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Super Collapse 3 Forum


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I don't know if this is actually a ...

I don't know if this is actually a bug, but when I roll over Lava Levees, it says 19/20 completed. And when roll over Castle Collapse, it says 31/32 completed. But when I look at my trophies, I have all of them, including the keys...

By tiffany
ummm...i have every single trophy...but i'm still missing the multicolored bomb.
any luck with this...let me know!!

[email protected]

thanks bunches in advance!!!

By halakahiki82
i have all levels, i have the super shopper trophy, but what is this multi-colored bomb everyone keeps talking about?

someone email me please?
[email protected]
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.