Hallowed Legends: Samhain

The Hallowed Legends Samhain Walkthrough has step by step instructions for the entire game and includes solutions to all the puzzles with screenshots and 4 videos. Help restore the amulet and defeat the evil witch.

General Information

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Hallowed Legends - Samhain


Task Bar: at top of screen, shows your main objective.

Journal: at bottom to the right of hint button, read this often as it gives you hints and guides to parts of the game.

Inventory: treasure chest at bottom left of screen, stores items needed for the game. Sometimes you need more than one piece of an item to complete a task, the inventory will let you know how many pieces you need to find.*

    *Sometimes I will assign specific colors to items I have circled to help you locate it quicker in the screen shot, (e.g. blue)

Gears: these let you know you need to complete a task

Achievements: You need to earn 19 achievements. Hold you mouse over the achievement to see what items need to be found to complete it.

Hint button: at bottom middle of screen, click on this if you need help. Unlimited hints, but needs to recharge in between.

Magnifying Glass: appears when you can zoom in on an object.

Hand: appears when you can touch or pick up an item.

Arrow: will appear when you can move between scenes.

The game begins at the bus stop:

* Click area to right of bus sign to zoom in and open hidden object puzzle
* 3 kings (blue)
* Lever added to inventory


* Click on gate to zoom in
* From inventory, place lever on the lower right of box
* Click on yellow triangle on box to open and remove the lighter
* Click on lever to open gate


* Go through open gate
* Click on dead man, pick up knife, page is added to journal
* Pick up full gas can behind dead man
* Click on gate on left to zoom in
* From inventory, use knife to cut vines
* Go into cemetery, pick up boomerang, lower right corner
* Click down 1x, click on tree branch with net to zoom in
* From inventory, place boomerang on tree branch, pick up butterfly net
* Go back into cemetery
* Click on cemetery pond at top middle of screen to open hidden object puzzle
* Use butterfly net to pick up the items in the pond (blue)


* Click on casket on left to zoom in
* From inventory, place tile on empty spot to open puzzle
* Click on two tiles to switch them around to make the design complete, right click on your mouse to rotate the tile.
* Pick up dragon ring


* Click down 1x
* Click on the gold area of the tree to zoom in
* From inventory, use knife two times to expose Celtic design
* From inventory, place dragon ring on Celtic design
* From inventory, pour full gas can on tree, and use lighter
* Click on tree to open hidden object puzzle
* Roller added to inventory
* Click on the face in the tree to release soul


* Click on chapel door at far end to zoom in
* From inventory, place roller in empty spot
* Place the symbols in the correct order by clicking on the rollers. Use the symbols on the side for clues.


* Go inside chapel
* Click on gate to zoom in, pick up tap on left side
* Click on skeleton to right of gate, pick up sphere (you will to find three of these for coffin lock)
* Click on shield to gain journal page
* Click on fountain at back to zoom in
* From inventory, place tap on bottom of fountain to open puzzle
* Click on pipes to rotate them into position. Object is to have a line between the bottom pipes and top pipes


* Click on fountain to open hidden object puzzle
* Keys (purple)
* Lizards (red)
* Prism added to inventory


* Go through the doorway at back right
* Click on left statue to zoom in, pick up sphere from his hands
* Click on Assembled Totem in center of room to zoom in
* From inventory place prism in empty spot, upper right side, to open puzzle
* Arrange the tokens so that all beams turn yellow. You can only have one toke on each beam. Place prisms on open holes. The beams will not all go completely to the top or bottom, they just all have to be lit in some area. This puzzle has several solutions so your might not be the same as mine.


* Click on the girl at the back right to zoom in, pick up pink key.
* Click down 1x
* Click on scriptorium door at top of stairs to zoom in.
* From inventory, place the key in the empty spot between the yellow and blue keys to open puzzle.
* Left-click the tags to swap the keys until they are aligned correctly (green key does not move), then click the buttons above them to activate the lock.


* Go through newly opened door at top of stairs
* From inventory, use lighter to light all three lanterns. Moving the lighter around will light up the area to see all the lanterns, 1 right, 1 left, 1 top center
* Click on chest in center of room to zoom in and open puzzle
* Assemble the Celtic image. Click on the tiles to slide them into an empty space


* Click on chest to open hidden object puzzle
* Rope added to inventory


* Click on bookshelf on right to zoom in, pick up ice axe and spool
* Click on the stone table, bottom right to move it
* From inventory, drag rope to floor hatch in floor to connect hatch and chain
* Click on lift mechanism to zoom in (back wall on left)
* From inventory, place spool on right gear of mechanism and click on lever to open floor hatch
* Click on cellar to zoom in and open puzzle
* Arrange puzzle pieces to open hiding space
* Click on a piece to move it into place, piece will turn gold when placed in the correct spot
* Take note of the symbols glowing on puzzle
* Pick up the 3rd sphere from middle of puzzle


* Click down 1x
* Go through back right doorway to frozen pond
* Click on cracked area to zoom in
* From inventory, use ice pick to break ice
* Click on hole in pond to open hidden object puzzle
* Oil can added to inventory


* Click on coffin lock bottom center to zoom in
* From inventory place spheres on lock
*  From inventory, use oil can on lock to open puzzle
* Switch the spheres to the correct pictures to open the lock
* Click on a sphere to rotate it (remember the glowing symbols, the rabbit, snake and eagle to solve the puzzle)


* Go down into the coffin
* Click on Dwellers Things in back of room to open hidden object puzzle
*  Three dowels added to inventory


* Pick up wet scroll on table
* Click on backpack on floor right side to open, pick up sledge hammer
* Click on newspaper clippings on back wall, information will be placed in the journal
* Click on the hot chimney to zoom in
* From inventory, place wet scroll on chimney to gain a clue to a puzzle
* Click on the obscure image on wall to zoom in
* From inventory, place the 3 dowels on the deity's face
* From inventory, use hammer on dowels to reveal Celtic image
* From inventory, place ring on image
* Click up 1x on the secret passage
* Click with your mouse 1x to move to next scene
* Click on the archaeological instruments, pick up rope
* Click on lift plans on left wall to zoom in, click on lift to receive page for the journal


* Go through upper right door
* Click on the drawbridge to zoom in
* Move the weights to the right chain in the same order as on the left
* Move weights to center chain, a larger weight cannot be on top of a smaller weight (see video solution)

* Click up 1x, upper left corner
* Click on book on left to add page to journal
* Click on the blocked passage to zoom in, pick up stones
* Click down 2x, click on back wall snake to zoom in
* From inventory, place stones on snake to open puzzle
* Move stones so top ones are all sapphires and bottom are all rubies(see video solution)
* Click on opening to zoom in, pick up pistol

* Click up 1x through back right doorway
* Click on lantern top right to zoom in
* From inventory, place pistol on lantern, this will break the statue


* Click on horse statue to zoom in
* From inventory, place rope on horse
* Click on horse to zoom in, click on lock to open puzzle
* Remove all the spheres except the red one
* Click on the spheres to lift them over another one into an empty spot (see video solution)

* Click on the green Celtic symbol to raise the horse
* Click on fire pit to zoom in
* From inventory, use lighter to light fire
* Click on medicine bag to open puzzle
* Click on the syringe to move it between the two beakers
* Click the silver arrows to fill the syringe
    * Drag the syringe to bottom beaker, click the right arrow
    * Drag the syringe to the top beaker, click the right arrow
    * Drag the syringe to the bottom beaker, click the left arrow
* Medicine is added to inventory


* Click on the man to zoom in
* From inventory, drag syringe to man
* Click on man
* Click on sitting man, pick up the locket, page is added to journal
* Click on crates by door to zoom in, pick up shovel
* Click on door on left to go outside and add page to journal


* Click on barrel upper right, pick up handle
* Click on snowdrift upper middle of screen to zoom in
* From inventory, use shovel 3x on snow
* Click on door to open, go through the door
* Click on fur coat on left wall to put it on
* Click on steel plate on door on left wall to zoom in
* From inventory, place locket on star pattern
* Click on skeleton to zoom in, pick up mace
* Click down 1x
* From inventory, use mace to break the glass on helicopter
* Click on hole in glass to open hidden object puzzle
* Mess kit added to inventory


* Click on blocked door at top of screen to zoom in
* From inventory, use mess-kit to scoop up snow
* Click down 1x to upper room with fire, click on fire to zoom in
* From inventory, place Mess-kit with snow on fire, pick up mess-kit with water
* Click up 2x
* Click on steam mechanism on right to zoom in
* From inventory, pour Mess-kit with water into boiler funnel, click on mechanical ignition 3x to start fire
* Click on upper part of steam mechanism to zoom in and open puzzle
* Click on the pipes to route the steam to the pipes with arrows, while blocking the steam getting to the upper outlets


* Go through the opened gate on left
* Go up 1x towards the upper left
* Click on trunk of car to open hidden object puzzle
* Monitor added to inventory


* Click on snow hill on right side of car
* From inventory, use shovel 3x to remove snow, zoom in on cabin of car and pick up steam valve
* Click on the orange trailer entrance panel to zoom in and open puzzle
* Press the blue arrow on right to start weather report, recreate the patterns shown, do this 4x (puzzle is random)


* Go through door
* Click on stuff corner on right to open hidden object puzzle
Dynamite added to inventory


* Click down 1x, and go up towards the hot air balloon
* Click on tent to zoom in, pick up rope ladder
* Click on shelf to add page to the journal
* Click on telescope, you will see a raven fly by
* Click down 5x to upper room
* Click on the horse
* From inventory, put rope ladder at edge of hole
* Go down
* Go through the upper left area, click on door
* From inventory, place dynamite on door
* Click on excavations to open hidden object puzzle
* Silicone added to inventory


* Click down 1x
* Go up ladder and out the door
* Go up 1x and out gate
* Go right
* Click on ancient alter to zoom in and open puzzle
* Click and hold emblems to rotate them, match three or more emblems at once to remove emblems (see example, puzzle is random)


* From inventory, fill hand print with silicone
* Pick up silicone mold


* Click on hole to zoom in, pick up empty gas tank
* Click down 1x, pick up balloon basket on left
* Click up 1x
* Go into orange trailer
* Click on gas pipe to zoom in
* From inventory, place empty gas tank under gas valve
* From inventory, use wrench on bolt to fill tank
* Pick up filled gas tank
* Click on lab hatch
* From inventory, place silicone hand on hatch
* Go down hatch, and page is added to journal
* Click on tool stand to open hidden object puzzle
* Hand drill added to inventory


* Click up 1x
* Click down 5x into upper room
* Click down 1x
* Click on crypt door behind horse statue to zoom in
* From inventory, use hand drill on broken key, click on the latch to open door
* Click down
* Click on glasses and pick up video tape
* Click down 1x
* Click up 5x
* Go in to orange trailer
* Click on desktop to zoom in
* From inventory, put videotape in slot
* Pick up flash drive
* Click on hatch in floor
* Click on weapons drawer to zoom in
* From inventory, put flash drive in empty spot to open puzzle
* Insert flash drives into slots below displays so their value corresponds with the numbers above
* Pick up phazergun


* Click up 1x
* Click down 2x
* Click on strange menhirs upper right to zoom in on wolf
* From inventory, use the phazergun on wolf, pick up sphere
* Click down 4x
* Go into crypt
* Click down stairs
* Click on center lions head
* From inventory, place sphere on puzzle.
* Click on spheres to move red and gold spheres around until red are on top linked with gold on bottom (see video solution)

* Click on king to open hidden object puzzle
* Torch added to inventory


* Click down 2x
* Click up 5x
* Go in to orange trailer and down floor hatch
* Click no smoke detector upper right to zoom in
* From inventory, put torch on smoke detector
* Go through open doorway
* Click on the computer on the desk to zoom in
* From inventory, put monitor on desk, click on unlock icon to free the balloon
* Click on right capsule to zoom in, click on capsule to add page to journal
* Pick up gas burner on floor to left of capsule
* Click on destruct button on capsule


* Click down 1x
* Click up 1x
* Click down 1x, go towards balloon
* From inventory, place basket on balloon and filled gas tank, and gas burner
* Click on balloon to launch
* Click on broken gondola to open hidden object puzzle
* Bags added to inventory


* Pick up spyglass out of pine trees on left
* Click up right 1x
* Click on bog, lower left, pick up machete
* Click on bog on right, from inventory, place bags on box
* Click up 1x
* Click on hut door to zoom in, click on door to add page to journal
* Click up right 1x
* Go into sawmill
* Click on scythe in corner to zoom in, pick up scythe
* Click down 4x
* Click on tall grass to zoom in
* From inventory, use scythe to cut grass 3x, pick up saw handle
* Click up 3x, go into saw mill
* Click on log on right to zoom in
* From inventory, place saw handle on saw, pick up saw
* Click down 1x to leave saw mill
* Click on thicket at back of scene to zoom in
* From inventory, use machete to cut weeds 3x
* Go up 1x
* Click on fishing tackle on left to open hidden object puzzle
* Kettle with resin added to inventory


* Click on half broken tree on right to zoom in
* From inventory, use saw on tree to gain wood
* Click up 1x
* Click on wooden wharf, pick up screwdriver
* Click down 3x
* Click on weird tree to zoom in
* From inventory, use screwdriver to unscrew metal plate
* From inventory, place dragon ring on Celtic design
* Click on  weird tree to zoom in, pick up Celtic axe
* Click on door of cabin to zoom in
* From inventory, use Celtic axe on door
* Click on utensils to open hidden object game
* Emblem of the sun added to inventory


* Click on old book to right of oven to add page to journal
* Pick up crowbar on left table, lower part of table


* Click down 1x, click up 1x
* Click on sign to zoom in
* From inventory, use crowbar to remove the three nails sticking out of sign
* Three nails added to inventory

*  Click down 1x, click up 2x
* Go in to hut
* Click on wooden doll to zoom in and open puzzle
* From inventory, place emblem of the sun on puzzle
* Arrange light sources in order they were invented. Click on emblem to move it
* Hold mouse down to move emblem to empty spot, then move another emblem into it's spot until they are in the correct order
* Pick up lamp


* Click down 1x
* Click on cave to zoom in
* From inventory, use lantern to light up cave
* Using orange barriers on right, arrange them on field to direct all the emblems onto the corresponding slots
* Once ready click the black triangle to launch emblems
* Pick up fire sword out of fire


* Pick up long boat hook to left of fire
* Click on symbols on left wall, pick up scale pan
* Click down 3x
* Click on box in water on left side of bog to zoom in
* From inventory use long boat hook to pull box out
* Click on junk in the chest to open hidden object puzzle
* Winch added to inventory


* Click up 1x
* Go in to cabin, click on scale to zoom in
* From inventory, place scale plate on scale to open puzzle
* Arrange weights on pan so they are both equal
* 11 & 8 on left scale, 12 on right scale
* Pick up coin


* Click on oven to zoom in
* From inventory, place wood on fire
* From inventory, place kettle with resin on fire
* Use long boat hook to push kettle in to fire
* Resin added to inventory

* Click down 1x, click up 1x
* Go into cave, click on barrel organ on left to zoom in
* Put coin in slot
* Pick up key from drawer on left below coin slot
* Click down 1x, click up 1x, go into hut
* Click on wooden rocking horse to zoom in
* From inventory, use key to unlock compartment
* Pick up hammer
* Click down 1x, click up towards dock
* Click on boat to zoom in
* From inventory, use fire sword to melt ice
* Click on windlass to zoom in
* Place winch on windlass
* Click on the winch handle to pull boat in to shore
* Click on boat to zoom in, pick up gear on ground


* Click down 2x, go into saw mill
* Click on log on saw machine to open puzzle
* From inventory, put gear on puzzle
* Arrange the gears to make the mechanism work
* Click on gears and drag them into place (not all the gears are used, one is left out)
* Boards added to inventory


* Click down 1x, click up 2x towards boat
* Click on boat to zoom in
* From inventory, place boards on hole to open puzzle
* Arrange the board puzzle pieces to completely cover the hole
* When a piece is put in the right place you will not longer be able to move it


* From inventory, place three nails on boards
* From inventory, use hammer on nails
* From inventory, pour resin on boards


* Click up 1x
* Click on information board on left tent to zoom in
* Pick up watering can
* Click on paper to add page to journal


* Click up 2x towards tower
* Click on the man
* Click on the girl turned to stone
* Go up the stairs
* Click on the middle window to zoom in, pick up screwdriver


* Click down 3x, go down hole towards front of scene
* Click on wall panel to zoom in
* From inventory, use screwdriver to turn screws and solve puzzle
* Turn the screws until the gold is on the right and silver on left
* Click on them in this order: B / AB 3x / AB 2x / AB 3x / AB 2X


* Click up 5x to top of tower
* Click on middle window to zoom in
* From inventory, use crowbar on loose stone to right of window
* Pick up hydroplane key
* Click down 4x to hydroplane
* Click on hydroplane to zoom in
* From inventory, use hydroplane key to open
* Go inside, click on baggage hold to open hidden object puzzle
* Electro motor added to inventory


* Click on storage compartment, pick up duct tape


* Click down 1x, click up 1x to truck
* Click on truck to zoom in
* From inventory, put electro motor in truck
* Go inside cave
* Click on illumination device, pick up lift switch


* Click up 1x
* Click on man turned to wood, back left, to zoom in
* Click on man, he will request a leaf from the enchanted oak and page is added to journal
* Click down 4x to plane
* Click on lift box on right to zoom in
* From inventory, put lift switch and duct tape in place
* Click up arrow


* Click on pressure chamber to open hidden object puzzle
Spade added to inventory


* Pick up life jacket to left of pressure chamber on floor
* Click on firebox, pick up fire extinguisher


*  Click down 1x, click up 2x, go in to cave
* Click up 1x to forge
* Click on flames to zoom in
* From inventory, use fire extinguisher on flames


* Click on right side of ashes to open hidden object puzzle
* Acid added to inventory


* Click down 2x , then up 1x to tower
* Click on girl to zoom in
* From inventory, pour acid on the chains
* Click on the girl to zoom in
* Take the acorn


* click down 2x to campsite
* Click on ritual circle to zoom in
* From inventory use items in this order: Shovel, Acorn, Full Watering Can
* Pick leaf


* Click up 1x, go into cave
* Click up 1x
* Click on Man turned to wood on left side to zoom in
* From inventory, give wood man the oak leaf
* Click on flowering vines and pick up aqualung


* Click down 3x to campsite
* Go down hole front left of scene
* Click on gateway to zoom in
* From inventory, place aqualung on door
* Click right 1x
* Click on old propeller to open hidden object puzzle
* Solstice sign added to inventory


* Click on stone cross lower left of scene to zoom in
* From inventory, place life jacket over bubbles
* Life jacket with air added to inventory
* Go left 1x
* Click on stone plate on top of diver to zoom in
* From inventory, place life jacket with air on stone plate
* Pick up rotary switch
* Click down 1x
* Click up 1x
* Click down 1x to plane
* Go inside plane
* Click on footlocker to zoom in
* From inventory, use acid on chains to open puzzle
* Click on items to move them around, as you see boards click on them. You need to collect 12 boards


* Click down 1x
* Click up 3x to tower
* Go up tower stairs
* Click on fall area in the center of the tower to zoom in
* From inventory, place boards on ladder to open puzzle
* use wooden boards to assemble the hanging bridge
* Click on boards to drag them into place
* Click on the desolate alcove to zoom in
* Pick up wire


* Click down 2x to cave
*  Go in to cave, click up 1x
* Click on strange bas-relief to zoom in
* From inventory, place solstice sign on bas relief
* Pick up cipher clue, page added to journal
* Click down 3x to campsite
* Go down hole
* Click right to go underwater
* Click on safe to zoom in
* From inventory, place cipher clue on safe to open puzzle
* Use the cipher clue to decode the correct combination
* Move the center dial to line up the L with the outer dials R (paper on right side states, "L=R")
* Use the letters at the bottom coincide with the center dial. Match these with the letters on the outer dial. The letters at the bottom each spell a number.
* Turn the dials at the top to the number each set of letter represents.  ZIOL = Four, IHY = One, NBLYY = Three, ZCPY = Five
* See solution below for house the dials work.
* Pick up rotary switch


* Click up 1x toward cave
* Click on electronic console on back wall to zoom in
* From inventory, place wire on console to open puzzle
* Arrange the numbered dials so that their sum is equal to the number indicated in the line on top and column on right
* Click on a dial to switch places with another dial
* Hose added to inventory


* Click down 2x
* Click up 2x, go in to cave
* Click on pump in center of room
* From inventory, add hose to pump
* Click on stone ornament to zoom in and open puzzle
* Select the correct combination of pictures on the stone tiles to open secret niche
* Pick up bolt cutters


* Click down 1x
* Click up 1x to tower
* From inventory, use bolt cutter on box hanging by a chain to cut it down
* Click on plastic container to zoom in
* Pick up ID Card
* Click down 2x, then go down hole at campsite
* Go underwater
* Go left, click on some device to zoom in
* From inventory, place ID Card on scanner
* Pick up rotary switch


* Click left, then click up towards cave
* Click on round yellow box on left wall get rotary key
* Click on orb above to zoom in
* From inventory, place four rotary keys on orb, you will have to keep clicking on the orb until all keys are in place
* Click on orb


* Click on fire engine to zoom in
* Click on numbers carved in hood to add page to journal
* Click up 2x towards hotel
* Click on guide sign on road, left side, pick up feather
* Go inside the hotel
* Click on the reception desk to open hidden object puzzle
* Rubber mat added to inventory


* Click on guest register book on table front right of scene
* Click on register to add page to journal


* Go up stairs
* Click on left door way just past the fire
* Click on red armchair on left to zoom in
* Pick up ticket
* Click on notebook, lower left of chair to add page to journal
* Click down 3x to street
* Click on turnstile, to right of hotel to zoom in
* From inventory, put ticket in slot
* Go through turnstile
* Click on baggage locker on right to zoom in and open puzzle
* Using the code from the truck's hood, turn the dials to open the lock 2 8 4 1
* Pick up room key


* Go left out the door to the train platform
* Click on the baggage to open hidden object puzzle
* Badge added to inventory


* Click down 4x to warehouse
* Click on entrance to the warehouse to zoom in
* From inventory, put rubber mat on puddle of water to the right of sparking wires
* Click on the code box to open puzzle
* Crack the code to enter warehouse: Each line and column must contain 4 different symbols


* Go inside the warehouse
* Pick up keypad on barrel at front of scene
* Click up 2x
* Go inside hotel
* Go upstairs
* From inventory, use key on first door on right
* Go in to room on right
* Pick up green bottle on floor
* Go straight on to balcony, pick up canister of acetone of floor and knife in vines on left
* Click down 1x, go up hall to door on left, go inside
* Click on the secretaire on the piano to zoom in
* From inventory, place keypad on secretaire
* Click on keypad to start puzzle
* You have six tries to find the combination to open the cabinet
* Green light means correct number, blinking green light is right but in wrong order, red light means wrong
* This puzzle is random and will reset after six wrong tries
* Pick up hook


* Click down 2x to front desk area
* Click on guest register to zoom in
* From inventory, use knife to cut key free, pick up small key
* Click on lift shaft on back wall to zoom in
* From inventory, put badge in slot to open puzzle
* Click on up down buttons in the correct order to open glass door: up, down, up, up, down, up, down, up
* Pick up stamp


* Click down 1x, go through turnstile
* Click on strange scheme (green vending machine on left) to zoom in and open puzzle
* Arrange the animals in the circle in the correct order (see solution below)
* Click on vending machine to zoom in
* From inventory, place empty bottle i n slot, push button to fill with water
* Pick up bottle of water


* Go out left door to platform
* Click on toolbox on side of train near the middle to zoom in
* From inventory, use acetone on tool box, pick up bucket


* Click down 3x
* Click on drainage pit to zoom in
* From inventory, use hook to lift grate, pick up extendable step ladder


* Click down 1x
* Click on lift crane cabinet to zoom in
* From inventory, place stamp on lever
* Push lever to drop box
* Click on transport container, pick up fertilized soil


* Click up 2x, go inside hotel
* Go up stairs
* Go through 2nd door on right in to locker room
* From inventory, drag bucket to sand, pick up bucket of sand


* Go into first door on right
* Click on wooden casket by window to zoom in
* Place the following inventory items in boxes at top: Water bottle, Fertilized soil, Feather
* Solve the puzzle: Arrange the elements from smallest to biggest by clicking on the elements to switch positions
* Pick up sharp hairpin


* Click down 5x to warehouse
* Go inside warehouse, click on roaring fire in center
* From inventory, use bucket of sand to put out fire
* Click on warehouse equipment in back to open hidden object puzzle
* Knitting needles added to inventory


* From inventory, take the extendable step ladder and place it by the shelf on right
* Click on top shelf to zoom in, pick up railway stamp


* Click down 1x, click up 1x to alley   
* Click on window on right to zoom in
* From inventory, use knitting needles to open window
* Pick up weed killer
* Click up 1x
* Go through turnstile to train station
* Go through left door to platform
* Click on locomotive cabin of train at back end of platform to zoom in
* From inventory, use railway stamp to open door, pick up sledge hammer


* Click down 2x
* Go into hotel
* Go upstairs to room 214
* Go through left door
* Click on spider web by mans head to zoom in and add page to journal
* From inventory, stick spider with sharp hairpin
* Click on spider web by mans hand upper left to zoom in
* From inventory, use sledge hammer to break chains
* Click on carnivorous flower to zoom in
* From inventory, use weed killer on center of carnivorous plant


* After Robert talks to you, click on the secret door at back left corner
* From inventory, use small key to unlock door


* Go through door
* Click on Celtic symbol in back right corner of room
* From inventory, use dragon ring on Celtic symbol and Cernunnos will be summoned
* Ring will become a puzzle you must solve
* Break all the rings panels. Click on any panel but only break one row at a time (see solutions for order I used)


Congratulations! You have defeated Cernunnos and won the game!

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General Information

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