Diner Dash: Flo on the Go: General Information

Once you have played Diner Dash 3, Flo on the Go you will never leave a waitress a lousy tip again.  In this latest installment of the Diner Dash games, everyone’s favorite waitress Flo finally takes the vacation of her dreams.  But when her suitcase pops open and all her clothes end up in the water, Flo must rely on her hard working waitressing talents to save her vacation….and her wardrobe.

Help Flo jump back into work at five new restaurants.   You will have to juggle nine different types of customers including mothers with crying babies, smooching lovebirds, cell phone addicts and bookworms.  Plus you have to keep the folks waiting for a table happy or they’ll grow impatient and leave…taking valuable coins with them.  

Diner Dash 3 will keep you moving.  Fortunately, there are some good strategies to follow that will help you build up your bank quickly.

Welcome to Flo’s Place

Before you start, take a look at the restaurant.  How many tables are there?  Fill all the tables first.  Avoid the temptation to seat one customer or couple and start serving them before you have seated everyone else.  Also, keep an eye on the colors of the tables and the colors of the outfits the customers are wearing.  You get big bonuses for seating customers at tables with seat colors that match their outfits. Flo loves her fashion!

Also, take care when choosing where to seat customers.  Keep the noisy cell phone addicts in the corner so they won’t disturb the other customers.  Families with children and joggers won’t mind being seated near the cell phone talkers, but a quiet bookworm stuck near a noisy baby or cell phone addict will get angry and may leave before dessert.

Lovebirds like privacy so seat them at a 2 top table.  If you don’t have a two top table when you start a level, make one before you start seating people.  Don’t leave the lovebirds alone for too long though.  They’ll get hot and heavy and disturb the other customers.

Please Wait to be Seated

You’ll be pretty busy taking orders and delivering food to your seated customers, but don’t forget about the people waiting in line for a table.  Stop at the podium often to keep the people waiting happy.  If you ignore them for too long they will get angry and leave.  It works well to make stopping at the podium part of your routine.  Take all the orders then stop at the podium.  Deliver all the food then stop at the podium.  This will keep your future customers happy.

Are You Ready to Order?

One of the most important strategies for Diner Dash 3 is creating chains.  This will make your work go more quickly and will keep people happy.  Start by seating all the customers.  Wait until everyone is ready to order then take all the orders at once.  After you have finished taking orders remember to visit the podium to entertain the people waiting.  Continue working in chains throughout the game.  Deliver all the food at once, drop off al the checks at once and so on.  Using the chain strategy reduces the amount of time you would spend rushing back and forth…and gives you a better chance of keeping people happy.  And happy people leave big tips!

Occasionally something unexpected will happen that may disrupt your chain.  A baby may spill water or a tourist may want to take a picture.  Take care of this situation before you begin your next chain.

Thank You, Come Again

As you move up levels, you will earn some fun rewards.  You always have the option to change Flo’s clothes, but as you play more you will earn more outfits to choose from.  Also, once you have played as an “expert” for ten levels in a row, you will unlock the secret levels for more Flo fun.

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