Echoes of the Past: The Citadels of Time Collector's Edition Walkthrough

Okay, so the mind of a 5 year old is quite…original. This past week all Max would eat were green things. Thank you Dr. Seuss. The good news is he now likes broccoli and spinach. Thank you Dr. Seuss. I also congratulate my mother on her baking skills, as we enjoyed homemade green bread PB&J’s (which took me a while to get used to seeing what looked like 3 month old bread on my plate). But hey, they are only young once and we all had fun embracing Max’s latest food fetish. Thank goodness he is too young to read Thomas Rockwell books (your all googling it right now aren’t you? Isn’t learning fun).

Echoes of the Past: The Citadels of Time Walkthrough
Okay, so the mind of a 5 year old is quite…original. This past week all Max would eat were green things. Thank you Dr. Seuss. The good news is he now likes broccoli and spinach. Thank you Dr. Seuss. I also congratulate my mother on her baking skills, as we enjoyed homemade green bread PB&J’s (which took me a while to get used to seeing what looked like 3 month old bread on my plate). But hey, they are only young once and we all had fun embracing Max’s latest food fetish. Thank goodness he is too young to read Thomas Rockwell books (your all googling it right now aren’t you? Isn’t learning fun). Speaking of learning new things, my latest game endeavor provided me with a bit of a challenge in the puzzle area. I just finished playingEchoes of the Past – Citadels of Time. This game proved to be as enjoyable as the first one I played, Castle of Shadows, and the graphics were just as beautiful in this edition. On a side note, I found myself comparing characters to famous actors. The prophet bore a striking resemblance to George Carlin and I kept waiting for Thomas the Tank to pull up in the middle of his dialogue. Then there was Donald Sutherland playing the part of the grizzly fisherman, so not quite the ordinary people the game usually presents. I had really hoped to see a whole plethora of thespians in disguise but it was not to be. But about the game, I liked the fact that in addition to the fairly easy hidden object searches, the puzzles became more challenging as the game progressed. This game does not play straight through again, but doubles you back often, once you go in search of items needed for past scenes. It also utilizes the magic book more in this edition to give you needed clues to solve some of the puzzles. All in all, a great game and I hope not the last of this series.