Island Tribe 4: Levels 1 to 10

Our Island Tribe 4 Walkthrough will be your tour guide as you travel through time and distant lands in search of the altar that can set your new friend, the pirate, free from his evil curse. This Island Tribe Walkthrough is packed full of helpful information as well as custom screenshots, detailed instructions, and videos of each and every level, so you won't have any trouble beating the game on hard mode.

Level 1

  1. Pick up all supplies
  2. Build bridge
  3. Build totem
  4. Build boat house
  5. Build totem

Level 1



Level 2

  1. Work to left to sawmill
  2. Work to bottom right
  3. Repair the totem (6 wood)
  4. Work to bottom left
  5. Repair the totem (6 stone)
  6. Repair the dock (8 wood)

Level 2



Level 3

  1. Clear to sawmill and upgrade
  2. Clear to bottom left and repair quarry
  3. Build totem
  4. Build bridge
  5. Upgrade camp
  6. Drive away bear
  7. Put out fire at fisherman's hut and repair
  8. Build totem
  9. Drive away bear
  10. Build totem

Level 3



Level 4

  1. Clear to bottom left and upgrade sawmill
  2. Clear up the road
  3. Upgrade camp
  4. Repair boat house
  5. Repair totem
  6. Clear to top right
  7. Repair quarry
  8. Repair well
  9. Repair totem
  10. Repair totem
  11. Upgrade quarry
  12. Upgrade boathouse
  13. Repair totem
  14. Collect the fish in the top left
  15. Drive away bear

Level 4



Level 5

  1. Light fire
  2. Clear straight down the road and wait to light 2nd fire
  3. Pick up the logs and then wood just barely visible out of the shadow
  4. Light the fire and pick up everything; pkcing up the wood as it regenerates
  5. Repair the quarry and immediately upgrade
  6. Build bridge to the left
  7. Upgrade camp
  8. Build bridge to well and light fire
  9. Upgrade the well
  10. Work up the left side
  11. Build top right bridge and light the fire
  12. Put out the fire and repair the quarry
  13. Pick up the crystals
  14. Clear over to the top right crystals
  15. Upgrade the camp
  16. Pick up stones (need 20)
  17. Build bridge to the bear blocking the megamask and scare away
  18. Repair the megamask with 20 stones, then 5 crystals

Level 5



Level 6

  1. You start with 2 workers
  2. Clear to quarry
  3. Build bridge
  4. Upgrade quarry
  5. Build bridge
  6. Clear to well
  7. Scare away bear
  8. Build bridge
  9. Clear to sawmill
  10. Repair boathouse
  11. Put out fire on island and pick up crystals
  12. Build totem
  13. Return crocodile egg
  14. Scare away boar
  15. Clear up the left side
  16. Build totem
  17. Pick up crystals
  18. Pay the shaman 5 crystals and return crocodile egg
  19. Return 3rd crocodile egg
  20. Build totems
  21. Return 4th crocodile egg

Level 6



Level 7

  1. Clear to the top and over to the left
  2. Use one worker to get over to well and the other worker to goown to the sawmill
  3. Upgrade the sawmill three times
  4. Keep clearing top and bottom
  5. Remove boars
  6. Upgrade camp
  7. Upgrade quarry three times
  8. Build totems
  9. Upgrade well twice
  10. Clear the left road
  11. Build 3rd totem
  12. Clear the bottom road to the left
  13. Build the last two totems
  14. Clear to the center
  15. Build the megatotem with 20 stone, 40 wood, 15 stone

Level 7


Level 8

  1. Clear to bottom left
  2. Upgrade the sawmill twice
  3. Clear to the top left
  4. Build totem
  5. Build boat house
  6. Upgrade camp
  7. Pick up fish
  8. Drive away bear
  9. Upgrade boat station twice
  10. Upgrade fisherman
  11. Upgrade camp
  12. Upgrade quarry twice
  13. Upgrade fisherman
  14. Build totem
  15. Build totem on island
  16. Clear bottom  island
  17. Upgrade well twice
  18. Clear to farm and upgrade three times
  19. Build totem
  20. Drive bear of last island and build totem

Level 8



Level 9

  1. Clear down to farm to pick up grain
  2. Clear up to sawmill and upgrade
  3. Clear down to the right
  4. Upgrade the sawmill twice more
  5. Upgrade camp
  6. Clear around the circle
  7. Build center totem
  8. Clear to quarry  and upgrade 3 times
  9. Clear to well and upgrade
  10. Upgrade camp
  11. Upgrade farm twice
  12. Repair cotton farm
  13. Build 2 totems
  14. Build bottom right bridge and clear
  15. Build totem
  16. Build top bridge
  17. Give top right shaman 10 cotton
  18. Give bottom right shaman 15 stone
  19. Give bottom left 15 grain
  20. Build path to alter for 8 stone

Level 9



Level 10

  1. Clear to sawmill
  2. Upgrade the sawmill three times
  3. Clear to the well
  4. Clear down the road
  5. Upgrade the apiary
  6. Upgrade camp
  7. Pick up honey and clear wasp
  8. Upgrade camp
  9. Clear down to farm and upgrade
  10. Build bridge and clear to fisherman
  11. Upgrade the fisherman
  12. Clear to quarry and upgrade
  13. Build totem
  14. Remove bear
  15. Upgrade quarry
  16. Upgrade fisherman twice more
  17. Remove bear blocking door
  18. Build totems
  19. Open door with 10 Fish
  20. Pick up milk and drive off porcupine
  21. Build the totem
  22. Keep working up the road
  23. Open the next door with 10 grain
  24. Open the last door with 10 honey
  25. Restore altar in 3 stages with 10 stone, 10 wood, 5 stone

Level 10



Bonus Level 1

  1. Clear to sawmill and upgrade sawmill 3 times
  2. Pick up 3 stones
  3. Clear down to quarry
  4. Clear down to well
  5. Upgrade camp twice
  6. Clear to farm and upgrade
  7. Upgrade quarry, well, apiary
  8. Upgrade farm, quarry, apiary twice
  9. Work to all corners and fill each altar with 15 of the require items and build totems
  10. Clear boar at the top to get last fish
  11. Clear bear and build totem
  12. Build bridge to top right and fill wood totem

Bonus Level 1