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Roads of Rome 3 Forum

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episode 2 level 5

By juniorcj82
Can't get enough of anything to pay off monk or build fort or do anything of consequence. Help anyone? SBS would be helpful... Thanks!

By kristi
Did you take a look at our walkthrough? It's pretty much step-by-step.

Build order: Camp twice, Pumping Station, Sawmill, Quarry, Mine, Storehouse, Cobbler, Fishing Hut, Storehouse, Submarine, Settlement
1.Upgrade Camp twice
2.Build ladder down and then bridge over to the Pumping Station
3.Remove the snowdrift near Camp and chop trees
4.Pick up Key and open Teleport .
5.Get 2 stones by Sawmill
6.Put out the fire at the Sawmill and repair
7.Chop all the trees you can get to.
8.Build bridge to Quarry and Mine
9.Put out the fire at the Quarry and repair
10.Put out the fire at the Mine and repair
11.Clear the way to the Fishing Hut, noting carefully just how little you need to clear to get there
12.Build Storehouse
13.Build Cobbler
14.Put out the fire at the Fishing Hut and repair
15.Upgrade Storehouse
16.Build Submarine Station
17.Put out the fire at the Settlement and rebuild
18.Start repairing the road
19.Pay the Monk when you have enough supplies
20.Collect the Crystal near the Settlement and past the Monk
21.Finish the road.
By brutus
Step 4. Teleport shows the road is blocked and it won't open.
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