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Ant War Forum


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Got it sorted now, game finished in...

Got it sorted now, game finished in 525 days (1 and a half hours). Heres how - Start with the carpenter ant (nest builder). Move indoors (the house) as soon as poss. Then simply alternate between nurses and food gatherers as required. (don't leave the house for the rest of the game, and fight everything). At times build the nest at 100 %, in order to make it big enough to hold the colony. But over all it's just swop between nurses and food gatherers. This doesn't make for a fun game, just a fast finish. (after all sitting in the field fighting ant-eaters and bears does add to game enjoyment). Hope I haven't spoilt anyones gaming, thats not my intention, I just wanted to see how to beat it fast. I suspect it can be done quicker - shame theres not a high score list.

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