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Can someone please tell me how to j...

Can someone please tell me how to jump on the guitarist's head in level 5? I keep getting whacked when I get anywhere near him. The little music notes keep getting in the way too.

By jason
Avoid the notes. Wait underneath the giutarman and jump from behind him on his head. Then move underneath. Maybe you may be hit. But, I hope, you've got plenty of lives/hearts left.

By drevvy
The trick is to stay ABOVE the guitarist. Once you get to level 3, you can push on your spacebar twice and jump even higher, with a twist. Stay above the guitarist, bounce on him, then go down and hide. Come up behind him again and repeat. Don't forget you can click on your CTRL button to [bleep] things at those musical notes if you find it necessary.
By dl
If you come from behind, you can stand on the edge of the cloud (maybe with just one foot - the hest possible and still be on the cloud) and the guitarist can't reach you. From there, just keep throwing the star (ctrl button) to destroy him - you don't actually have to jump on him.
By b
Use your boomerang too...
By sher
I wait under him, jump and shoot his back. I always go after him this way. Sometimes I still will lose a life but only one at the most.
By hj
I Just twirl up by hitting the left and right arrows rapidly. Then I stay over his head and fall down on his head time after time. He's a goner!!
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