CGG Guide | Characters | Cursors | Alert Icons | Buildings
Luxuries | HUD Icons | Character Specific Functions | Building Specific Functions | Controls | Menus

Character Specific Functions

Some game functions are only available when you select one of your Settlers. Here are descriptions of those functions.


Attack: If an enemy appears in your town, it is up to you to protect your Settlers. To do this, send a posse consisting of your Hero, a Sheriff, Deputies and/or Gunslingers to stop them from stirring up too much trouble. To fight back, click and move each of your characters on top of an enemy. When the icon changes to a gun, you can begin the battle. When this alert appears, it means someone is attacking a Settler, a building, or both. Make sure you have some combat units that can take care of this problem quickly. You can also click on the Gun alert to go directly to the attacking unit.


Build: Clicking on the saw and axe icon opens your building menu. To construct a building, click on the building icon you'd like to build and place it onto an area of the screen. If any part of the building base is red, then it can't be built there. Once the whole building footprint is green, click the left mouse button and the site will begin construction.


Repair: If a building has sustained damage, you will need to assign a Settler to repair it. Damage can come from bandit attacks or natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes or tornadoes. To repair a building, move a Settler onto it. When the mouse cursor changes into a hammer, it means that they can repair the building. Any repairs will cost your town resources.


Get Job: If you would like to assign a Settler a job, click on the toolbox button. The cursor will change into a hand holding the toolbox. Click on any building that has employment available and that Settler will go to work there. 


Quit Job: If a Settler is already employed at a location, you'll need to select them and click on the Quit Job button in order to assign them to another job.


Clock: It takes time to build new buildings, or plant crops, or do anything in this world, and the clock will alert you to the progress being made.

CGG Guide | Characters | Cursors | Alert Icons | Buildings
Luxuries | HUD Icons | Character Specific Functions | Building Specific Functions | Controls | Menus

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