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Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena Forum

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By help
having trouble arrows stay red the first symbol locked on the wrong symbol on the right for the bottom right symbol please help
By portiastyle
Hi I am stuck on the panels. The problem is that my small tiles don't match but the turned yellow anyway and now I can move them up or down to get to the correct symbol that releases the large panel. Trying to get the gong.

By pmcountry
Did you follow the guide? I also found this information in another forum that you might find helpful.

Slide the top bar until one of the centers light up yellow, then slide the side bar until it turns green. Then move the center square over the lighted one and it will fall out. Repeat for the other three.
By stumped
at the beginning of the game, can you open any door other than the owl, and how?

By pmcountry
No, you can only open the owl door to begin with.
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.