Kingdom Tales: Levels 21 to 30

Consult our Kingdom Tales Walkthrough as you embark on your quest to protect all the enchanting creatures who abide in your kingdom. Rely on our detailed step-by-step instructions as well as our video solutions of each and every level to progress through 45 challenging levels of intense time management gameplay.

Level 21

  1. Skip exploring the cave until later
  2. Build house
  3. Upgrade stonecutter
  4. Buy 400 materials
  5. Build well
  6. Upgrade stonecutter
  7. Buy materials
  8. Clear bear
  9. Build house
  10. Until  4 total
  11. You shouldn't need to build a laboratory
  12. Upgrade houses
  13. Explore cave


Level 22

Goals:  5000 gold, 100 magic, 7 spiders

  1. Build house
  2. Upgrade stonecutter once
  3. Clear spider blocking 2 lots
  4. Buy 400 materials
  5. Build house
  6. Build laboratory
  7. Clear spider
  8. Build 2nd laboratory
  9. Clear spiders
  10. Don't heal stonecutter but heal the houses


Level 23

Goals:  1 market, 5000 gold, 4 spiders

  1. Wait on market
  2. Build 2 houses
  3. Clear spider
  4. Build stonecutter and upgrade twice, buy 1000 and then 400
  5. Build 2 more houses
  6. Upgrade 2 houses one
  7. Build market


Level 24

Goals:  4 houses with 3 stars, 40 happiness, 3 caves

  1. Build stonecutter and upgrade twice
  2. Build 3 houses, and upgrade the 4 houses leaving the cottage
  3. Destroy the stonecutter when you have enough materials to finish upgrade PLUS 200 to build lab
  4. Build the lab
  5. Lastly explore the caves


Level 25

Goals:  Fill the airship (7500 gold, 5000 materials), 50 magic

  1. Build 2 houses
  2. Clear 1st sorcerer
  3. Collect materials on road
  4. Build well
  5. Build stonemason and upgrade
  6. Clear spider at top
  7. Build 2 more houses
  8. Clear down the road to the bottom right
  9. Build a laboratory
  10. Build 5th house
  11. Upgrade all 5 houses twice
  12. Fill the airship with 7500 gold and 5000 materials
  13. Stop healing buildings


Level 26

Goals:  1 farm, 50 magic

  1. Build farm
  2. Build stonecutter
  3. Clear sorcerer
  4. Build laboratory
  5. Buy 400 materials
  6. Build 2 more laboratories


Level 27

Goals:  4 houses with 3 stars, 2000 materials, 5 ogres

  1. Upgrade house
  2. Build well
  3. Build farm
  4. Clear ogre to right
  5. Upgrade stonecutter twice
  6. Buy materials
  7. Build 2nd house
  8. Upgrade 1st house
  9. Build 3rd house
  10. Upgrade houses
  11. Buy 2700 materials (to beat the need for magic)
  12. Clear ogre to the left
  13. Build 4th house and upgrade and upgrade twice
  14. Clear the rest of the ogres


Level 28

Goals:  5000 gold, 5 spiders, 2 sorcerers

  1. Build house and upgrade twice
  2. Clear 2 spiders
  3. Build well
  4. Build stonecutter and upgrade twice
  5. Clear wizard to the right
  6. Buy materials
  7. Clear bottom spider
  8. Build laboratory
  9. Build 2nd house and upgrade twice
  10. Clear last spider blocking a lot
  11. Build 3rd house and upgrade twice
  12. Clear last spider and last sorcerer
  13. Collect gold


Level 29

Goals:  3 houses with 3 stars, 4 spiders, 4 ogres

  1. Upgrade stonecutter twice
  2. Clear Ogre
  3. Buy materials
  4. Build house, well, and farm
  5. Upgrade house twice
  6. Clear ogre
  7. Build 2nd house and upgrade
  8. Clear spider
  9. Build 3rd house and upgrade
  10. Clear remaining spiders and ogres


Level 30

Goals:  Gather gold for festival (6000 gold)

  1. Clear sorcerer
  2. Build stonecutter and upgrade twice
  3. Build farm
  4. Upgrade cottage twice
  5. Buy materials
  6. Build 2 houses and upgrade fully
  7. Give 6000 gold to the ogre's festival