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i am in 'hope river' and i am stuck...

i am in 'hope river' and i am stuck here for quite a while now. the sheriff is supossed to deliver 1000 gold to the bandits to rescue the girl [forgot her name] but i cant find them!!! and also, i know i need to build a bridge to get to the other side of the river...but ,in the general store , there is nothing! no bridge...not even a single 'dynamite'...nothing at all!!! i cant even blow off the rocks which are blocking my path. *sigh* please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! (oh! and one more thing!---------> i have taken all the tutorials)

By pg
once you have 1000 you will eventually be able to rescue her, it takes a bit of time and i remember the I balloon disappeared for awhile, but then it came back by itself. For the bridge you have to do one of the side issues from an I balloon to get to be able to buy the bridge from the general store.
By bizzee
you need to complete other tasks like rescue the miners in the fallen mine and help the tourists in the river flood to unlock the dynamite and the bridges. This opprotunity should have come to you with a ! at some point.
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