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I'm stuck on the Easter Egg Hunt. D...

I'm stuck on the Easter Egg Hunt. Does anybody know if there exists some kind of hint to finding them?

By westlady
I have found all but two, they seen to elude me, so if anyone knows thier hiding place please let us know. As far a a hint I have found none.
By sebby
i have found all but one and i am gettin really mad lol help plz..........i have blased the rocks in the water and the tree at the top of the hill but cant find the last one...and also that man by the river and tracks does he do anything is he suppose to go blue so we can use him or is nuffin ?????
By lesty
If you are missing two... there is a tree and some rocks together along the stream, there is one egg that barely peeks out there. The last one I seem to be stuck on as well. Ive chopped down every tree, thinking dynamite may blast it and make it disappear, then blew up all the rocks thinking it might be under them. No luck.
By lesty
Ok, found the last one. For those who are having troubles... chop down all the trees and definitely avoid using the dynamite! The last I was missing looked like a flower tucked in a rock, I had blown it up thinking they might be under it... no eggs are hidden under the rocks, they are however, hidden in the trees. Also, I recently discovered, you can hold the space bar down and then turn your mouse to change the camera view!
By kimgames
i have played this game so many times i cant count and i dont know what easter eggs you are talking about? lol
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