 3 stars and then the second one 4. Hire 4th worker 5. Scare away the 2nd bear and clear last debris 6. Dig up treasures 7. Build 4 more trailers 8. Start buying seeds nonstop 9. Dig up treasures 10. Buy supplies only when you have enough money so that you don't delay the seeds 11. Finish up [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-13.jpg[/gimg] [youtube][/youtube] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 13 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: $15,000 3000 supplies, Dig all treasure Start with $400, 150 supplies, factory, trailer 1. Scare away bear and the clear debris blocking the trailer 2. Build a trailer 3. Dig up treasure next to the trailer for $4000 4. Hire 4th and 5th worker 5. Build 2nd factory 6. Start making supplies nonstop 7. Build trailers in all available lots for a total of 6 trailers and upgrade them all to 2 or 3 stars ()either way will work) 8. Stop making supplies when you meet the supply goal 9. Finish up [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/13m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 14 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: 120 campsite eco, 5 tents with 3 stars and gardens, dig all 3 treasures Start with $1000, 300 supplies, 5 workers 1. Clear debris in all 3 directions 2. Build sawmill 3. Build 3 tents 4. Scare away the bear 5. Clear the debris 6. Build 4th tent 7. Build 5th tent 8. Upgrade the 5 tents to 3 stars 9. Destroy the factory when you have enough wood 10. Build a greenhouse and buy nonstop 11. Finish working down the road 12. Dig up all the treasures 13. Add gardens to the 5 tents 14. Build flowers on all but one plots [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-14.jpg[/gimg] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 14 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: 5 trailers with 3 stars, dig all treasures Start with: $2000, 150 supplies, 300 seeds, 1. Build factory 2. Build first trailer 3. There is $500 in the upper right treasure so scare away that bear next and dig it up 4. Clear debris while waiting around and scare away bear 5. Make supplies 6. Build 4 more trailers and upgrade all 5 fully 7. Hire extra workers whenever you have extra money not needed for the factory 8. Finish off getting the treasures [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/14m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 15 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: 2 ice-cream stands, 15 happiness, 30 campsite eco Start with $500, 500 supples, 900 seeds, 2 workers, 2 trailers 1. Build ice cream stand 2. Clear debris in 2 directions 3. Hire 3rd worker 4. Clear down to second trailer 5. Scare away bear 6. Build factory 7. Keep clearing 8. Build 2 shrubs 9. Build tent 10. Build 2nd ice cream stand [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-15.jpg[/gimg] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 15 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: 2 ice-cream stands, 15 happiness Start with $3200, 500 supplies, 150 seeds, 2 workers, 1 trailer 1. Build factory 2. Hire 3rd worker 3. Make supplies and clear 2 debris piles 4. Build 2 tents 5. While one worker makes supplies, use the other 2 workers to scare away the bears. 6. Build the 2 ice-cream stands [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/15m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 16 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: Host 2 complete events, 50 happiness, 50 campsite eco, dig 3 treasures Start with $1500, 100 supplies, 300 seeds, -10 eco, 5 happiness, 3 workers, ice-cream stand, 2 trailers, 1 factory, 1 tent 1. Host event 2. Hire 4th worker 3. Scare away bear and clear debris 4. Run the factory (need total of 550 wood) 5. Clear down the greenhouse and trailer 6. Dig up the treasures 7. Build 2 tents 8. Buy 300 seeds 9. Add gardens to 3 tents and 1 trailer 10. Build 2 flowers 11. Destroy greenhouse after buying 300 seed 12. Destroy the factory when you have 500 wood 13. Host 2nd event 14. Build 2nd ice cream stand on whichever lot is available first 15. Start 3rd event to get happiness [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-16.jpg[/gimg] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 16 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: Host 3 complete events , $10,000, 50 happiness, dig 4 treasures Start with $2000, 0 supplies, 150 seeds, 5 happiness, 3 workers, ice-cream stand, 1 factory, 1 tent 1. Host event 2. Hire 4th worker 3. Clear all debris 4. Run the factory (need total of 1100 wood) 5. Build 3 trailers 6. Dig up the treasure 7. Scare away bear 8. Build 2nd ice cream stand 9. Destroy the factory when you have an extra 75 supplies 10. Host events at both stands 11. Build a tent [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/16m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Bear Paw Natl Park Level 17 - Eco Trail[/b] Goals: Construct the Pump, Construct the Water Pipes, Fill the Pond Start with $2200, 1000 supplies, 2200 seeds, 4 workers, 1 factory 1. Scare away both bears 2. Hire 5th worker 3. Start factory 4. Scare 3rd bear 5. Build 2 trailers and upgrade once 6. Build 3rd trailer 7. Clear debris to 4th bottom lot 8. Build 4th trailer 9. Upgrade all 4 trailers to 3 stars 10. Clear debris to top 3 lots 11. Build 5th trailer to the far right and upgrade fully 12. Build 2nd factory 13. Build greenhouse and run continuously 14. Run all 3 buildings 15. Clear along the pipe 16. Build 4 pipes needing 500 supplies 17. Build the pump requiring 4 workers and 2000 supplies 18. Start hiring workers to a total of 9 19. Send the workers to the pump (need 6000 seeds) 20. Keep buying seeds 21. If you come up short of time after a few tries, you can just shoot the bears--this will save you about a day [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-17.jpg[/gimg] [youtube][/youtube] [b]World Industries Inc. Level 17 - Money Trail[/b] Goals: Construct the World Industries Logo (6 worker capacity needing 800 supplies) Start with $6000, 1500 supplies, 1 factory, 1 trailer, 3 workers 1. Clear debris in 3 directions 2. Hire 2 workers 3. Run the factory 4. Use 2 workers to scare away bears 5. Use 2 other workers to build 5 trailers while saving the 2 lots nearest the office 6. Upgrade all 6 trailers completed while running the factory nonstop 7. Hire 3 more workers to 8 8. Build 2 factories and run 9. Send 4 workers to the logo 10. Run 3 factories nonstop 11. Hire 2 more workers to 10 when you have enough money to not slow down the production 12. Send 2 workers to the logo to fill it up [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/17m.jpg[/gimg] [b]Hidden Rock Lake Level 18[/b] Goals: 6 cabins with 3 stars and gardens Start with $0, 600 supplies, 0 seeds, 4 workers, 1 greenhouse, 1 cabin 1. Clear debris and scare bear to the cabin 2. Build 2 cabins and upgrade 1 along the lots at the top 3. Clear down to the right 4. Build factory and start producing without stopping; this is the rate limiting step 5. Finish clearing and dig up treasures while waiting for 1st batch of supplies 6. Upgrade the first 3 cabins to 3 stars 7. Hire a total of 10 workers 8. Build 3 more cabins and upgrade with 3 stars 9. Start buying seeds as soon as you have the 8 workers; you will need a total of 1800 seeds 10. Add gardens while waiting for supplies [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-18.jpg[/gimg] [b]Hidden Rock Lake Level 19[/b] Goals: 3000 supplies, $15,000 Start with $1500, 100 supplies, 300 seeds, 4 workers, 1 factory, 1 cabin 1. Clear debris in all directions 2. Run factory non-stop 3. Dig up treasure 4. Build 2 cabins along the bottom row 5. Upgrade 3 cabins to 3 stars 6. Hire another 2 workers when you can do so without slowing down the factory 7. Build 2nd factory 8. Run both factories until the supply goal is met [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-19.jpg[/gimg] [b]Hidden Rock Lake Level 20[/b] Goals: 140 campsite eco, 50 happiness Start with $3000, 0 supplies, 200 seeds, 75 eco in a tree, 5 workers, 1 cabin 1. Scare away 2 bears and remove debris 2. Build a factory 3. Remove debris 4. Run factory 5. Dig up treasures 6. Build 2 cabins along bottom 7. Build 2 ice-cream stands 8. Demolish factory when you have more than 150 supplies 9. Build the greenhouse and run non-stop 10. Build a tent in the last lot 11. Build a tree 12. Run a party at both ice cream stands [gimg]/Campgrounds/images/level-20.jpg[/gimg]