Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon Walkthrough & Cheats

Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon Walkthrough from Casual Game Guides provides complete step-by-step instructions for the entire game, detailed hidden object areas, and solutions, including videos, to nearly every puzzle. Is the town really plagued by a werewolf, or is it something more... human?

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Overview: You, the detective, have arrived in a town besieged by wolves... or is it a werewolf? You need to find out the truth, before it's too late for the citizens.

Hints: These are unlimited, but must refill.

Hidden Object Areas: Items are random for every player, inventory items will be circled. Items in yellow mean another action must be performed to obtain the highlighted item, these will also be circled/noted.

Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1
  1. speak to Gerard
  2. scare the crow away
  3. click on the well
  4. take the Bucket of Water
  5. examine the grate under the window
  6. read the note
  7. pick up the Hook
  8. examine the grate again
  9. use the Hook to retrieve the Medallion
  10. go into the residence on the right
  11. pull back the curtain
  12. speak to the little girl
  13. examine the table beside the little girl
  14. take the Key
  15. examine the cupboard and use the Key on the lock
  16. look inside the cupboard - hidden object area
  17. take the Handle




  1. examine the door on the right
  2. replace the Handle
  3. go through the door
  4. examine the drawer on the left
  5. take the Gold Butterfly
  6. examine the right cupboard door directly above the drawer
  7. take the Blue Pinhead
  8. examine the portrait
  9. take the Brush
  10. use the Bucket of Water to put out the fire
  11. examine the wood pile and take the Gold Pinhead
  12. go down
  13. pull the cloth off the basket
  14. open the basket and look inside
  15. Basket Puzzle
    1. replace the Gold and Blue Pinheads
    2. move the pinheads around so they match the picture in the upper-left corner
    3. this puzzle is random
  16. take the Trap
  17. go though the door
  18. place the Trap on the floor by the chain
  19. take the Dull Knife from the little girl
  20. exit the residence
  21. talk to Gerard
  22. go forward
  23. read the board and take the Lantern
  24. examine the hole in the wall underneath the window
  25. use the Brush on the cobwebs
  26. take the Empty Bottle
  27. notice the blood on the ground
  28. continue forward
  29. click on the wolf
  30. examine the window on the left
  31. place the Gold Butterfly in the music box
  32. take the Clock Hands
  33. examine the window on the right
  34. go right
  35. examine the carriage - hidden object area
  36. take the Crowbar




  1. go down and continue forward
  2. click on the wolf
  3. examine the tool shed - to the left of the gates
  4. click the peddle several times to spin the wheel fast
  5. use the Dull Knife on the spinning wheel to sharpen it
  6. receive Sharp Knife
  7. examine the small door
  8. Door Puzzle
    1. use the arrows on all sides to arrange the tiles so they match the pictures on the left
    2. see video for solution(s)

  1. look inside
  2. use the Sharp Knife to cut the rope
  3. go through the gate
  4. click on the wolf
  5. examine the fire pit on the right
  6. take the Flint Stone
  7. continue forward
  8. talk to Gerard
  9. give the Lantern to Gerard
  10. examine the body - hidden object area
  11. take the  Lock of Hair


  1. go left
  2. examine the table and take the Screwdriver
  3. make a note of the drawing
  4. open the chest against the back wall
  5. take the Ink Pot
  6. examine the clock
  7. replace the Clock Hands
  8. Clock Puzzle
    1. move the hands so the colors of the hand match the colors on the clock face
    2. moving one hand will cause another hand to move
  9. take the Circus Ticket
  10. go down and continue forward
Chapter 2
  1. talk to Madlen
  2. give Madlen the Circus Ticket
  3. enter the tent
  4. examine the cage - hidden object area
  5. take the Faucet



  1. go left
  2. examine the crate on the right
  3. use the Crowbar on the nails
  4. open the crate and move the items around
  5. take the Ornate Disc
  6. go down and enter the circus tent
  7. talk to Madlen
  8. turn the bullseye
  9. Bullseye Puzzle
    1. turn the discs so the colors match either other top/bottom, left/right
    2. example: if the bottom of the top disc is green, then the top of the bottom disc should also be green
    3. see screenshot for solution


  1. take the Ornate Disc
  2. examine the cabinet
  3. Cabinet Puzzle
    1. replace the Ornate Discs
    2. rotate the discs so the colored arrows are pointing to their matching colored dots0
  4. take the Saw
  5. go down twice
  6. examine the cart on the right
  7. use the Screwdriver on the screws holding the box shut - one is above the lock and one is below
  8. open the box and take the Tranquilizer
  9. go forward and left
  10. use the Tranquilizer on the wolf
  11. use the Saw to cut open the cage
  12. examine the inside of the cage and take a Lock of Hair
  13. go down
  14. examine the cage - hidden object area
  15. take the Doorknob



  1. go down twice
  2. examine the body - hidden object area
  3. take the Paper


  1. examine the barrel/keg
  2. use the Faucet on the keg
  3. place the Empty Bottle beneath the Faucet and turn the handle
  4. take the Wine Bottle
  5. go forward
  6. examine the gypsy wagon
  7. place the Paper on the ink press
  8. use the Ink Pot on the ink press
  9. click the handle twice
  10. take the Prefecture Pass
  11. go down five times and right once
  12. examine the door on the left
  13. use the door knocker and give the Prefecture Pass to the man
  14. enter the building
Chapter 3
  1. examine the desk
  2. flip through the pages of the book
  3. open the drawer
  4. Colored Ball Puzzle
    1. move the colored balls around so they red, green, and blue are in their matching spots
    2. this puzzle is random
  5. take the Lens
  6. go down the stairs
  7. pick up the Spade


  1. talk to Gerard
  2. examine the microscope
  3. Microscope Puzzle
    1. replace the Lens
    2. place each Lock of Hair under the microscope
    3. find the differences between the two samples and remove the pieces of hair that do not match - there are three in total
  4.   examine the work area under the right window
  5. open up the piece of crumpled paper and receive the Code Piece
  6. go down
  7. examine the desk
  8. replace the Code Piece
  9. examine the locked drawers on the left
  10. put the code from the book (1379)
  11. take the NH4OH
  12. examine the map
  13. go down
  14. examine the carriage - hidden object area
  15. take the Iron Rod



  1. go down and forward twice
  2. use the Iron Rod on the boulder
  3. go left
  4. examine the cart - hidden object area
  5. take the Axe


  1. examine the ground by the cave entrance
  2. use the Spade on the "X" and take the Chest
  3. go left
  4. use the Flint Stone to light the torch
  5. examine the drawing of the wolf on the cave wall
  6. take the Jeweled Eye


  1. go down and forward
  2. examine the door - hidden object area
  3. take the Tweezers



  1. examine the boarded door
  2. use the Axe to remove the boards
  3. go through the door
  4. remove the cabinet door - oops!
  5. look inside and take the Puzzle Piece
  6. examine the boar's head and replace the Jeweled Eye
  7. take the Puzzle Piece
  8. go down three times and forward four times (circus tent)
  9. give the Chest to Madlen
  10. Card Game
    1. match the cards
    2. once you flip two wrong matches they will swap places
  11. receive Card
  12. examine the door on the right
  13. use the Card to open the lock
  14. go through the door
  15. click on the girl
  16. take the Pocket Watch dangling from the tree
  17. take the Metal Claw in the tree branch


  1. examine the covered wagon
  2. use the Metal Claw to cut open the painting
  3. take the Necklace
  4. go down seven times and right
  5. enter the prefect's and go down the steps (lab)
  6. examine the glass bottles on the back wall
  7. place the Necklace in the acid
  8. use the Tweezers to retrieve the Diamond
  9. examine the board beneath the right window
  10. replace the Diamond in the glass cutter
  11. take the Glass Cutter
  12. go down three times
Chapter 4
  1. examine the window on the right
  2. use the Glass Cutter on the window 
  3. pull the lever and go through the window
  4. examine the bucket by the door and take the Puzzle Piece
  5. open the cupboard doors - hidden object area
  6. take the H2O2



  1. examine the middle shelf and take the Mace
  2. go down and right
  3. enter the prefect's and go down the stairs (lab)
  4. examine the glass bottles on the back wall
  5. place the H2O2, NH4OH, and the Wine Bottle in the green beaker
  6. take the Explosive
  7. go down three times, forward twice, and left twice (cave)
  8. examine the "hole" in the right side of the cave - by the bats
  9. use the Mace to break the cave wall
  10. take the Hook
  11. go down
  12. examine the cart - hidden object area
  13. take the Fishing Rod



  1. go forward
  2. examine the water at the end of the pier
  3. use the Fishing Rod to catch a Fish
  4. examine the cat under the dock and feed it the Fish
  5. pick up the Puzzle Piece
  6. examine the door - hidden object area
  7. take the Slingshot



  1. go through the door 
  2. remove the bear rug
  3. examine the lock
  4. use the Explosive on the lock
  5. Lock Puzzle
    1. replace the Puzzle Pieces
    2. swap the puzzle pieces in each ring then rotate the rings until they form a picture


  1. take the Cage
  2. go down twice and left (cave)
  3. place the Cage on the ground
  4. use the Slingshot on the beehive
  5. go forward
  6. examine the area between the legs of the signposts
  7. use the Hook to retrieve the Ladder from the hole in the ground
  8. go forward
  9. pick up the Metal Wheel and the Metal Parts
  10. go down six times (tailor's)
  11. place the Ladder against the right window
  12. replace the Doorknob and open the door
  13. go up
  14. click on the tailor's body
  15. examine the top of the corner shelf
  16. change the symbols so they match what was on the tailor's hand
  17. take the Key
  18. examine the candle
  19. take the Puzzle Piece
  20. go down
  21. examine the cupboard - hidden object area
  22. take the Lamp



  1. examine the small dresser in the left corner
  2. Tailor Puzzle
    1. replace the Puzzle Pieces
    2. swap the tiles until they form a picture
    3. if the puzzle piece turns gray it is in the correct spot
  3. take the Clamp Part
  4. go down once, forward twice, and left three times
  5. use the Lamp to see inside the hole in the tree
  6. examine the hole in the tree - hidden object area
  7. take the Pincers



  1. go forward
Chapter 5
  1. examine the mechanical figure
  2. use the Key on the lock and turn it three times
  3. go through the door
  4. examine the body of the scientist
  5. pick up the Blue Glass


  1. go right
  2. examine the book on the left
  3. take the Wrench
  4. examine the vice
  5. place the Clamp Part on the vice
  6. place the Pocket Watch in the vice
  7. use the Wrench to retrieve the Lock Pick
  8. examine the bookshelf - hidden object area
  9. take the Red Glass



  1. go down eight times and right once
  2. examine the gate
  3. Gate Puzzle
    1. use the Lock Pick on the gate
    2. swap the locks on the left side so they line up with the locks on the right and fit together


Note: I had trouble getting a screenshot, but the left side does show the correct locks
  1. go through the gate
  2. examine the crates in the left corner
  3. take the Net
  4. examine the archway - hidden object area
  5. take the Oil Can



  1. go down twice, up twice, left three times, up twice and right (scientist's)
  2. examine the bookshelf - hidden object area
  3. take the Iron Weight



  1. examine the trap door
  2. use the Oil Can on the hinges
  3. go through the trap door
  4. pick up the Crucible


  1. place the Iron Weight on the hook
  2. click on the weight and pull it back so it swings and smashes the wall
  3. take the Broken Sword
  4. examine the book and take the Sheet Music
  5. examine the coals
  6. use the bellows to heat up the coals
  7. place the Crucible on top of the coals
  8. place the Metal Parts inside the Crucible
  9. turn the handle that's attached to the Crucible
  10. turn the left handle on the mold
  11. use the Pincers to pick up the Hot Frame
  12. go down
  13. examine the water pump and replace the Metal Wheel
  14. turn the Metal Wheel
  15. go through the trap door
  16. place the Hot Frame in the water trough
  17. take the Window Frame
  18. go down twice
  19. place the Sheet Music on the organ
  20. Organ Puzzle
    1. click the keys that match the letters on the Sheet Music
  21. click the back of the organ
  22. Wolf Puzzle
    1. the object is to connect all the pieces
    2. see video for solution

  1. take the Stained Glass
  2. examine the left window and replace the Window Frame
  3. use the Red and Blue Glass on the Window Frame
  4. examine the right window and replace the Stained Glass
  5. make a note of where the light shines
  6. examine the box above the ladder
  7. Box Puzzle
    1. place the Broken Sword where the lever is missing
    2. pull the levers according to where the light beams hit the floor
    3. solution: left lever = all the way down; right lever = all the way up
  8. examine the hidden door
  9. place the Medallion in the door frame
  10. take the Grappling Hook
  11. go down seven times, right once and forward
  12. examine the archway - hidden object area
  13. take the Steel Rake


  1. examine the lit window on the left
  2. use the Grappling Hook on the window
  3. go through the window
  4. use the Net to catch the Bird
  5. examine the bird cage at the back of the room
  6. place the Bird in the cage and shut the door
  7. remove the shield from the wall on the right
  8. Slider Puzzle
    1. move the pieces around until you can slide out the "key"
    2. see video for solution

  1. take the Key
  2. examine the box revealed by the birdcage
  3. use the Key on the box and turn it
  4. take the Puzzle Piece
  5. go down three times, forward twice, and three left (tree)
Chapter 6
  1. examine the hole in the tree - hidden object area
  2. take the Pick



  1. go right
  2. examine the wall on the right
  3. use the Pick on the wall and take the Sickle
  4. examine the gate
  5. Gate Puzzle
    1. replace the Puzzle Piece
    2. use the arrows in the corners to rotate the pieces
    3. the object is to match the picture in the center
    4. see video for solution

  1. go through the gate
  2. pick up the Bucket


  1. examine the tree on the right
  2. use the Steel Rake to remove the leaves
  3. take the Portrait
  4. go right
  5. examine the pile of sand on the right
  6. use the Bucket on the sand
  7. examine the area between the house and the swing and you'll discover a shield
  8. use the Sickle to remove the vines and retrieve the Shield
  9. go down and forward
  10. examine the portrait on the left
  11. tear back the corner and take the Pliers
  12. pour the Bucket of Sand on the fire and take the Nail
  13. examine the right door
  14. place the Shield on the right door
  15. Door Puzzle
    1. flip the red circles until all three show the lion
  16. examine the door - hidden object area
  17. take the Hammer



  1. go down
  2. examine the statue on the right
  3. use the Pliers to bend the metal pins
  4. take the Portrait
  5. go right
  6. examine the swing set
  7. use the Nail on the right side to fix the swing set
  8. use the Hammer on the nail
  9. click on the swing and pull it back so it hits the ladder
  10. go through the window
  11. examine the bedside table
  12. Bedroom Puzzle
    1. move the yellow strings so the light passes through all the blue ones
    2. see video for solution

  1. take the Portrait
  2. go down twice and forward
  3. examine the wall with the portraits
  4. replace all the Portraits
  5. take the Shield
  6. examine the door on the left
  7. place the Shield on the door
  8. Door Puzzle
    1. rotate the inner/outer rings to form the picture of a wolf face
  9. go through the door
  10. examine the bookshelf - hidden object area
  11. take the Statuette (Note: this item is not actually listed in the scene for you to find)


  1. go down twice, right, and through the window (bedroom)
  2. examine the dresser
  3. place the Statuette on the dresser
  4. take the Cord
  5. place the Cord on the bell beside the bed
  6. pull the Cord
  7. open the box and take the Telescope
  8. place the Telescope on the stand by the window
  9. Telescope Puzzle
    1. move the lens's around until you see a set of numbers
    2. solution: upper left, lower right, upper right, lower left
  10. make a note of the number
  11. go down twice and forward
  12. examine the right door - hidden object area
  13. take the Glue



  1. go left
  2. examine the globe
  3. input the numbers you saw in the telescope
  4. take the Rail and read the diary excerpt
  5. examine the bookshelf - hidden object area
  6. take the Glove


  1. examine the broken railing - on the floor to the right of the ladder
  2. replace the Rail
  3. move the ladder and click the red book
  4. look inside the secret door
  5. pick up the Wheel


  1. go down three times
Chapter 7
  1. talk to Gerard
  2. enter the hotel
  3. pick up the Ladder


  1. examine the front desk - hidden object area
  2. take the Sponge



  1. go up the stairs
  2. talk to Madlen
  3. examine the sink
  4. place the Sponge in the soapy water and then use it clean the mirror
  5. make a note of what you see in the mirror
  6. place the ladder against the shelves to reach the Oil
  7. go down
  8. examine wall behind the chair
  9. use the Oil to move the chest
  10. examine locker #42
  11. Locker Puzzle
    1. move the outer circle to 48 and the inner circle to 24
  12. take the Clothes Bag
  13. examine the front desk - hidden object area
  14. take the Handle



  1. go upstairs
  2. examine the crate on the left
  3. place the Glue and Handle on top of the crate
  4. use the Glue to attach the Handle to the File
  5. give the Clothes Bag to Madlen
  6. receive Pillowcase Rope
  7. examine the window and use the File on the bars
  8. use the Pillowcase Rope to escape out the window
  9. go forward twice, left once, and forward
Chapter 8
  1. examine the dock and replace the Wheel
  2. turn the Wheel
  3. examine the ground - hidden object area
  4. take the Rock


  1. go forward
  2. throw the Rock at the bird
  3. pick up the Screw


  1. examine the jugs
  2. use the Glove to remove the poison ivy
  3. take the Clippers
  4. examine the shed door - not the main door
  5. place the Screw in the latch and slide open the latch
  6. look inside the shed - hidden object area
  7. take the Awl



  1. go down
  2. examine the door
  3. use the Awl on the lock
  4. pull out the rug from under the door and take the Key
  5. use the Key to open the lock
  6. go inside
  7. examine the mechanism on the back wall
  8. Arrow Puzzle
    1. drag the arrow around the puzzle to release it
    2. see video for solution

  1. receive Arrow Button
  2. examine the arrow button to the right
  3. replace the Arrow Button
  4. press the up arrow
  5. examine the cage and use the Clippers to free Louise
  6. examine the cage and take the Magnet
  7. go down
  8. examine the ground - hidden object area
  9. take the Puzzle Piece


  1. go forward
  2. examine the hole in the ground by the stables
  3. use the Magnet to retrieve the Spike
  4. examine the shed - hidden object area
  5. take the Whip



  1. go down
  2. examine the upper window
  3. use the Whip to retrieve the Mallet
  4. go into the hut
  5. examine the locked box
  6. use the Spike and Mallet to break the lock
  7. take the Puzzle Piece
  8. go down and forward
  9. examine the stable doors
  10. Stable Door Puzzle
    1. replace the Puzzle Pieces
    2. the object is to fit all the pieces into the puzzle
    3. see screenshot for solution


  1. enter the stables
The End...?

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