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level 88 This solution is a bit ...

level 88

This solution is a bit long, but works. Let me know if anyone else can do it with fewer moves.

5 mostly horizontal blues left center
3 "L" blues left center
3 horizontal blues
5 blues
3 purple right center (between the blues)
3 purple on left just above blues
5 "U" shaped green on left
3 horizontal purple left top
6 green on left at top
3 horizontal purple on left top
3 purple on right just above blues
5 "U" shaped green on right
3 horizontal purple right top
7 greens right top
3 purples just above remaining blues
remaining blues
4 square purples 1 up from bottom center
13 green bottom center
17 purples left center
13 greens on left
5 purples on right
9 purples

By smokey
Not bad tzchaika, but you can more than double your score with the following solution.

Level 88 solution – 11,909 points

5 B x 2 in row 3 on left & right side
3 P x 2 in row 5 on left & right side
5 G x 2 in row 5 on left & right side
3 P x 2 in rows 8 & 6 on left side
3 P x 2 in rows 8 & 6 on right side
10 B in row 3
4 P in row 2
8 B in row 6
8 G in row 1
22 P
38 G
16 P

Happy Canada Day everyone

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