Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice

The Grim Facade: Mystery of Venice Walkthrough has step by step instructions for the entire game and includes solutions to all of the puzzles with screen shots and four videos. Solve the mystery of the disappearance of two women into the canals of Venice before it's too late!

General Information

Ask for help in the comments below!

OBJECTIVE: You are hired by a man to find out how his wife and daughter disappeared in the canals of Venice.
HAND: shows you things that need to be picked up
MAGNIFIER: shows you things that need to be given a closer look
DIARY: Found in the lower left corner. Clues you find during the game will be stored here for later use in solving puzzles.
HINT: Found in the lower right corner give you hints when you get stuck on a game or mission. Find fans in hidden object scenes to gain additional hints.
DUCATS: Found in the lower left corner. You will use these to purchase items throughout the game
HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLES: Hidden object puzzles are different each game except for the items in red. Red items require and action to find the item.

* Take the gold ducats from the husband, watch for more gold ducats throughout the game
* Pick up the fan off the cobbles, this will be your hint button in the lower right corner
* Pick up the clippers off the cobbles


* Click on the poster on the left wall to zoom in
* Click on the poster, poster scrap added to diary
* Pick up the pin


* Click on the lamp to zoom in
* Use the pin to open the lamp
* Click on lamp handle, candle added to inventory


* Click on grate near right wall to zoom in
* Use clippers to open grate, pick up key
* Click on poster on right wall, click on poster to add to diary
* Use key on gate to open


* Go through gate
* Click on caped figure, he calls himself Redemption, threatens you and runs off
* Click up 1x at middle opening in building
* Click on unlit torch on wall to zoom in, use candle to light torch


* Click on lion on right side to open puzzle
* Find hidden objects
* Pick up 2 fans (fans gain you extra hints, find them in hidden object puzzles)
* Click on chain, pick up goblet (red)
* Flag added to inventory


* Click to the right 1x
* An evildoer turns and flees dropping something on the ground
* Pick up handkerchief lower right
* Click on left bridge control to zoom in, place flag on rope
* Click on left bridge control to zoom in, pick up crowbar


* Click on area where handkerchief was with loose stones
* Use crowbar on stones, pick up the worm


* Go across bridge
* Click on barrel, use crow bar to remove lid
* Pick up seahorse


* Go up 1x to gondola
* Click on open umbrella, Pick up umbrella
* Pick up bell on edge of gondola


* Click on bench to open  hidden object puzzle
* Click on purse, pick up ring (green)
* Drag knife to pillow, pick up crystal (blue)
* Wheel added to inventory


* Click down 2x, go through center building
* Click on lion to open puzzle
* Click on green hat, upper right corner, click on North America (red)
* Click on rope on statue's raised arm, click on knot (green)
* North America added to inventory


* Click on door to zoom in
* Put poster scrap on door upper left corner, to open puzzle
* Click on letters to move them into the correct position to spell the word EXLIBRIS
        ~ Only two letters at a time can be moved.
        ~ Top arrow grabs the letters
        ~ Left and right arrows move the letters to where you want to place them
        ~ Click on top arrow to swap letters or place in an empty spot
* Click on glowing green X to open door, Roman Ten added to inventory
* See video solution (puzzle is random, but this will help you understand the game concept)


* Go through door to library
* Click on globe to spin it to the blank North America area
* Put North America in the blank space
* Pick up magnet


* Click on ladder
* Place wheel on ladder
* Click on ladder to move it left
* Click on books to zoom in, pick up book


* Click down 2x
* Click on well to zoom in
* Use crowbar 4x to remove all the stone
* Pick up gold ducat and gauntlet


* Click right towards bridge
* Click on plants under window to zoom in
* Use gauntlet 3x to clear thorns, pick up puzzle piece


* Click on gondola to zoom in
* Put seahorse on left side of gondola
* Put magnet on chain, click on chain to pick up amulet in water


* Click on bench to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on drawer, pick up post horn
* Post horn added to inventory


* Click to leave gondola
* Click on mailbox on building back right
* Pick up letter


* Click down 1x
* Go through center building
* Go into library
* Place book on podium by window to open puzzle
* Place amulet in center to start puzzle
* Rearrange the gems into their proper places
* Click on a gem to drag it to a new place, match the large inner gems with the small outer gems
* Click on pages, pick up pendulum, then finish reading the rest of the story


* Click on ladder to move it to the center
* Click on clock to zoom in
* Put pendulum on clock
* Put the Roman Ten on the clock
* Pick up trident tooth

* Click down 2x
* Click on Poseidon statue to zoom in
* Put trident tooth on broken spot of trident


* Go through the newly opened area on the left
* Click on door with sign to zoom in
* Put bell on chain, click on bell 1x


* Go through open door into Giovanni's store
* Click on Giovanni to hear him speak, he will let you shop in his store
* Click on the cheese (yellow)
* Click on Ducat lower left
* Click on Giovanni to pay for the cheese
* Cheese added to inventory
* Click on the paddle, click on ducats, click on Giovanni
* Paddle added to inventory


* Click down 2x, then go right to the gondolas
* Click on the boxes on the right to zoom in
* Give the cheese to the mouse
* Pick up the mouse and the 2 ducats


* Click down 1x, go towards Giovanni's store
* Click on the gondola to zoom in
* Put the mouse on the rope
* Put the paddle in the gondola


* Click on the door to the right of Giovanni's store to zoom in
* Click on the eye
* Put the puzzle piece in the empty spot to start the puzzle
* Click on a square to rotate it and other squares around it. Keep clicking on squares until the picture is restored (see video solution)

* Go through the newly opened door
* Click on the green curtains 2x to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up the 2 fans (red)
* Click on the ink bottle to knock it over, pick up the spot (blue)
* Click on the pillow on the chair, pick up cherry (yellow)
* Rapier added to inventory


* Click on the uniform in glass case on the right wall to zoom in
* Pick up 3 medals off jacket
* Click on jacket 2x, pick up ducat out of right pocket


* Click on door at back of room to zoom in
* Use Rapier to open door
* Go through door, Click on evildoer in the room and he will speak to you


* Click on doorway evildoer went through, on left wall, gate will close
* Pick up 2 ducats off floor and jupiter


*  Click down 2x
* Go into Giovanni's store
* Click on fishing hook, give 2 ducats to Giovanni
* Click down 1x
* Click on fishing rod above the gate to zoom in
* Put fishing hook on line
* Put worm on hook
* Click on main scene to exit
* Go back inside house


* Go through back doorway
* Click on fishing rod leaning on window far right
* Pick up ducat
* Click on the fishing reel
* Click on crab, pick up key
* Click on back door to zoom in
* Unlock door with key


* Go through door
* Click on solar system on right to zoom in
* Pick up ducat
* Put jupiter on the solar system to start puzzle
* Click and drag the planets to arrange them in the correct celestial order
* Planets can only move along the tracks
* Planet will light up when it is in the correct spot
See video solution

* Click on fireplace at back to zoom in, click 2x to clear
* Pick up bust
* Pick up ducat
* Click on picture above fireplace to zoom in
* Click on portrait to add to inventory ducat


* Go up stairs
* Click on desk to zoom in
* Place letter on desk
* Place letter opener on left side of desk on letter to open it
* Pick up letter and ducat
* Click on shelf on right to zoom in
* Pick polizia pass and ducat
* Click on telescope to zoom in, pick up ducat


* Click down 3x
* Click on frame on left wall with torn painting
* Pick up 2 ducats
* Put portrait on frame
* Put the 3 medals on the portrait
* Pick up brush on left side of frame


* Click down 1x, go into Giovanni's store
* Click on palet
* Click on ducats, click on Giovanni


* Click down 1x, go back into house
* Click on the curtained stand far back of left wall (puppet theater)
* Remember the order of the puppets on the curtain
* Click on knot to untie and click on curtains to open
* Put palet and brush on board to start puzzle
* Paint all the puppets correctly to prepare them for the puppet show


* Put puppets in the correct order for the show
* Hold mouse on puppet and drag to proper roman numeral
* Once you are sure, click on pull cord to open curtains, then click on it again to start show
* Click on mask inlay


* Click on curtained doorway on left wall to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on drawers on desk top, pick up sun (red)
* Pick up fork on desk top (blue)
* Pick up 2nd fork by clicking on drawers on right side of desk (blue)
* Click on drawers on lower right side of desk, pick up spoon (green)
* Ladder added to inventory


* Click on uniform in glass case on right side of room
* Place mask inlay on the empty spot
* Pick up lens and 1 ducat


* Click down 1x
* Click on tunnel of right side to zoom in
* Use umbrella to get coffin
* Click on coffin
*Coffin cap added to inventory


* Click on tunnel to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Click on bricks upper right wall, pick up watch and pepper (red)
* Sun Button added to inventory


* Click down 1x, go right across bridge
* Click on back gondola to zoom in
* Click on front of gondola to zoom in on suns
* place sun button on empty spot
* Click on all 3 buttons to open cabinet
* Pick up lever and ducat


* Click down 2x, go up 1x to outside Giovanni's store
* Click on tunnel to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on hand, pick up pendant (blue)
* Handle added to inventory


* Go into Giovanni's store
* Click on knife in front of Giovanni
* Click on ducats, click on Giovanni


* Click down 1x, go into house
* Click on gate box just to the right of gate to zoom in
* Place lever in slot
* Use knife to cut rope above lever


* Go through open doorway on left wall
* Click on woman to speak to her
* Click down 1x to leave scene
* Place ladder against statue holding the sword
* Pick up sword, wreath, and scroll
* Put bust on pedestal on right wall, click to zoom in
* Place wreath on head
* Click on drawer of bust on right wall, pick up 3 ducats
* Click on mirror to shift it, you can now look through the telescope
* Put sword in hand of statue on left wall, drawer will open
* Click on drawer, pick up stone ball piece and 1 ducat


* Click down 1x
* Click on bust on left wall to zoom in
* Put scroll in hand, drawer will open
* Click on drawer to zoom in, pick up 1 ducat and chest key
* Click on chest on right wall to zoom in
* Use handkerchief to wipe off 3 windows, click 2x on each window
* Click on dial above windows to turn it until pictures are in same order as the pics in the windows
* Use chest key to open chest, pick up 2 ducats and lyre


* Click down 1x
* Click on cherub statue on left wall to zoom in
* Put lyre in cherubs arms
* Click on strings 4x, glass will shatter
* Pick up Mask of Vanity off ground


* Click up 2x
* Click on window on left between pillars
* Click on cupboard next to window to zoom in
* Put handle on cupboard door


* Click on handle to open hidden object puzzle
* Drag hammer to egg, pick up moon
* Feather added to inventory


* Go upstairs
* Click on telescope to zoom in
* Put lens on telescope
* Click on wheel 1x, image of woman will appear
* Click on wheel again, feather begins to draw symbols (if you do not see this,  go back and click on mirror in the same room the woman is chained)
* Pick up paper with code


* Click down 1x
* Click on cupboard to play another hidden object scene
* Click on scissors, click on pouch, pick up Ace (red)
* Pick axe added to inventory


* Click on left column to zoom in
* Use pick axe on column 3x
* Pick up mask of envy


* Click down 1x, go through left doorway
* Click on woman to zoom in
* Click statue to left of woman to zoom in
* Use pick axe 3x to open puzzle
* Put the code on the puzzle to activate
* Click on the buttons to display the proper symbols by using the code as a guide (see solution below)
    - Click on 2 until wreath appears, click on 1 until helmet appears, click on 4 until building appears, click on 3 until head appears
* Woman is freed from the chains and she will speak to you
* Pick up valve


* Click down 1x, go up steps, go upstairs
* Click on mechanism on left wall to zoom in
* Put valve on mechanism
* Click on valve 1x to open gate down in canal


* Click down 4x and go through open canal gate, upper left
* A girl and masked man are there and are speaking
* Click on gate back left to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Pick up scissors and cut net in upper left corner, pick up spider and horn (red)
* Corkscrew added to inventory


* Click on polizia (police) door on right to zoom in
* Put polizia pass in slot to open door


* Go inside police station
* Click on policeman, he will speak to you
* Click on left jail door 2x to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Pick up nail and drop on brick area next to drain, pick up brass knuckles and nut (red)
* Glue added to inventory



* Click down 2x, go into house
* Go through back doorway
* Go up steps in back
* Go upstairs
* Click on shelves on right to zoom in
* Put glue on broken ball
* Put stone ball piece on glue, pick up ball


* Click down 4x, go through canal gate
* Click on door on left wall to zoom in
* Place ball in lion's mouth, door will open


* Go through opened doorway on left
* Click on first alcove on right to zoom in, pick up 1ducat
* Click on alcove on left side of door, pick up file drawer


* Click down 1x, go inside police station
* Click on left jail cell door to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on book to open, pick up heart
* Heart key added to inventory


* Click on file drawers on right wall to zoom in
* Place file drawer in empty spot to open puzzle
* Rearrange the file drawers so that no shape or colors are repeated in any row or column
* Click on two drawers to swap places
* Once puzzle is solved, pick up the picture frame
* Pick up the letter
* Pick up grape key


* Click down 1x
* Click on steps to zoom in
* Put coffin cap on steps
* Click up 1x to go up steps


* Click on fountain in middle of courtyard to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Pick up red apple (red)
* Click on green apple, pick up red apple (red)
* Grape key added to inventory


* Click on door to house to zoom in
* Place heart and 2 grape keys on door
* Click on each key to unlock and open door


* Go through open door
* Click on bench in back of room by stairs to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Click on case, pick up glasses (red)
* Scarf added to inventory


* Go upstairs
* Click on bed to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Click on magnifier, pick up rabbit shadow on brick wall (green)
* Sickle added to inventory


* Click on window to right of bed to zoom in
* Click on window to open
* Use scarf to fix ladder
* Climb down ladder


* Click on potted plant on right to zoom in
* Pick up 1 ducat
* Use sickle to cut ivy, pick up broom


* Click down 3x
* Click on broken pottery by door on left to zoom in
* Use broom to clean it up
* Click on latch on bottom of door


* Go through door
* Click on wine rack on back wall to zoom in
* Use corkscrew to uncork bottles
* Pick up pipe out of wine
* Click on pig's head on table to zoom in
* Pick up 1 ducat and letter, pick up 1 ducat under letter


* Go through doorway on right to kitchen
* Click on pig on spit to zoom in
* Pick up 1 ducat and arrow
* Click on the grill below pig


* Click down 2x
* Click on bench to play hidden object puzzle
* Drag pick to banister and pick up crystal (blue)
* Oven mitt added to inventory


* Go through left doorway, go through right doorway into kitchen
* Click on stove on left wall to zoom in
* Use oven mitt to open puzzle
* Using the oven mitt, rearrange the slats so the oven can be closed
* Pick up mask of gluttony


* Click on flour sack at base of stove to zoom in
* Click on flour sack, then click on main scene to exit flour


* Click down 3x to outside
* Click on fountain to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on grate, pick up matches (red)


* Scoop added to inventory
* Go inside house, go left, go right into kitchen
* Click on flour sack to zoom in
* Use scoop on flour 3x, pick up crochet hook


* Click down 2x, go upstairs to bedroom
* Click on bed to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on box, pick up soldier and frog and clothespin (red)
* Bow added to inventory


* Go out window and down ladder
* Click on cupid statue to zoom in
* Give bow and arrow to cupid
* Click on handle on pillar to shoot arrow
* pick up half of a mask off ground


* Click down 2x to bedroom
* Click on pillow on bed to zoom in
* Use crochet hook to open pillow
* Pick up 1 ducat and feathers


* Click on vanity table to left of bed to zoom in
* Click on box to open
* Put feathers in box
* Put half of mask on face to open puzzle
* Click on a feather to pick up, right click to rotate feathers, drag to correct position
* Feathers will lock in place when placed correctly
* Pick up mask of lust


* Click down 4x, go inside Giovanni's store
* Buy cat for 15 ducats


* Click down 1x, go through canal gate
* Click on gate to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on ivy, upper right side to clear vines
* Pick up pepper and berries
* Empty oil can added to inventory


* Go up steps with coffin lid
* Go inside house, go left, go right into kitchen
* Click on pig to zoom in
* Put empty oil can on grill
* Pick up hog oil


* Click down 3x
* Click on bottom of  pillar by boats to zoom in
* Put cat by pillar to scare away the mice


* Go left, go right towards the ship
* Click on nets on right side to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Use rapier to cut burlap at top of scene, pick up heart (red)
* Matches added to inventory


* Click on cargo hold closest to doors
* Click on porthole, back left to zoom in
* Pick up 1 ducat, click on chains
* Click on canon to zoom in
* Use matches to light fuse


* Click down 2x
* Click on lamppost on left to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Click on broken stone upper right window sill, pick up broken vase below (red)
* Pick up bottle of water on ground and water flower in alcove, pick up flower (green)
* Handle added to inventory


* Go back onto ship
* Click on the ships wheel upper part of ship
* Put handle on wheel to open hidden object puzzle


* Click on nets on right to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on rope at bottom, will form the number 8, pick up Number 8 (red)
* Wrench added to inventory


* Click down 1x to leave ship
* Click on boxes and anchor right side of scene to zoom in
* Put pipe on diver's hose
* Click on air pump, diver will rise up
* Click on diver to zoom in, use hog oil on rusty nut
* Use wrench on nut, pick up button inside helmet


* Click down 1x, Click up 1x toward domed building
* Click on paper on billboard pillar on left, click on billboard poster to add to diary
* Click on cart to zoom in, place button on machine
* Click on ducats, then click on slot to open puzzle
* Using the buttons, recreate the image of the two masks, using the squares on the left
* Click on the red button to release a square, red squares go to the right slot, green squares to the left, and red/green to the center
* The key is to have the square positioned correctly, so when it falls it lands right side up in the correct position (see 2nd picture for solution)
* Pick up ticket



* Click on door to zoom in
* Put ticket in slot
* Pick up piano key
* Go inside theater


* Click on area to right of stairs to open hidden object puzzle
* Pick up 2 fans (blue)
* Click on boxes in middle, pick up gloves (red)
* Scissors added to inventory


* Go upstairs to right
* Click on pulley system to zoom in
* Click on mechanical handle to pick up
* Use scissors to cut wires
* Click on seat on left to zoom in, pick up hammer handle


* Click down 1x
* Click on door on right wall to zoom in
* Put hammer handle on hammer
* Click on hammer to open door
* Go inside auditorium


* Click on pulley system on stage to zoom in
* Put mechanical handle on pulley to open puzzle
* Click on the gears to rotate them, and click on the handle to rotate the slots


* Click to right to go backstage
* Pick up saw on floor
* Pick up rope near ceiling
* Click on cupboard to zoom in
* Pick up coin of greed, click on lamp


* Click down 2x, go upstairs
* Click on seat on left to zoom in
* Use saw on seat, pick up piano key


* Click down 1x, go right into auditorium
* Click on piano to zoom in
* Put white piano key and black piano key in empty spot
* Click on key, pick up mask of laziness


* Click down 2x
* Click on area to right of stairs to open hidden object puzzle
* Click on chest, pick up accordion
* Wick added to inventory


* Go right into auditorium, go backstage
* Click on cupboard to zoom in
* Put wick on gold wick holder to left
* Put wick holder on latern base
* Put glass globe on lantern
* Pick up lantern


* Click down 4x to ship
* Click on lamp to play hidden object puzzle
* Drag drum stick to kettle drum, pick up music note
* Boat hook added to inventory


* Click on ship, go down into cargo hold
* Click on the chest on the right side to zoom in
* Put coin of greed in slot
* Click on coin to open puzzle
* Click on the locks to swap their positions, to place each lock in the correct row and column
* Use Roman numerals above and symbols on left to help solve the correct positions of the locks
* Click on glowing lock in upper left corner when puzzle is solved


* Click on back portal to zoom in
* Put lock on chains
* Click down 1x
* Click on ships wheel to lower anchor
* Go back down into cargo hold
* Click on chest in middle of hold to zoom in
* Pick up mask of greed


* Click down 2x
* Click on fountain on left to zoom in
* Use boat hook on pipe


* Go through opening
* Click on alcove on right, put lantern in alcove
* Use boat hook on chains on ceiling
* Click on lever next to lantern


* Go through opening
* Click on hanging cage to open puzzle
* Move sliders to open four locks on cage
* See solution below
* Pick up red skull from cage


* Click on grate over well to remove it
* Click on back door, masked man will be in room
* Click on bottom of door to zoom in
* Put rope on door, masked man will trip and lose his mask
* Pick up mask of anger


* Go through back door
* Click on table in center of room to open puzzle
* Move the sliders around so that you can place the four lions in their correct positions
* There is more than one way to solve this puzzle. See the video solution below for and idea of how it works
* Once solved, pick up the green skull

* Click on chemistry table, back right corner, to zoom in
* Pick up bucket handle
* Click on cork on green beaker
* Pick up blue skull


* Click down 3x
* Click up 1x to theater
* Go inside
* Click on bucket to zoom in
* Put bucket handle on bucket
* Pick up bucket with water


* Click down 4x, go left into domed room with alcoves
* Put the masks in the correct alcoves (see solution below)
* From left to right:
    Mask of Vanity - pick up red key
    Mask of Envy - pick up green key
    Mask of Lust - pick up orange key
    Mask of Gluttony - pick up pink key
    Mask of Greed - pick up yellow key
    Mask of Laziness - pick up brown key


* Click on back door to zoom in
* Match the colors of the keys to the same color on the door
* Place mask of anger on center of door to open


* Go through door
* Use bucket of water to put out fire
* Click on girl hanging from ceiling


* Click on beam holding girl to open puzzle
* Place the red, green and blue skull on puzzle to activate
* Move the three skulls to the squares that match their colors.  Each time you move a skull the blades on the board will move
* Click on a skull then the click on the spot you want to place it.
* You must hit the reset button each time you get a skull to the end. This will reset the blades for the next skull to be moved. (see solution below)


Congratulations! You have solved Grim Facade - Mystery of Venice!

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General Information

Ask for help in the comments below!