Annie's Millions

SO the tutor came on Tuesday and we discussed the last three chapters. Well, two of the three, I never finished the third chapter. I loved discussing the chapters with him because he has such a great voice, but I would have rather discussed other things with him. You know, like what movie he wants to take me to see this weekend, what his favorite songs are, does he want an indoor or out outdoor wedding! OMG! I guess I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

SO the tutor came on Tuesday and we discussed the last three chapters. Well, two of the three, I never finished the third chapter. I loved discussing the chapters with him because he has such a great voice, but I would have rather discussed other things with him. You know, like what movie he wants to take me to see this weekend, what his favorite songs are, does he want an indoor or out outdoor wedding! OMG! I guess I’m getting a little ahead of myself. I'm so bad, I took another break from my reading (the third chapter again, well for the first time) to play another game. Don't worry thought, again, like the last game I played it's a money game. It’s great practical experience for my economics class since I have no real money! It’s called Annie's Millions and it's a lot of fun. I'm playing as Annie. I come home to find a man waiting at my apartment. Oooh, I wonder if he's a tutor LOL. Anyway, a man is waiting there with a debit card with $1Million dollars on it! My Uncle Dave has challenged my two cousins and I to spend a million dollars faster and smarter than the others. Oh Uncle Dave, why can't you be real?!?! The winner gets Uncle Dave’s riches when he passes on. The game is so much fun. It's a hidden object game and there are mini-games too. Hidden object games never have mini-games. You can play the mini-games to get extra hints. The mini-games are like old Price is Right games. There's Price Builder, where you have three numbers and you have to pick two of the three to form the price of the item. Sort Items, you have to place the four items by price low to high. Price Match, there are 3 items and you have to put the correct price next to them. And last but not least, Price Guess. You have to guess the price of the item and you are told higher or lower. I can’t stop thinking of that old 80’s movie Brewster’s Millions while I’m playing. It’s the same premise only I’m not Richard Prior although sometime I think voting for "none of the above" is the way to go. There’s a believable story in the game and I really do not like my in-game cousin! I will play this game all day just to make sure I beat her. That’s my money!!! I’m getting a little carried away again. Maybe I should get back to my reading…nah! I’ve been playing for 20 minutes and I’ve already spent $5400. That’s pretty good, but I think I could do that in 20 seconds in real life; student loans and a day at the spa. I’m going to go outside and enjoy the first nice day we’ve had in a while. Check out the game and let me know what you think.