My Kingdom for the Princess 2 Walkthrough & Cheats

My Kingdom for the Princess 2 Walkthrough is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through each and every level of this exciting resource management game. Our walkthrough includes custom screenshots and detailed instructions on exactly how to beat each level of this game as well as a general tips area to help you improve your gameplay.

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General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

I have included a beginning of the level screen shot with everything circled.

Red circles are areas you do not need to clear to get gold.
Orange circles are the buildings you need to build or repair
Light orange circles are rocks, sand dunes, or snow drifts.
Yellow circles show the required tasks for the level.
Dark blue circles are the renewable resources.
Light blue circles are the nonrenewable resource.s
Darker green circles are trees and logs blocking your way. These will give you wood in exchange for the food you use up to chop the wood.
Light green circles are damage to the road. They show the bridges, dilapidated road, potholes, and boardwalks that need to be built.
Pink circles are the bad things that are not included in the goal tasks. These are hornets, lions, bears, ghosts, specters, golems, bandits, etc.

Level 2.1
Tasks:  Restore 2 gold mines (game shows farms but it is wrong), repair 1 section of road
Start with:  5 gold, 5 wood, 5 food
1.  Pick up 2 wood
2.  Build warehouse
3.  Chop 2 wood
4.  Build fisherman's hut
5.  Pick up all available resources
6.  Chop wood up to the mine on the left
7.  Use additional worker bonus and remove 1st rock to the right
8.  Repair the mine
9.  Work up and to the left
10. Upgrade fisherman's hut
11. Use additional worker bonus again
12. Send 1 worker to build bridge and work up toward the top mine
13. Send 2nd worker to finish chopping wood and picking up resources
14. Upgrade shack to cottage
15. Use pickaxe bonus for the rest of the level
16. Repair the 2nd mine and work your way out



Level 2.2
Tasks:  Build 4 rope bridges, collect 2 diamonds
Start with:  5 gold, 5 wood, 5 food
1.  Pick up 1 wood and the food on the way up
2.  Start chopping wood on the pathway up
3.  Build warehouse
4.  Chop 2 more wood while warehouse is being constructed, then pick up the available resources
5.  Keep chopping wood out to the fisherman's hut and repair it
6.  At 5 wood, Build sawmill
7.  At 10 wood, upgrade shack to cottage
8.  Repair fisherman's hut and pick up resources
9.  Use ½ cost bonus and break through the rock toward the 1st bridge and the rock toward the left flower
10. Build 1st bridge and chop wood up toward the flower
11. Build 2nd bridge and then chop wood down toward the 2 gold in the center
12. Pick up resources while waiting for the ½ bonus to arrive
13. Use the ½ cost bonus to break through the next rock on your path out and the rock on the path to the flower
14. Build gold mine when you have 10 wood
15. Pick up resources until you have 17 gold and then break through the next rock.
16. Repair mine and pick up resources until the next ½ bonus
17. Use the ½ cost bonus to break through the next rock on the path and send the 2nd worker to get the left diamond and the break through the rock blocking the cache of gold and food near your camp.
18. From now on use the pickaxe bonus.
19. Prioritize finishing your way out.  Pick up renewable resources first.
20. Get the last diamond while one worker is breaking rock.



Level 2.3
Tasks:  Repair 1 section of bridge
Start with:  10 gold, 10 wood, 10 food
1.  Build farm
2.  Pick up resources
3.  Chop wood to the right up to the mine
4.  Build the gold mine on the left and then upgrade shack to cottage
5.  Use the additional worker bonus to chop wood
6.  Repair mine
7.  Remove the rock blocking the food cache
8.  Keep chopping wood down until you get 8 wood and then build bridge across the precipice
9.  Remove 1st rock towards the exit--be sure to watch your resources as you have no warehouse
10. Remove small rock on the way to the 3rd gold mine at the bottom.
11. Use the extra time bonus until the end
12. Repair mine
13. Chop wood down the path past the rocks (you will need all the wood for your bridge)
14. Break the rocks whenever you have enough resources to do so
15. Repair the bridge and finish up



Level 2.4
Tasks:  Exorcise 5 ghosts
Start with:  10 gold, 10 wood, 10 food
1.  Build warehouse
2.  Pick up 1 food and 1 wood and then repair the road
3.  Pick up resources and start chopping wood towards the first ghost to the right
4.  Build temple when you get 15 wood
5.  Pick up resources and repair road toward the bridge up
6.  Spirit away the ghost
7.  Use additional worker bonus and work both sides of the circle at the same time
8.  Build fisherman's hut, upgrade the fisherman's hut, and upgrade the shack to cottage as you get the wood
9.  Spirit away the top ghost first and get the resources up to the last 2 to 3 items
10. After spirting away the bottom ghost, remove the rock pile when you get the 10 gold
11. Keep using the additional worker bonus until all the resources are collected.
12. Repair the bridge heading toward the top gold mine and make your way up to it
13. Once the bottom mine is repaired and the renewable gold collected, you should have enough wood and food to build the first bridge across the precipice to get gold
14. At some point, you should have enough resources to start removing the multiple piles of rock on the way out
15. Start using the work faster bonus when you are hacking on rock.
16. Repair the 2nd bridge down and get that gold.
17. Remember to prioritize your movements toward your goal and picking up renewable resources.  The other stuff can wait until you need it or have a free moment. 
18. Finish up.



Level 2.5
Tasks:  Pick 4 flowers, repair road
Start with:  0 gold, 7 wood, 6 food
1.  Build sawmill
2.  Pick up resources
3.  Start chopping wood to the right and then down
4.  Build and upgrade the fishing hut as you can afford it.
5.  Use the plus resources bonus all the way through
6.  When you have 15 wood build bridge heading up
7.  Keep chopping wood up towards the top
8.  Upgrade shack to cottage when you have 10 wood
9.  Send 2nd worker down to collect the remaining wood
10. Build the upper right bridge when you have 15 wood and 5 food
11. Whenever you have enough gold and food, start clearing rock
12. Keep chopping wood and build bridge at the upper left
13. Pick up renewable resources whenever they pop up and wait for the others until you need them or you have a lull
14. When you have enough wood and food, build bottom right bridge
15. Then use your wood for building and upgrade the mine
16. Keep prioritizing working through the rock, using the plus resources bonus, and picking up resources
17. As you are clearing the last pile of rocks, use the additional worker bonus and pick the 4 flowers
18. Repair the last piece of road



Level 2.6
Tasks:  Exorcise 3 specters, remove 4 boulders
Start with:  4 gold, 5 wood, 6 food
1.  The 1st goal is to build the warehouse.  Start chopping wood and pick up resources as needed to get the 10 wood for the warehouse
2.  Chop wood to right and down to the bottom fisherman's hut
3.  Build sawmill and upgrade as wood is available
4.  Upgrade shack to cottage as wood is available
5.  Meanwhile repair fisherman's hut and start working over to the rock blocking the other fisherman's hut
6.  Use the ½ cost bonus to remove the rock and build the bridge
7.  Repair the 2nd fisherman's hut
8.  Build the 2nd bridge up and clear to the right to the 1st rock on the road up to the right
9.  Use ½ cost bonus to remove the rocks on the roads to the right and up to the exit
10. When done with the rocks, keep working to the left up to the mine
11. Build the temple
12. Do not wait for the bonus to remove the rocks on the road to the mine
13. When the ½ cost bonus comes, work on the rocks to the right and up to the exit
14. Repair the mine
15. Keep working on the left to get to the specters and using the bonus on the right and up
16. If you can, wait to scare off a specter until you have a bonus because its cost is half also. 
17. Finish up



Level 2.7
Tasks:  Collect 4 diamonds, repair 4 bridges
Start with:  5 gold, 6 wood, 4 food
1.  Chop wood to the right
2.  Build warehouse
3.  Pick up all resources available
4.  Build the sawmill
5.  Chop wood at the bottom to the rock on the left and the precipice on the right
6.  Build the fisherman's hut
7.  Upgrade sawmill
8.  Upgrade fisherman's hut
9.  Use ½ cost bonus to remove the rock on the bottom right
10. Pick up available resources
11. Chop wood on the road to the left bridge up to the rock
12. Upgrade shack to cottage
13. Build both bridges to the right while waiting for ½ cost bonus
14. Clear the 2 rocks on the left, one toward the mine and the other toward the left bridge
15. Clear the road to the left bridge
16. Repair both mines
17. Upgrade cottage
18. Clear everything up the 3 left bridges and the 1st rock toward the right bridge
19. Use ½ cost bonus to build the left bridge, the 2nd bridge from the right, and the rock on the road to the right bridge
20. Build the temple
21. Clear to the left bridge and build it
22. Remove everything up to the specters on the 2nd from the right bridge space
23. Use the ½ cost bonus to clear aware both specters that are open, remove the rocks after the left and right most bridges, and build the bridge on the way out
24. Finish up



Level 2.8
Whacking ghosts, do it close to the house.


Level 2.9        
Tasks:  Remove 7 boulders, pick 9 flowers
Start with:  6 gold, 9 wood, 8 food
1.  Build sawmill
2.  Work right toward the gold mine but chop down and pick up the food so you do not run out.
3.  Build farm
4.  Upgrade sawmill
5.  Repair gold mine
6.  Build the temple
7.  Upgrade shack to cottage
8.  By the time you are ready to get the rock on the right, you will have picked up everything available on this side of the bridges and built the temple and cottage.
9.  Build the hunting lodge next
10. Work left toward the hornet
11. At 8 wood, build bridge on the right
12. At this point, you will have cleared out everything at the bottom
13. You are now going to work up toward the big gold mine in the middle top
14. After repairing the big gold mine, work up to the exit.
15. As you get enough wood, start building bridges
16. You can remove the 2 small piles of rock on the left between the 2 precipices while working on the 2 small rock on the way out.
17. After you have built all the bridges to the flowers, you can upgrade the cottage to 3 workers
18. Start picking flowers as you are removing the last big rock



Level 2.10
Tasks:  Remove 5 boulders
Start with:  6 gold, 10 wood, 9 food
1.  Build warehouse
2.  Chop 2 wood piles
3.  Pick up resources
4.  Chop wood down and to the right
5.  Build sawmill
6.  Build farm at 10 wood
7.  Then upgrade sawmill at 8 wood
8.  Use resource bonus for the last few wood chops
9.  Build the temple at 15 wood
10. Remove 2 specters, down on the left and then next to the warehouse
11. Pick up resources
12. Build mine
13. Remove first rock on the path up
14. Pick up resources while waiting for 15 wood for the bridge
15. Build bridge down
16. Upgrade mine
17. Use resource bonus to pick up resources
18. Remove two rocks up the path
19. Chop wood
20. Upgrade mine again
21. Build bridge to the left at the bottom
22. Prioritize breaking through rock
23. Upgrade shack to cottage
24. Use resource bonus to pick up resources
25. Finish up



Level 2.11
Tasks:  Repair 3 bridges, pick 8 flowers
Start with:  2 gold, 2 wood, 2 food
1.  Pick up available wood piles
2.  Build warehouse
3.  Chop 2 wood
4.  Pick up all available resources
5.  Chop wood up to the ghost and the precipices
6.  Use the resource bonus when you get it
7.  Build mine when you have 10 wood
8.  Build farm when you have 10 wood
9.  Once all wood has been chopped, remove rock blocking the renewable wood pile in the middle
10. Build temple when you have 15 wood
11. Pick up resources
12. Spirit away ghost at bottom
13. Build first bridge across precipice
14. Use the resource bonus to pick up resources
15. Build second bridge
16. Remove the 2 rocks blocking the renewable wood pile
17. Use the pickaxe bonus
18. Pick up resources
19. Build last bridge at the bottom
20. Chop wood to fisherman's hut and repair it
21. Use worker bonus to work toward mine at the bottom left and repair it when you get to it
22. Upgrade the shack to a cottage
23. Build the bridge to the left where the flowers are
24. Use resource bonus to pick up resources
25. Remove the rock to the left
26. Build the 2 bridges up
27. Upgrade the mine once
28. Build the bridge to the right toward the upper right mine and ultimately repair it
29. Remove rocks on the way to the exit as you have gold
30. Build the bridge to the left
31. Upgrade the mine for the final time
32. Keep smashing rock
33. Build the bridge up to the flowers
34. Upgrade the cottage for 3 workers
35. While removing the last rock, start picking flowers
36. Build the final bridge


General Information | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5

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