Farm Fables: Chapter 1: Stages 1 to 10

Trust our Farm Fables Walkthrough to be your personal farm hand as it guides your through each stage of this charming farm time management game. With video solutions and detailed instructions for each and every level, you'll have no problem achieving gold time for every level.

[b]Stage 1[/b] Goal: 5 eggs Gold time: 1:30 [NUMBERED] [item]Plant 6 grass [/item] [item]Buy 2 chickens [/item] [item]Plant 6 grass [/item] [item]Pick up eggs [/item] [item]My time: 1:11[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 2[/b] Goal: 11 wheat Gold time: 2:20 [NUMBERED] [item]Plant 4 wheat [/item] [item]Harvest original grass [/item] [item]Sell all grass and chickens [/item] [item]Plant 6 wheat [/item] [item]Buy 2nd storage [/item] [item]Plant and harvest 11th wheat [/item] [item]My time: 0:55[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 3[/b] Goal: 10 flour Gold time: 3:30 [NUMBERED] [item]Plant 4 wheat [/item] [item]Buy flour tool and process [/item] [item]Sell chicken and any eggs [/item] [item]Plant 4 wheat [/item] [item]Sell 2nd chicken and any eggs and grass [/item] [item]Plant 2 wheat [/item] [item]Buy 2nd flour tool and process [/item] [item]My time: 1:21[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b] Stage 4 [/b] Goal: 15 flour, 5 eggs Gold time: 5:00 [NUMBERED] [item]Plant 2 grass [/item] [item]Process wheat as available [/item] [item]Sell 2 wheat [/item] [item]Plant 1 grass and 5 wheat [/item] [item]Pick up eggs [/item] [item]Sell 2 flour and 2 wheat [/item] [item]Plant 6 wheat [/item] [item]Upgrade flour tool [/item] [item]Sell 3 flour [/item] [item]Plant 5 wheat [/item] [item]Sell 4 flour [/item] [item]Build 2nd storage [/item] [item]Plant wheat as you have money [/item] [item]Sell 2 flour [/item] [item]Sell chicken and grass after collecting 5 eggs [/item] [item]Plant wheat and process flour to meet flour goal [/item] [item]My time: 2:50[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 5[/b] Goal: 8 bread, 25 eggs Gold time: 5:00 [NUMBERED] [item]Sell 5 chickens [/item] [item]Destroy 1 flour tool and 1 bread tool [/item] [item]Build 2 storage [/item] [item]Process 2 bread [/item] [item]Plant 4 grass and 2 wheat [/item] [item]Sell first 2 bread [/item] [item]Plant 6 wheat [/item] [item]Process the bread and pick up the eggs [/item] [item]As you pick up the last few eggs, you will hit capacity on storage [/item] [item]Leave enough eggs to meet the goal on the ground and sell the chickens [/item] [item]Upgrade one storage to 20 [/item] [item]Pick up eggs and finish bread [/item] [item]My time: 2:16[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 6[/b] Goal: 5 pasta Gold time: 3:30 [NUMBERED] [item]Sell the sheep [/item] [item]Buy a chicken [/item] [item]Plant 2 grass and 4 wheat [/item] [item]Buy a flour tool and a pasta tool [/item] [item]Plant 2 grass and 1 wheat [/item] [item]Process the flour and pasta as you have the eggs [/item] [item]My time: 1:50[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 7[/b] Goal: 1500 gold Gold time: 7:00 [NUMBERED] [item]Plant 5 wheat [/item] [item]Buy 2 flour tools [/item] [item]Process flour and sell it [/item] [item]Plant wheat as you have money [/item] [item]When you start planting more wheat, sell any wheat over 4 when you sell flour [/item] [item]My time: 4:33[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 8[/b] Goal: 5 pasta, 5 flour, 3 coorn Gold time: 5:00 [NUMBERED] [item]Sell 3 chickens; keep one. [/item] [item]Plant 1 grass, 2 corn, 1 wheat [/item] [item]Destroy 1 flour tool [/item] [item]Sell the corn and process the wheat [/item] [item]Plant 1 grass, 2 wheat, and 2 corn twice [/item] [item]Process wheat [/item] [item]Sell flour and corn [/item] [item]Plant 3 corn and 3 wheat until end [/item] [item]Sell the chicken and grass after collecting 5 eggs [/item] [item]Sell all the flour and corn [/item] [item]Process 3 more wheat [/item] [item]Build 2nd storage [/item] [item]Plant 3 corn and 3 wheat [/item] [item]Destroy flour tool (now have 2 left) [/item] [item]Build a pasta tool after selling more corn [/item] [item]Plant 3 corn and sell it [/item] [item]Process flour and pasta [/item] [item]Plant 3 corn and 3 wheat, selling the corn until you have enough wheat to meet the flour and pasta goal [/item] [item]My time: 3:34[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 9[/b] Goal: 8 corn, 33 eggs Gold time: 6:00 [NUMBERED] [item]Sell 5 chickens [/item] [item]Plant 4 grass and 4 corn [/item] [item]Sell corn [/item] [item]Buy 2 storage [/item] [item]Repeat with grass and corn, selling the corn and picking up eggs [/item] [item]Upgrade 2 storage when you have the money after planting corn [/item] [item]Sell the chickens when you have collected the required eggs [/item] [item]Plant 8 corn [/item] [item]My time 2:52[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube] [b]Stage 10[/b] Goal: 6 oil, 5 bread Gold time: 4:20 [NUMBERED] [item]Sell sheep [/item] [item]Plant 2 corn and 4 wheat [/item] [item]Sell the corn and process the wheat to bread [/item] [item]Plant 4 corn and 1 wheat [/item] [item]Sell the corn [/item] [item]Plant 6 corn and sell until you have enough for the oil tool after planting a few corn [/item] [item]Make oil and sell as needed to get enough corn to make and keep 6 oil [/item] [item]My time: 2:50[/item] [/NUMBERED] [youtube][/youtube]