General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4



Tasks: Repair 1 Well; Repair 1 Fisherman's Cottage; Repair 1 Bridge

Given Resources: 5 Gold; 4 Wood; 3 Food

Bonuses: Additional Worker; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: The fisherman's hut does not need to be constructed; just repair the fisherman's cottage which brings 2 food per cycle. Construct a well to make the workers move and work faster. The southeast road does not need to be repaired. Use the bonuses of your choice. The quicksand roads take 6 wood and 3 food to repair each section. The sand dune roads take 6 gold and 6 food to repair each section. There is no warehouse on this level so no more than 20 of each resource can be accumulated.

•  Collect the resources in the starting area.

•  Construct the sawmill.

•  Repair the 2 sections of road leading to the well in the southwest corner.

•  Repair the well.

•  Collect all available resources.

•  Construct the Marketplace.

•  Repair the 2 sections of quick sand road leading to the fisherman's cottage in the northwest.

•  Repair the fisherman's cottage.

•  Collect all available resources.

•  Repair the 6 sections of sand dune covered roads leading to the exit in the northeast.

•  Repair the bridge.



Tasks: Pick 1 Desert rose; Remove 2 Rocks.

Given Resources: 5 Gold; 4 Wood; 3 Food

Bonuses: One-plus resource; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: A bat will appear periodically throughout the level. Click on the bat multiple times to remove. This level can be challenging to finish before nightfall and may take some practice. Unlike previous levels, all roads will be cleared and all resources will be collected. Also all buildings will be constructed and completely upgraded.

•  Collect 1 food resource in front of the shack and the wood slightly to the left of the shack.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood).

•  Collect the rest of the resources.

•  Upgrade the sawmill as soon as 8 wood is collected.

•  Clear the sand dune to the right of the shack.

•  Collect the gold chest blocking access to the roads slightly northeast of the shack.

•  Clear the sand dune to the north of the shack on the road that leads to the well.

•  Construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Collect the wood and gold chest using the resource bonus along the road leading to the rose after the warehouse is completed and the bat is removed Select the one-plus resource bonus when your worker is almost to the shack after picking up the wood, not wasting any of the bonus on having the worker walk to the wood.

•  Repair the road section leading to the west well; then repair the well. Your worker will now move slightly faster and in this level it makes a big difference.

•  Repair the 2 sections of the east road that leads north to the exit.

•  Upgrade the shack to a Cottage

•  Use the one-plus resource bonus and collect the wood and another gold chest that appears.

•  Construct the fisherman's hut (8 wood)

•  Have one worker remove the next sand dune on the road leading to the exit and the other worker repair the well in the southwest.

•  Construct the Market.

•  Have one worker repair the road leading to the rose and the other worker work on the road leading to the exit.

•  Upgrade the cottage to a lodge (20 wood) and upgrade the fisherman's hut while the workers are clearing the road.

•  Have one worker clearing the road at all times by selecting the next section that needs to be repaired or cleared as soon as the circle around the section turns green. Have one worker on stand-by to repair the next section and the third worker can collect the rose and the resources while the one-plus resource bonus is in effect.



Tasks: Collect 50 Gold; Construct a Large Warehouse; Repair 3 Bridges

Given Resources: 10 Gold; 10 Wood; 10 Food

Bonuses: One-plus resource; Additional Worker; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: This level is pretty straight forward and if you've made it this far into the game there isn't much information to relay. The road to the northwest leading to the water doesn't need to be repaired; but if you want to go ahead, you'll probably have the time.

•  Construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  When the warehouse is almost completed, collect 2 piles of wood and construct the sawmill (5 wood). Wait to pick up the rest of the resources when the one-plus resource bonus can be activated.

•  Clear the first sand dune to the north.

•  Wait for a little while; collect the available resources while the one-plus resource bonus is activated.

•  Upgrade the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Repair the bridge along the east road.

•  Repair a road section on the east road east of the bridge.

•  Upgrade the shack to a Cottage (10 Wood).

•  Have one worker construct the east well and the other worker remove a sand dune on the north road leading to the exit in front of the well.

•  Have one worker construct the middle well and the other worker remove a sand dune from the east road.

•  Have workers collect resources utilizing the one-plus resource bonus.

•  Construct the market (10 wood) and the fisherman's hut (8 wood).

•  Have one worker clear the road, build the road and bridges leading to the exit and the other repair and clear the east road.

•  Upgrade the warehouse (12 wood).

•  Have workers collect resources while activating the one-plus resource bonus as soon as resources and the bonus is available.



Tasks: Pick 1 Desert Rose; Remove 2 Boulders

Given Resources: 3 Gold; 6 Wood; 3 Food

Bonuses: One-plus resources; Workers work faster; Additional worker, Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: What was learned in the previous level holds true for this level. Fully upgrade the warehouse so that all resources are multiplied. There is a fisherman's hut and a fisherman's cottage available on this level. To maintain a food source build the fisherman's hut and upgrade it and/OR build the fisherman's cottage. The fisherman's hut cost 8 wood to build plus 10 wood to upgrade. If you can maintain the food supply by using the one-plus resource bonus until the workers can reach the fisherman's cottage, it won't cost any wood; but will cost time as a worker will need to build the cottage. Construct the warehouse as early as possible while maintaining a work flow as it's costly to clear through the boulders.

The east road doesn't need to be repaired and cleared. You might want to clear a small portion of the east road to access the well and build the well to have the workers move and work faster. There are many ways to complete this level before nightfall below is the way I achieved the level.

•  Construct the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Collect the wood resource that is blocking the road to the well in the southeast.

•  Collect 1 gold chest and 1 food resource.

•  Clear the sand dune on the road in front of the southeast well site.

•  Repair the southeast well and construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Use the one-plus resource bonus and collect all available resources.

•  Construct the marketplace (10 wood) and upgrade the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Remove the sand dune on the central road.

•  Use the one-plus resource bonus when available.

•  Clear and repair the road to the fisherman's cottage.

•  Repair the fisherman's cottage.

•  Upgrade the warehouse (12 wood).

•  Clear more of the road headed north and upgrade the cottage when available (10 wood).

•  Have one worker repair the road and bridge in the northwest while the other worker is clearing the boulders.

•  Collect the gold west of the bridge with the one-plus resource bonus activated.

•  Use the work fast bonus on the boulders.

•  Upgrade to a lodge (20 wood) and have one worker on stand-by to reach the boulders as fast as possible and the other pick the desert rose.



Task: Remove 3 Boulders

Given Resources: 5 Gold; 5 Wood; 5 Food

Bonuses: Workers work faster; One-plus resources; Stop clock for 10 seconds

Strategies and Info: This is another challenging level to complete before nightfall. It may take some practice. There is no marketplace or mine so all gold needs to be collected when the warehouse is completely upgraded. A bat appears periodically. Rapid clicking on the bat will make it explode. The northeast curved road and the middle bridge do not need repairing and clearing. Build the south and west wells. Upgrade all buildings except the Lodge. Repair the west and east bridges gathering resources by using the bonus. Remove the boulders using the work fast bonus. Collect all but 2-3 gold chests using the resource bonus or there won't be enough gold to remove the bolders because there isn't a mine or a marketplace available on this level.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood).

•  Collect all the resources available.

•  Upgrade the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Repair the north road until it reaches the road that goes east for now.

•  Repair one section of the east road to gain access to the resources at the bottom of the curved road. Don't clear the sand dune on the road that leads to the northeast well.

•  Clear a section on the bottom road that goes west.

•  Construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Collect the wood pile near the bottom of the east road and activate the one-plus resource bonus and collect the wood and the food. Leave the gold until your warehouse is completely upgraded

•  Construct the fisherman's hut (8 wood).

•  Upgrade the warehouse (12 wood) while repairing and clearing the bottom road.

•  Start to collect the resources and activate the one-plus resource bonus when the worker is almost to the shack.

•  Continue to use the one-plus resource bonus to gather resources until your workers reach the boulders near the exit, then use the work fast bonus.

•  Upgrade to a cottage (10 wood).

•  Have one worker finish repair and clear the bottom road and the other worker repair and clear the north road.

•  Repair the bridge leading to the gold off the bottom road.

•  Repair the west well and construct the south well.

•  Continue to clear and repair the road leading to the exit while repairing the east bridge.

•  Collect all gold using the one-plus resource bonus. This is very critical or there won't be enough gold to remove the boulders

•  Remove the boulders using the resource bonus. All but one boulder may be left and there may not be quite enough gold. A gold chest should appear by the south well shortly, collect it without using the resource bonus if you can so that you can remove the boulder with the working fast bonus.



Tasks: Pick 3 Desert Roses; Remove 4 Boulders

Given Resources: 5 Gold; 5 Wood; 5 Food

Bonuses: One-plus resource; Additional Worker

Strategies and Info: There is no need to clear and repair the very bottom south road after the bridge or the road to the gold in the north; doing so may result in not finishing the level before nightfall. The desert roses each take 5 gold and 1 food to collect

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood).

•  Collect all the available resources along the south road.

•  Remove the sand dunes along the south road while constructing the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Collect all available resources while using the one-plus resource bonus when available during the level until enough resources are acquired to complete the level.

•  Upgrade the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Repair the bridge along the south road.

•  Repair the north extension road off the south road leading to the desert roses.

•  Repair the fisherman's hut

•  Construct the market (10 wood) and repair the bridge near the north well towards the exit.

•  Have one worker clear and repair the road to the desert roses and the other worker repair the bridge and road sections leading to the boulders at the exit.

•  Upgrade the market and construct the other fisherman's hut.

•  Upgrade the Cottage to a lodge and have 2 workers remove the boulders (only one worker can remove the boulders at a time but you can place the curser over the next boulder that needs to be removed and a red circle will appear as soon as the red circle turns green select the boulder and the stand-by worker will travel to the boulder saving several seconds of time.

•  Have one worker collect the 3 desert roses.



Tasks: Get past 7 sections of quicksand.

Given Resources: 7 Gold; 10 Wood; 7 Food

Bonuses: Workers work faster; One-plus resources; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: Each section of quicksand takes 6 wood and 3 food to remove. This level can be difficult to complete before nightfall. The food and wood supplies can be challenging as you need to repair roads and bridges and clear the roads to reach the sawmill and fisherman's hut. A temple also needs to be constructed.

•  Construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Wait to collect the available resources until the warehouse is completed.

•  Collect the available resources so they replenish

•  Repair 1 section of road on the south road leading to the boulders.

•  Repair 1 section of the road leading to the bridge and the sawmill in the central portion of the scene.

•  Repair 1 section of the road leading to the fisherman's hut.

•  You should have about 7 wood; collect one pile of wood that is the most far away from the shack and upgrade the warehouse (12 wood).

•  After the warehouse is upgraded, collect the available resources using the resource bonus.

•  Repair 1 section of road before the north bridge leading to the fisherman's hut while constructing the market (10 wood).

•  Remove the first boulder leading to the exit in the south. You may have to collect a little gold to remove the boulder. It's important to move the boulder now so that the workers can collect the food so it will replenish, otherwise food resources become extremely tight.

•  Collect the available resources using the resource bonus.

•  Upgrade to a cottage (10 wood) while repairing the bridge to the fisherman's hut.

•  Repair and clear the roads to the fisherman's hut and the sawmill at the same time.

•  Collect all available resources while using the resource bonus.

•  Upgrade the cottage to a lodge (20 wood).

•  Repair the fisherman's hut and the sawmill; if you have enough wood, construct the well (10 wood) if you choose.

•  Remove the boulders leading to the exit while constructing the barracks (15 wood).

•  Have 2 workers clear the boulders and repair the quick sand roads while the other worker collects any resources that have replenished use the quick work and/or quick walking bonuses while completing the level.



Task: Collect all the 375 gold.

Strategy: This level is similar to the previous bonus levels. Clear the starting area; then send the 4 workers in different directions simultaneously until all the gold is collected.


Tasks: Repair 2 Bridges

Given Resources: 10 Gold; 10 Wood; 10 Food

Bonuses: Workers work faster; One-plus resource; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: Follow the advice given in the opening pop-up menu...don't put off repairing the bridges. A bat will appear periodically throughout the level; explode the bat by quickly clicking on it multiple times. There is no need to clear and repair the roads that branch to the south. The only south road that needs to be cleared is the exit road.

•  Construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  When the warehouse is almost complete or completed gather the resources (1 food and 2 wood) in the starting area to clear the roads; leave the wood pile on the far east.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood) and repair the section of the road to the west of the shack.

•  Gather the wood pile before the next dilapidated road then repair the next section of road before the north bridge.

•  There will be a time when you'll have to wait for the resources to accumulate repairing the north fear...the bat will arrive so get rid of the bat.

•  Repair the north bridge.

•  Collect the available resources except the gold using the resource bonus while upgrading the sawmill (8 wood).

•  Repair the road that goes north after the bridge.

•  Construct the market (10 wood) while exploding another bat.

•  Collect the one wood pile at the crossroads of the north road.

•  Remove the sand dune and repair the section at the right of the north road.

•  Upgrade the warehouse (12 wood); then collect all available resources while using the resource bonus.

•  Construct the fisherman's hut (8 wood) and upgrade the market (12 wood).

•  Remove the sand dunes and repair the section of road along the road leading to the exit.

•  Upgrade to a Cottage (10 wood).

•  Collect the available resources with the resource bonus.

•  Start removing the boulders leading to the exit.

•  Upgrade the market and fisherman's hut to the max and construct the well as there should be plenty of wood by now.

•  Collect the available resources using the resource bonus.

•  Clear more of the boulders leading to the exit using the work faster bonus as there may be times you have to wait for the gold to accumulate.



Tasks: Dig up 1 Buried Treasure and Remove 6 Boulders

Given Resources: 10 Gold; 10 Wood; 10 Food

Bonuses: One-plus resource; Additional Worker

Strategies and Info: The buried treasure takes 8 gold and 4 food to dig up. Each of the boulders take 17 gold and 12 food to remove. The Temple will take 15 wood to construct.There is no warehouse available on this level therefore only 20 of each resource can be accumulated at one time. Removing 1 boulder almost wipes out the gold and food inventory. There will be some waiting on this level between removing boulders for the gold and food to accumulate. The market and the fisherman's hut will need to be upgraded completely to expedite their resource accumulation quicker. It takes more resources to repair and clear the southeast road than what can be collected. Use the resource bonus to collect gold and food in between moving the boulders.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood).

•  Collect one pile of wood and repair the 2 sections of road in front of the temple site.

•  Collect the food resource in front of the sand dune on the north road then clear the sand dune.

•  Collect the wood on the north road extension and any other resources available using the resource bonus while constructing the market (10 wood) and the fisherman's hut (8 wood). This way you can collect more wood as 18 wood was just used to construct the buildings.

•  Upgrade the sawmill (8 wood) as you'll need the wood to construct the Temple and to upgrade the market and fisherman's hut and there aren't many more wood resources available.

•  Remove the sand dune on the road that leads to the exit.

•  Repair 2 more sections of the north road that eventually leads to the treasure chest.

•  Collect the available resources using the resource bonus. Remember if you have 20 of an item it does no good to collect that item since there is no warehouse.

•  Construct the Temple (15 wood); then upgrade the market (12 wood) and the fisherman's hut (10 wood). R

•  Repair the northwest well. Construct and upgrade the shack to a cottage (10 wood) if desired when enough wood is accumulated.

•  Remove one of the boulders on the south road leading to the exit; then repair or clear a portion of the west road that leads to the buried treasure; then collect resources using the resource bonus and upgrade the buildings as desired. Continue this cycle until the level is complete. Repair the west extension of the south road only to collect 2 gold chests. The other roads take more resources to repair and clear than what can be collected. Remember to collect the buried treasure.



Tasks: Gather 70 Food; Collect 1 Bottle of Love Potion; Remove 4 Boulders

Given Resources: 4 Gold; 8 Wood; 4 Food

Bonuses: Additional Worker; Stop Clock for 10 Seconds; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: There is plenty of time to spare before nightfall if you don't clear and repair the road along the southeast side of the scene (will cost more than the resources that are available along the road). In order to collect 70 food construct the fisherman's hut and upgrade and repair the 2 abandoned huts. The bat is know what to do...make it explode by repeatedly clicking on it. Each boulder takes 17 gold and 12 food to remove. Use the stop clock bonus the most. It takes 5 gold and 2 food to collect the love potion for the eagle so you can fly to the next island.

•  Collect one stack of logs near the starting area and construct the warehouse (10 wood).

•  Wait until the warehouse is completed, then collect 2 stacks of logs and upgrade the warehouse (12 wood).

•  Collect the rest of the resources after the warehouse is completed. Collect all resources throughout the level as they replenish.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood) and then upgrade (8 wood).

•  Repair one section of the starting (north) road towards the east, then remove 1 sand dune and collect the logs and the food while constructing the market (10 wood) and the fisherman's hut (8 wood).

•  Repair the starting (north) road to the west and then repair one section towards the northwest leading to the northwest well. There will be periods where you'll have to wait for the wood and food resources to accumulate. Using the stop clock bonus lets the resources accumulate while time stands still.

•  Collect the 3 log piles while constructing the upgrading the market (12 wood) and the fishing hut (8 wood).

•  Repair the northwest well.

•  Repair the starting road to the east until the fisherman's in the northeast is reached; repair the fishing hut.

•  Repair the west bridge leading to the west fisherman's hut while upgrading to a cottage (10 wood) when 30 wood is in inventory.

•  Have one worker clear the road to the fishing hut while the other worker repairs the bridge to the exit.

•  Have one worker repair the fishing hut, collect the logs then repair and clear the area to the love potion while the other worker is removing the boulders to the exit. Upgrade the cottage to a lodge (20 wood) or construct the well by the house (10 wood)...your choice or do both if there is enough wood.



Task: Put all the pieces together and you'll be rewarded with a bottomless coffer. Meaning for every resource cycle, you'll receive one gold.


General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4

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