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Ok here is a good cheat for getting...

Ok here is a good cheat for getting alot of MONEY when you make it to the Castle level go to the casino and play. Find a coin worth a lot of money will work with any coin but keep clicking on the same coin and watch your payout it grows......... when you think you have a lot just take the payout.

By greenova
An even better way to get a bunch of money id to go to Blasted Blockades and go to the first Puzzle Challenge. When you blow up the bombs, it blows up tons of bombs. This give you bunches of coins. I am working my way to a million coins, if that is even possible. I will soon find. And, don't beat the puzzle every time. To save time, just blow up as many blocks and retry over and over again. I hope this helps some people out there.
By greenova
Just an edit to my above reply. I meant to say it blows up tons of BLOCKS not bombs.
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