General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4

LEVEL 1.1: BEGINNING - Tutorial

Tasks: Chop up 3 fallen trees and branches

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 0 Wood; 8 Food

•  Select the 3 fallen trees and branches one at a time to clear the road. Start with the branches closest to the camp and work your way north.




Tasks: Construct a Farm, Build 1 Bridge

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 14 Wood; 5 Food

•  Build a Farm (10 Wood).

•  Clear the 3 fallen branches and trees on the left road. (Can be done while the Farm is being built as a worker does not construct buildings.)

•  Collect the supply of food on the left of the left road and the one that appears by the farm.

•  Rebuild the 3 dilapidated sections of the road.

•  Collect the supply of logs on the right side of the left road before the bridge.

•  Clear the fallen branches and trees on the right road to obtain enough wood to rebuild the bridge.

•  Rebuild the bridge when enough food and wood has been collected.



Tasks: Construct a Farm; Construct a Cottage; Repair 5 Sections of Swamp Road w/logs

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 20 Wood; 5 Food

Strategies and Info: It costs 3 Wood and 2 Food to repair each section of swamp road.

•  Build a Farm (10 Wood) and upgrade the shack to a Cottage (10 Wood).

•  Collect the food supply by the farm. Collect the resources as they become available throughout the level.

•  Clear the branches along the top road leading to the exit. It costs 2 food to remove each pile of branches.

•  When the second worker becomes available, have him clear the branches on the southwest road.

•  Have one worker start repairing the swamp road with logs when access is available after clearing the branches on the top road while the other worker continues to clear the southwest road.



Tasks: Repair the sawmill; Turn 7 sections of swamp into road using logs

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 22 Wood; 5 Food

Strategies and Info: The abandoned sawmill will take one worker to complete; it's not like the

•  Construct the Farm (10 wood) and upgrade the Cottage (10 wood).

•  Collect the 2 wood log piles. Collect additional resources as they are replenished.

•  Clear the fallen trees and branches on the southwest road.

•  Repair the bridge when 15 wood and 5 food resources have been collected.

•  Repair the Sawmill. The sawmill will now produce 1 wood every cycle.

•  Clear the additional branches to the north of the bridge and collect the log wood pile.

•  Repair the 7 sections of swamp road w/logs.



Tasks: Pick 3 flowers; Repair 2 Bridges

Given Resources: 3 Gold; 5 Wood; 3 Food

Bonus Available: Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: The flowers take 1 gold and 1 food to pick. The first bonus appears on this level. When the bonus is charged and selected the workers will walk faster. Each dilapidated road section takes 1 wood and 3 food to repair. Each bridge takes 15 wood and 5 food to repair.

•  Construct the Sawmill (5 wood).

•  Clear the branches in front of the road leading to the abandoned farm on the west road.

•  Restore the abandoned farm.

•  Collect the food resources; one is by the abandoned farm and the other is by the farm site in the south.

•  Clear the road leading to the flowers is the northwest of the scene.

•  Use the "fast walking" bonus each time it becomes available to expedite the workers walking speed.

•  Upgrade the Cottage when 10 plus wood has been collected.

•  Have one worker clear the road leading to the flowers in the northwest and clear and repair the road that runs north in front of the sawmill.

•  Have the other worker clear and repair the bridges and road on the east of the scene.

•  Collect additional food and wood as it becomes available.

•  Construct the farm for additional food (10 wood).

•  Pick the 3 pink flowers in the northwest.



Tasks: Plant 3 Flowers; Repair 1 Bridge

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 0 Wood; 5 Food

Bonus Available: Additional worker

Strategy and Info: It takes 3 gold, 1 wood and 2 food to plant each flower. Construct the farm as soon as enough wood is collected in order to have enough food for the workers. Then construct the Sawmill and Cottage. Use the extra worker bonus as soon as it's available. Have one to two workers clear the areas to reach the gold and plant the flowers; have the other worker clear the road and repair the bridge to the exit.

•  Collect the given food supply close to the shack.

•  Clear the west and middle roads to collect enough wood to construct the farm (10 wood).

•  Continue to clear the west and middle roads to collect enough wood to build the Sawmill and upgrade the shack to a Cottage.

•  Use the extra worker bonus as soon as it becomes available; have the extra worker assist in clearing the roads, collecting resources and/or planting the flowers.

•  Have one worker plant the flowers and the other worker clear the exit road and repair the bridge.



Tasks: Harvest 4 Pearls; Repair 2 Bridges; Construct a Temple

Given Resources: 5 Gold; 3 Wood; 3 Food

Bonuses Available: Workers walk faster; Stop Clock for 10 seconds

Strategy and Info: The Temple takes 15 wood to construct. The pearls take 5 gold and 1 food to cultivate. There are 2 bonus choices on this level. The workers will walk faster should you select the boots or you can choose to have the time clock and stop the clock for 10 seconds. A better level time may be reached by using the stop clock. You can choose to construct the farm or restore the abandoned farm or both. It takes less wood to construct the abandoned farm, but it takes a worker to build the farm. Then upgrade the shack to a cottage, then build the temple and repair the bridges.

•  Collect the log wood pile by the sawmill site.

•  Construct the sawmill.

•  Collect the food near the farm site. Collect the resources as they replenish.

•  Clear the fallen trees and branches to the north until 10 more wood has been collected; then construct the farm and/or clear the road to the abandoned farm and restore the abandoned farm. You will need at least one farm to finish the level w/a decent time.

•  Upgrade the shack to a cottage. Have one worker clear the road to the bridges and repair the bridges and the other worker should be able to clear the road to the pearls and cultivate the pearls while both workers collect food, wood and gold.

•  Build the temple while one worker is repairing the first bridge.



Tasks: Repair 1 Sawmill; Harvest 4 Pearls

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 9 Wood; 6 Food

Bonuses Available: One-plus resource; Additional worker

Strategies and Info: Pearls take 5 gold and 1 food to cultivate. This level is more challenging in order to complete by nightfall; follow the steps below. Construct the Sawmill first, the Farm second, the Cottage third and the abandoned Sawmill fourth. You'll need both Sawmills in order to have enough wood to repair the swamp road. The one plus supply bonus will give you one additional supply for every supply collected during the 30 second period. The extra worker bonus will give you an extra worker for a 30 second period.

•  Construct the Sawmill.

•  Repair and clear the road going north and collect the food. Leave the gold for now.

•  Repair the road going south and collect the food.

•  Continue to repair and clear the road to the far southwest.

•  Use the one-plus bonus after you have access to the log wood piles and collect all available food, wood and gold. Use the one plus bonus 1-2 more times during the level to maximize the resources.

•  Upgrade the cottage.

•  Using two workers, repair and clear the roads leading to the bridges.

•  Repair the south bridge first and repair the abandoned Sawmill; you'll need the extra wood to complete the swamp road leading to the other pearls and the exit.

•  Cultivate the pearls west of the river while repairing the north bridge and repairing the swamp road.

•  Place the curser on the next section of dilapidated swamp road while one worker is repairing the section above. As soon as the highlighted circle turns green (the circle will turn green shortly before the first worker has completed repairing a section) click on the dilapidated section to send the second worker to repair the next section. Continue sending the workers as quickly as possible to repair the swamp road.

•  Cultivate the two remaining pearls.



Tasks: Gather 15 Gold; Repair 1 Bridge

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 8 Wood; 4 Food

Bonuses Available: One-plus resource; Additional worker; Workers walk faster

Strategies and Info: A bat will appear periodically, causing the workers to be afraid to exit the cottage. The workers will not exit the cottage when the bat appears. If the workers are already working on a task when the bat appears, the workers will stay on task. Click on the bat repeatedly to explode the bat. Build the sawmill first, the farm second and the cottage third. There is a great deal of swamp road that needs to be built. It costs 3 wood and 2 food to repair each section of swamp road.

•  Construct the sawmill (5 wood).

•  Collect the 2 food resources on the south road.

•  Clear and repair the south road. Leave the wooden log stacks until you can use the one-plus resource bonus.

•  Explode the bat by repeatedly clicking on the bat before using the resource bonus.

•  Use the one-plus resource bonus and collect the wooden log stacks and food resources available at this time.

•  Construct the farm (10 wood) shortly before using the bonus or shortly after using the bonus.

•  Repair the north swamp road until you reach the fork in the road.

•  Upgrade the Cottage (10 wood).

•  Use the one-plus supply bonus to collect all available resources.

•  Repair and clear the north road, leaving the resources until the one-plus supply bonus can be used.

•  Simultaneously repair and clear the middle and east roads.

•  Repair the abandoned Sawmill.

•  Use the one-plus supply bonus to collect resources and gold at the bottom of the middle road as soon as it becomes available and you have access to the gold in order to collect the 15 gold needed to complete the level. Have the workers collect the gold and when they are almost to the cottage, activate the resource bonus.

•  Repair the bridge. You may want to utilize the walk-faster bonus to complete road and bridge quicker.


LEVEL 1.10:

Tasks: Gather 213 Gold

Given Resources: None

Strategies and Info: You have four workers available at all times during this level. There are gold chests covering access to all the roads. Assign the workers to pick up the gold chests by making an initial path in all directions. Then assign the workers to pick up the gold chests by scattering them out in different directions so the workers won't have to wait on each other. Click relatively fast and continually; keep your workers moving in different directions. It might be best to have them move in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. No screenshot given for this level as it's relatively simple.

LEVEL 1.11:

From now on, only 20 of each resource can be in inventory unless a warehouse is constructed.

Tasks: Construct a Warehouse; Gather 40 Wood; Repair 6 sections of road w/cobblestones

Given Resources: 0 Gold; 4 Wood; 4 Food

Bonuses Available: Workers walk faster; Additional worker

Strategies and Info: The warehouse takes 10 wood to construct and adds one unit resource for each resource collected. The warehouse holds up to 20 units of resources. A bat will appear from time to time; click on the bat repeatedly until it vanishes to allow the workers to exit the cottage. Construct the warehouse first; the Sawmill second; and the farm third; no need to upgrade to a cottage. Initially, it's best to clear or repair a road when you can collect a food resource next to keep your worker busy until the farm can be constructed. The north bridge is the only bridge that needs to be repaired in order to fix the cobblestone road east of the bridge; as bridges take 15 wood to repair and the wood resources following the 2 southern bridges don't have more than 15 wood resources available. The exit is the ship...after this level you're off to another island.

•  Collect the wood and food resources near the farm and sawmill sites.

•  Clear the road north of the farm.

•  Construct the warehouse when 10 wood resources have been collected.

•  Clear the south roads and repair the cobblestone roads.

•  Construct the sawmill when 5 wood resources have been collected.

•  Construct the farm when 10 wood resources have been collected.

•  Use the additional worker bonus or fast walking bonus when it becomes available as there is no need to upgrade the shack to a cottage saving 10 wood resources.

•  Repair the north bridge.

•  Repair the cobblestone road to the east of the north bridge and clear the road.

•  Collect the supplies east of the north bridge.

•  Repair the south cobblestone road leading to the ship.



Tasks: Connect all the pieces of the puzzle together. After completing this puzzle, 1 food will be added to the inventory at the end of each cycle; even if there is no farm or fisherman's hut constructed or repaired.


General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4

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