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Hi all...I know this sounfds really...

Hi all...I know this sounfds really stupid lol but I just can't seem to figure out how to get my ppl to swim....If anyone could just point me in the right direction I would be so very grateful :-) Thanx TrishNC4765 My email ic [email protected]
Have A Very Blesseed Day All!

By tigger
When you get to the island with the yelow crystal,you should have 2 valves and an energy ball. put the 2 valves in the 2 holes for them and put the energy sphere in it's holder. After this the water in front of the chest will disappear and you will at least 3 turtle ss. Pick these up and send your scouts to the chest. It will disappear and you will receive the aqualungs. your people can now swim.
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.