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Farm Frenzy 2 Forum

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For the "expedient production"-awar...

For the "expedient production"-award you need to destroy two factories by clicking on them as fast and as long as you can. The production of the factories will be enhanced and the building will start to turn red. At some point the factory I it twice and you will get the award.

Has anybody a clue for "product street 1" I mean a clue how to get gold of course...

By jeanette
That is crazy. I accidentally blew one up once and tried not to do it again. Why would you get an award for doing something bad. I have racked my brain and had several ideas about how to get this award, but never would have done that on purpose. If only my son would have said yes when I asked him if he wanted to see it.

I got gold on Product street 1 by buying 4 chickens, after chickens lay 2 batches of eggs, sell all chickens. Make as much as you can into buns (don't make cakes) while truck is gone. When it gets back, sell everything: 2-3 egg powder (careful not to put them in bun factory), and 5-6 buns on the next truck load. Don't buy water, truck upgrade, or make cakes.
By jeanette
P.S. It might take a few tries to get fast laying chickens. You might need to keep clicking on the buildings to get them going faster. And obviously don't wait to start processing the eggs.

and on the first subject, that is not very "expedient"
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