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The Sandlot Version

By fay
I've played the regular game through and am now doing one of the Sandlot versions. There are a lot of differences. I cannot find a wizzard for instance. Is there a walkthrough for the Sandlot versions?
By bethann
There isn't a walkthrough here since there is so much variability in the sandlot. I haven't even played it yet, but did you build a Wizard's Hut?
By fay
First of all, I should have said "Sandbox Version". No, I can't build the wizzard hut because it isn't open. There's just a "?" there. Can't find the wizzard anywhere in this version. I know it should be there because there are those blue 'things' and people getting sick.
By bethann
I just checked another forum and here's what I got!

To get the Wizard Hut in Sandbox mode you have to get the Erudite Novel trophy, 5 Wizards in 1 Kingdom, which is part of the Library Set. I went back to a saved game in Adventure Mode and built the Wizard Huts and hired the wizards to get the trophy. I had to start a new Sandbox game for the ? mark to change to the Wizard Hut.

It's a bummer that you might have to start another Sandbox mode to make it work though.
By fay
Gosh! I'll go back and try it. I've got my Sandbox completely built up. Thanks for the help
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