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Farm Frenzy 2 Forum

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The tips for Product Street 7 are g...

The tips for Product Street 7 are great, but I found a better (and slightly quicker) way to do it.

After the first truck comes back, upgrade the warehouse and trap a second bear (whichever, but black pays the best). Instead of sending a single bear and the last chicken to market, send both bears. This way you will have a little more than you need for a pig after the third bear trip. Use the money to order your flour and tray as soon as you want. This way you can have your pastry all done and can speed click the pork factories.

With this, I finished the level 10 seconds before the gold time.

By lory
Hi, are you able to beat the best time in this level? is 2.04..... I can get gold everytime and everywhere, but this one for me is like powder street 5: impossible to beat best time!
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