Viking Saga: Epic Adventure: Viking Saga: Epic Adventure Level 38

Our Viking Saga: Epic Adventure Walkthrough will guide you through the most challenging levels of this fast-paced time management game as you set forth to help King Ingolf complete his quest. Our detailed instructions and full videos will help you achieve those expert times you crave!

Viking Saga Epic Advenutre Level 38

  1. Upgrade camp
  2. Clear lot
  3. Do not light any fires until after bridge is built
  4. Build a farm and produce food twice
  5. Build a fortress and upgrade
  6. Produce food continuously
  7. Upgrade camp again
  8. Use work faster in building bonus
  9. Clear snow pile on lot
  10. Build a stone mine and produce stone
  11. Chop down all trees you can see
  12. Upgrade fortress
  13. Build left bridge
  14. Upgrade camp
  15. Collect stone and food while waiting for 3 wood
  16. Light bottom left fire
  17. Clear lot on bottom left
  18. Build a saw bench and produce wood
  19. Upgrade camp to 5 workers
  20. Light fires up the left side
  21. Build next bridge and light fires
  22. Build a druid’s hut
  23. Keep clearing up the left side
  24. Build boat house
  25. Activate totem” and open chest
  26. Collect 30 food, 10 stone, 10 wood, 40 silver to clear the ice near boat house
  27. Collect again to clear the next block of ice
  28. Don’t bother relighting fires on the left (except to keep the sawbench going)
  29. Light fires and build to the right
  30. Activate totem and open chests (2)
  31. Clear next block of ice
  32. Build boat house
  33. Light last 2 fires (the last one will be visible once you light the fire near the boathouse)