Fable of Dwarfs: Levels 21 - 30

Our Fable of Dwarfs Walkthrough is live and ready to guide you through more than 50 levels of intense time management gameplay! Consult our step-by-step instructions and video solutions for each and every level as you travel throughout the magical land of the dwarfs in this fast-paced game.

Level 21
  1. Chop trees
  2. Build sawmill
  3. Collect gold
  4. Build lower bridge for 125 wood
  5. Buy wood
  6. Build upper bridge
  7. Open 3 chests
  8. Make food and hire 3 workers (to 7)
  9. Make food and wood nonstop (prioritize food)
  10. Build 2 villas and upgrade
  11. Demolish market with 2250 food
  12. Build and upgrade villa
Level 22
  1. Build bank
  2. Collect gold
  3. Build market 
  4. Build sawmill
  5. Buy food and wood nonstop
  6. Hire to 8 workers
  7. Build 4 villas
  8. Upgrade 4 villas
  9. Pay off yeti to access talismans
  10. Collect 750 food and demolish market
  11. Build villa and upgrade
  12. Collect 1500 wood and build bridge to chests
  13. Collect 1000 wood
  14. Demolish bank and sawmill
  15. Build 2 villas and upgrade while using talismans
Level 23
  1. Clear wood
  2. Send 3 workers to mine
  3. Pick berries 
  4. Build bank
  5. Hire to 8 workers
  6. Build sawmill and make 500 wood
  7. Build bridge at bottom 
  8. Collect gold
  9. Make 1000 wood and demolish sawmill
  10. Build market
  11. Remove yeti with 1000 food
  12. Make 500 food
  13. Unstaff one worker from mine
  14. Build 2 villas and upgrade 
Level 24
  1. Send 3 workers to woodcutter
  2. Demolish 2 huts after collecting rent once
  3. Build top bridge to left with 400 wood
  4. Send 3 workers to the farm
  5. Hire 4 workers 
  6. Build villa and upgrade during storm (to prevent freezing)
  7. Build 2nd villa and upgrade
  8. Pay yeti 400 food
  9. Send 3 workers to mine
  10. Trade for crystals
  11. Unstaff woodcutter and protect villas
  12. Build top bridge
  13. Demolish 2 huts
  14. Trade for crystals twice more
  15. When farm stops, build 3rd villa, upgrade, and protect
  16. When woodcutter stops, build 4th villa, upgrade, and protect
  17. Use talismans and collect gold
Level 25
  1. Open 3 chests 
  2. Staff farm
  3. Chop down trees
  4. Hire to 7 workers
  5. Build villa and upgrade
  6. Build sawmill and make wood
  7. Trade wood for crystals and protect villa
  8. Build 2nd villa and upgrade
  9. Trade food for crystals and protect
  10. Build 3rd villa and upgrade
  11. Trade wood for crystals and protect
  12. Build 4th villa and upgrade
  13. Trade food for crystals and protect
Level 26
  1. Demolish 2 banks 
  2. Open 3 chests
  3. Send 3 workers to woodcutter
  4. Repair bank
  5. Hire 6 workers (to total of 10)
  6. Chop down trees
  7. Build 3 villas and upgrade
  8. Send 4 workers to the cooper
  9. Build sawmill (run 1000 wood 2 times plus 250 wood)
  10. Demolish sawmill and build market (buy food)
  11. Build bridge to rum factory
  12. Send 4 workers to rum factory
  13. Finish 
Level 27
  1. Send 4 workers to farms
  2. Hire 2 workers and send to farms
  3. Hire 4 more workers
  4. Trade food for wood
  5. Build 5 villas
  6. Pay yeti 400 food and open chests
  7. Protect 5 villas
  8. Buy wood with gold
  9. Build bridge
  10. Use talismans once all villas are protected
  11. Buy total of 5000 wood and collect gold and food
Level 28
  1. Chop wood in 3 stands
  2. Build top bridge
  3. Repair bank and chop wood in 4th stand
  4. Build top left bridge
  5. Collect gold
  6. Build market and buy food
  7. Build bottom bridge
  8. Build villa and upgrade, buying food when you can afford it
  9. Trade food for wood
  10. Build 3 more villas and upgrade
  11. Trade food for crystals and protect 4 villas
  12. Buy food and trade for wood and crystals to meet goals
Level 29 
  1. Send 2 workers to cart
  2. Chop down trees
  3. Build bridge to the left
  4. Buy 250 wood
  5. Build bottom bridge
  6. When bank is accessible, buy 500 wood
  7. Build top bridge
  8. Buy 500 food
  9. Hire 2 workers
  10. Build villa
  11. Send all workers to cart
  12. With 1250 gold, remove one worker and buy 250 wood
  13. Remove two more workers, upgrade villa
  14. Buy wood and food
  15. Build and upgrade villa
  16. Buy 500 food and demolish sawmill
  17. Buy 500 food 
  18. Build and upgrade villa
  19. Hire 3 more workers to finish
Level 30
  1. Send 3 workers to the mine
  2. Build sawmill and make 250 wood
  3. Build bridge
  4. Build market and make 250 food
  5. Remove the yeti
  6. Make 750 wood 
  7. With 250 wood, unstaff the mine and upgrade 3 villas
  8. Start buying crystals
  9. Protect 3 villas
  10. Send 3 workers to the boat and keep track of the crystals (you only need 2000)
  11. Buy food to hire 4 more workers
  12. Send 3 to the boat and keep one until you're done with the crystals
  13. Send last worker to boat to finish