Island Tribe 5: Jungle - Levels 11 - 20 + Bonus

Our Island Tribe 5 Walkthrough is live and ready to step you through 40 intense levels in this exciting resource management game. Rely on our step-by-step instructions and detailed screenshots to help earn those coveted expert times on each and every level.

Level 11

  1. Upgrade camp
  2. Clear down left side and upgrade sawmill twice
  3. Remove gorilla
  4. Repair totem
  5. Clear to boat station, build and upgrade
  6. Trade for stone
  7. Upgrade camp
  8. Repair totem
  9. Clear gorilla on island
  10. Build totem
  11. Build and upgrade well twice
  12. Put out fire and collect diamond
  13. Clear next gorilla
  14. Build totem
  15. Build and upgrade quarry fully
  16. Pick up last chicken
  17. Clear wolf
  18. Trade for grain and stone (at far trader)
  19. Fill altars



Level 12

  1. Pick up water
  2. Put out fire at sawmill and repair sawmill and upgrade
  3. Repair quarry and upgrade twice
  4. Upgrade camp
  5. Build bridge up
  6. Trade for diamonds
  7. Upgrade camp
  8. Build totem
  9. Build lower bridge to left
  10. Trade for diamonds and clear gorilla
  11. Repair totem
  12. Build bridge and boat station
  13. Upgrade boat station
  14. Clear gorilla and trade for milk
  15. Clear cobra
  16. Build and upgrade well twice
  17. Put out fire at grain farm
  18. Build and upgrade 3 times
  19. Trade grain for meat
  20. Remove wolf
  21. Build totem
  22. Remove next wolf and build last totem
  23. Collect grain



Level 13

  1. Upgrade sawmill
  2. Upgrade camp
  3. Build well
  4. Upgrade camp
  5. Collect 2nd water bucket  and 3rd meat
  6. Fill lava
  7. Clear wolf
  8. Put out fire at quarry, build and upgrade
  9. build top bridge
  10. Collect milk
  11. Clear cobra and wolf
  12. Build totems
  13. Build bridge
  14. Put out fire at apiary and build
  15. Build middle bridge
  16. Build totem
  17. Clear wasps and collect blue diamonds
  18. Drive away big gorilla



Level 14

  1. Build sawmill
  2. Build quarry
  3. Give gorilla diamonds
  4. Upgrade camp
  5. Clear to the left
  6. Upgrade camp twice more
  7. Build left bridge
  8. Build well and upgrade3 times
  9. Build grain farm and upgrade
  10. Build cow farm and upgrade
  11. Build 2 bridges
  12. Clear cobra on right and repair totem
  13. Build right bridge
  14. Build diamond mine and upgrade twice
  15. Clear next gorilla over and build totem
  16. Clear next gorilla over and up the road
  17. Clear bottom left gorilla and pick up blue diamond
  18. Build bridge
  19. Clear big gorilla



Level 15

  1. Light fire
  2. Build sawmill and upgrade
  3. Light fire
  4. Access quarry
  5. Build bridge
  6. Light fire
  7. Upgrade camp twice
  8. Build well
  9. Build next bridge and light fire
  10. Build apiary
  11. Build diamond mine and upgrade
  12. Upgrade camp again
  13. Build bottom bridge
  14. Trade for blue diamonds
  15. Clear bottom gorilla and light fire
  16. Build totem on left
  17. Extend rope
  18. Clear gorillas and pick up milk
  19. Clear cobra and build totem
  20. Relight fires as needed
  21. Clear gorilla and light fires
  22. Clear wasps
  23. Build grain farm and upgrade
  24. Extend rope
  25. Build cow farm and upgrade
  26. Clear down the road and clear last gorilla



Level 16


  1. Upgrade sawmill twice
  2. Build bridge right
  3. Upgrade camp
  4. Build totem
  5. Build bridge down
  6. Build well and upgrade 3 times
  7. Upgrade camp twice
  8. Put out fire on bridge and repair
  9. Build cow farm
  10. Build quarry and upgrade 3 times
  11. Build bridge
  12. Put out fire and build grain farm and upgrade twice
  13. Clear gorilla on the left and build totem
  14. Build bridge
  15. Build totem on right
  16. Build diamond mine and upgrade 3 times
  17. Clear cobras and collect blue diamonds
  18. Clear next gorilla  and pick up blue diamond
  19. Clear gorilla on right and build bridge
  20. Trade for blue diamonds
  21. Build totem
  22. Build bridge
  23. Repair altar with 25 stones, 5 blue diamonds, 20 grain,



Level 17

  1. Clear to right and then up
  2. Collect 3 diamonds
  3. Clear gorilla
  4. Upgrade sawmill twice
  5. Put out fire at quarry, repair and upgrade 3 times
  6. Build totem
  7. Upgrade camp
  8. Trade for milk
  9. Remove cobra blocking well
  10. Build and upgrade 2 times
  11. Upgrade camp again
  12. Clear next cobra
  13. Build boat station and upgrade twice
  14. Clear cobra and build totem
  15. Clear next cobra
  16. Put fire out at diamond mine, repair and upgrade 3 times
  17. Trade for 3 more milk and stop
  18. Build bridge near quarry and trade for diamonds 3 times
  19. You do not need the cow farm
  20. Clear gorilla and next cobra
  21. Build totem
  22. Trade for palm seeds
  23. Collect diamonds and water only
  24. Plant palms and water (10 water each); plant furthest away first



Level 18

  1. Build sawmill and upgrade
  2. Build quarry
  3. Upgrade camp
  4. Build totem
  5. Build boat station
  6. Build well
  7. Repair totem
  8. Upgrade boat station twice
  9. Upgrade camp again
  10. Repair apiary
  11. Repair totem
  12. Upgrade camp again
  13. Repair next totem
  14. Put out fire in chicken farm and repair
  15. Pick up milk
  16. Remove cobra
  17. Repair totem
  18. Build diamond mine and upgrade 3 times
  19. Clear wolf and trade for blue diamonds non-stop
  20. Repair cow farm
  21. Remove gorilla and build totem
  22. Remove gorilla and build bridge
  23. Pick up grain and load chicken farm
  24. Remove wolf
  25. Put fire out at grain farm, repair and upgrade twice
  26. Load cow farm for milk
  27. Remove cobra
  28. Build last totem



Level 19

  1. Build sawmill and upgrade twice
  2. Clear to Quarry
  3. Upgrade camp
  4. Offer wood to altar
  5. Upgrade camp fully
  6. Offer stone to altar and pick up blue diamond
  7. Clear gorilla
  8. Build grain farm and upgrade
  9. Build well and upgrade 3 times
  10. Trade wood for grain
  11. Offer grain to altar
  12. Build and upgrade apiary
  13. Extend rope
  14. Trade for honey
  15. Offer honey to altar
  16. Clear wasps and collect blue diamonds
  17. Clear down to chicken farm and repair
  18. Remove gorilla and then  wolf
  19. Repair cow farm
  20. Trade for meat and milk
  21. Offer meat to altar
  22. Clear gorilla
  23. Keep trading for ` milk and making milk to end
  24. Offer milk to altar
  25. Clear animals
  26. Extend rope
  27. Trade for 2 blue diamonds to clear last gorilla



Level 20

  1. Build sawmill and upgrade once
  2. Build well and upgrade twice
  3. Build totem
  4. Build bridge
  5. Upgrade camp
  6. Build totem
  7. Clear cobra
  8. Build diamond mine
  9. Upgrade camp
  10. Build cow farm
  11. Clear gorilla
  12. Upgrade camp
  13. Build apiary
  14. Build quarry and upgrade 3 times
  15. Remove wasps and trade for grain
  16. Clear up to the altar and build
  17. Clear road
  18. Extend rope
  19. Pick up meat
  20. Pick up blue diamonds
  21. Open the gate



Bonus after level 20

  1. Clear down road to pick up diamonds
  2. Remove gorilla
  3. Upgrade sawmill twice
  4. Upgrade camp
  5. Build quarry
  6. Build and upgrade cow farm
  7. Trade for 5 grain
  8. Upgrade camp
  9. Build well and upgrade 3 times
  10. Upgrade camp twice
  11. Build totem
  12. Build boat station and upgrade twice
  13. Clear to chicken farm and build
  14. Clear wolf and build totem
  15. Put out fire on bridge (10 water) and repair
  16. Clear wolf and cobra
  17. Build diamond mine
  18. Build totem
  19. Build bridge down and clear
  20. Extend rope
  21. Trade for blue diamonds
  22. Remove gorilla and build last totem