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Title Replies Last Post
I was wondering where I can find the Oracle? I am completing my ques... 3 08/05/2013
Anyone can tell me how to go down to capture the North Wind. I've b... 3 01/01/2011
I cannot find Jack to open the chests. Where is he????? HELP!!!!! ... 3 02/22/2008
ok i have been to see the hermit lady and i have been down to that s... 3 08/20/2008
can someone tell me how to get the blessing from Hepitus?? I have al... 3 12/21/2008
books 3 04/07/2013
I have my dragon and have been to the island where Eredar is but I d... 3 01/20/2008
wut is the quickst way 2 beat hepititus? 3 12/28/2011
where is doras music box maybe im just over looking it ???... 3 05/28/2008
Where do you find the silver spoon??? Help PLEASE! 3 02/22/2008
I can't find that nymph serendipity. Some users speak of a sign in f... 3 02/19/2008
i have passed the donation box in elfwood, can i back there to donat... 2 04/15/2008
how do you open the red chests? I have jack and he opens the blue. d... 2 07/02/2008
HI I am near the end of the game to fight the snow Queen but it says... 2 11/27/2008
how do i get witch a acting guild card to get her a casting agent?... 2 02/28/2008
How do you move the ugly troll?? it says get something to move it bu... 2 02/25/2008
i have the empty bottle but can't catch the glow moths in misty forr... 2 03/03/2008
hi i've got 2 the land of the lost but can't get in! i've talked 2... 2 08/09/2011
In the volcano where you need to capter the dragon, how do you defea... 2 03/03/2008
How do you defeat the fire mage person and the phinexes in the volca... 2 03/03/2008
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