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can a mom work while she is nursing...

can a mom work while she is nursing a baby??

By lea michele
No she can't work with a baby in her hands. It's like maternity leave even though they work from home and never leave the house!
By kak
She WILL however do all the chores around the house-cook, clean, repair floors (if you let her decide to do it herself and don't try to force her!) water the flowers, put out oven and dryer fires, etc. BUT she won't work on her "career!" She still gets her daily salary even while she is "nursing her baby." I had a very bizarre thing happen yesterday where an adopted child showed up while she was nursing twins and three older children were already there. She followed the adopted child around the house and stayed right behind him until her own babies were 2 and on their own. It was very strange! Probably a glitch!
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