Nightfall Mysteries: Curse of the Opera: Chapter 5: An Echo from the Past

Nightfall Mysteries: Curse of the Opera Walkthrough leads you down this tale of murder and intrigue with detailed instructions, custom screenshots, and video solutions to help you from start to finish in this exciting hidden object adventure game.

[LIST] [item]You start off at the Inn again. Click on the clock covered in sparkles.[/item] [item]You must set the clock to the three times Hilda mentioned by pulling the pendulums.[/item] [/LIST][LIST][LIST][item]1st pendulum = +1 hour 45 minutes[/item] [item]2nd pendulum = + 15 minutes[/item] [item]3rd pendulum = + 45 minutes[/item] [item]Pull the chain when you have the correct time.[/item] [item]The clock resets after every 5 pulls.[/item][/LIST][/LIST] [LIST][item]2:45 = Lower all three pendulums. Pull the chain[/item] [item]7:45 = Raise the middle pendulum. Pull the chain twice.[/item] [item]10:30 = Lower the middle pendulum so all three are down. Pull the chain.[/item] [item]Take the SKULL KEY[/item] [item]See video [/item] [/LIST][youtube][/youtube] [gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Burnt-house-106b.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Burnt House.[/item] [item]Find 4 random items and 10 Rubies.[/item] [item]Take the RUBY EYE[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Opera-House-140.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Opera House.[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Grab the FLY and feed it to the FROG[/item] [item]Take the ANTIFREEZE[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Frozen-Door-144.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Frozen Door next to the Opera House.[/item] [item]Click the sparkle door to enlarge the scene.[/item] [item]Use the ANTIFREEZE on the DOOR HANDLE[/item] [item]Use the SKULL KEY to unlock the door.[/item] [item]SURPRISE!!![/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Frozen-arm-147.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Take the FROZEN ARM on the left covered in sparkles.[/item] [item]Notice the SLEDGEHAMMER to the right. You'll need this later.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-electrical-room-148.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Electrical Room inside the Opera House.[/item] [item]Place the FROZEN ARM onto the FURNACE.[/item] [item]FROZEN ARM changes into STATUE ARM.[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-village-square-87b.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go back to Village Square. Use the LADDER to climb into Hilda's room.[/item] [item]Use the door to enter the hallway.[/item] [item]Click on the CARETAKER'S DOOR to enlarge the scene. (Door on the right)[/item] [item]Use the CARETAKER ROOM KEY to unlock the door.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-picture-pieces-150.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Find the Four Picture Pieces and place them in the frame.[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-phone-booth-152.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to Shop Street and enter the Phone Booth.[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Take the COIN and put it in the slot.[/item] [item]Take the BLUE STAR GEAR. [/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-cliff-156.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Bridge. Open the door and go to the Cliff[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Take the SHOVEL from the car grill and dig a hole in the GROUND[/item] [item]Take the RED SUN KEY[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-car-159.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Click on the sparkles on the car.[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene. [/item] [item]Take the HAMMER and smash the LION[/item] [item]Take the RED STAR GEAR[/item] [item]Exit the scene[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-coach-house-162.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Coach House.[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Take the SWITCH HANDLE and place in into the H SWITCH on the wall.[/item] [item]Take the ICE CHISEL that drops from the ceiling.[/item] [item]Click on the sparkles on the Coach.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-green-star-166.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Pick up the red BUTTON. Place it in the holder.[/item] [item]Take the GREEN STAR GEAR[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Frozen-room-168.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go back to the Frozen Room[/item] [item]Use the ICE CHISEL to break the ice.[/item] [item]Take the SLEDGEHAMMER[/item] [item]Exit the scene.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-Graveyard-171.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go to the Residential Street, and then enter the Graveyard.[/item] [item]Complete the Hidden Object scene.[/item] [item]Take the ANGEL and put it on the HEADSTONE[/item] [item]Take the YELLOW STAR GEAR[/item] [item]Click on the sparkles just above the steps.[/item] [item]Use the SLEDGEHAMMER to smash the gravestone.[/item] [item]Click on the box to start a puzzle.[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-lights-puzzle-1234.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Click in the correct sequence to turn all the lights and complete the Lights Puzzle.[/item] [item]Once all the lights are lit, place the FAMILY CREST in the center.[/item] [item]View the picture.[/item] [item]Take the CENTER SUN KEY[/item] [item]Exit the scene[/item] [/LIST][gimg]/Nightfall-Mysteries-Curse-Opera/images/Chapter-5-sun-star-puzzle-177.JPG[/gimg] [LIST] [item]Go back to the Residential Street.[/item] [item]Click on the sparkles on the path to the Castle.[/item] [item]Complete the Sun/Star puzzle.[/item] [item]Place all SUN KEYS and STAR GEARS into the puzzle[/item] [item]Place the SUN KEY to activate the puzzle.[/item] [item]Click until the center and outside colors match.[/item] [/LIST]