Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Walkthrough

Our Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Walkthrough is live and ready to help you find the cure to save your sister the queen. It's packed with everything you'll need as you embark on your journey to Goldthorne including detailed directions, custom marked screenshots, and simple puzzle solutions.

Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Walkthrough

In Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms, you're sister, the Queen, is deathly ill. Only the potions of the court wizard are keeping her alive, and even he doubts they will continue to work for much longer. The only thing that can save your sister is a mystical elixir that only one being knows the secret to - a Golden dragon who lives in the faraway kingdom of Goldthorne.

Using the magical mirror, you travel to Goldthorne, in search of answers, but it becomes quickly apparent that you are not welcome here. Now, you must brave unknown perils as you search for a way to save your sister in time.

But, not to worry... we're here to help! We've packed a Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Walkthrough for you to lend a hand whenever you're in trouble!

Dreampath Walkthrough

You'll find everything you'll need as you continue on your perilous journey, including detailed instructions, custom marked screenshots, and simple solutions to all the puzzles and mini-games you'll encounter as you play.

So don't fret about your dear sister. Our Dreampath: The Two Kingdoms Walkthrough is here to help you save her!