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I'm on Shark Isle and have put the ...

I'm on Shark Isle and have put the yellow crystal in the 2nd isle post. Whoops- should have kept it for the 1st Isle. Now I can't get it back out of post. I'd like to restart this island but don't know how. Can't seem to kill my scout. HELP!

By lemondrop
o, you want to keep the yellow crystal in the post. To kill your scouts have them swim next to the sharks. Check out the walkthrough, or I can help you more. You can move to the next island by putting your scout next to the yellow crystal and then select the white crystal. You'll be teleported to the next island. I don't know why you want to kill your scout. Have you reached the island with the scout lodge yet?
By tigger
Help!!!!! I've just about finished the Island of Worship,but I can't seem to get the map for the lost temple. I can place the scouts and the army,but I can't manage to build the tower inside the pulsing lights and I can't get one of the heroes to stay in the last set of pulsing lights.
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