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Mine is an adult and everything but...

Mine is an adult and everything but shes 35 and she hasnt gotten a single marriage proposal... what happens now?
And also, how do i get adoption chance cards?

By kake
one of mine went until she was 45 until she got her first proposal! adoption is totally random...but one of mine adopted two kids, and one couple (whom had 2 single children and a set of twins) were offered to adopt a child...they say its for lonely people...
By kate
My people had 4 kids and instantly I was offered to adopt
By ndiclati same
The adoption cards are totally random. They seem to show up more frequently in large families of 4 or 5 children when they arrive all abandoned at the front door! I rejected one adoptee one time and the whole family got depressed for several days! There must be all kinds of little things hidden in the game! Mine have all gotten marriage proposals in their 20's and that is very strange! Is she ugly? LOL
By axedragon72
I have had a family who got married and their desires to have kids were both no ways, and in a matter of 10 minutes they had two adopted kids, a boy and a girl. Next time you adopt, see if you can match 2 no ways together. I also matched a no way and a maybe and they got 2 adoption chance cards.
By fresco3
Mine person is 59 and i havnt golt a proposal yet and no adoptions this is my 5th generation and ive got most of the upgrades im going to lose it all
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