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help with glich

By xeveningeagle
I was playing level 2 of pyramid and had found all 6 anks and when I was placing them two went to one pic and now I am short one and can not get into the big room to play the bianary math game. Is there any way to reset level to replay it? or get another ank? I am sure I have been through the whole level.

By kristi
Oh, my...I'm no help with glitches unless I've experienced them myself. I assume you have gone back to where you first found them to see if they have returned to their starting points. After that I would recommend going over to the developer's forums and ask there. It's a pretty active forum and hopefully someone will be able to help you. It's at I hope they can help you over there.

I took a look at c:/program data/enkord/totem tribe gold on my computer and there are a whole bunch of quest files. Mine go up 39. If yours don't, then maybe you could make a copy of that file and then delete the most recently changed one and see if you can replay that level, but honestly I'm just not all that sure that will work. However, it might be worth a shot, y'know?
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