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I've reached the Cradle of the Nort...

I've reached the Cradle of the North and placed all the totems except for the monkey. Once again it's driving me nuts!!!!! I've tried all the remaining pedestals and none of them seem to work. There are two idols ,a snake and a square idol. Stupidly I found 25 ice crystals and gave them to the snake,which gave me protection that I didn't have to use. Looking for 25 crystals for the other idol, I have only managed to find 22. I've come to the conclusion that the remaining idol helps place the monkey. Has anyone got any answers???????????

By cassie
u need to build a tower in the upper middle to see the monkey tower and the block idol gives u thunderstorm
By simsane
I was able to see the correct pedestal using just my scouts -- but the walkthrough says to build a tower to find the correct one. Did you find two palm trees that had fallen over? One is on one side of some mountains and the other is pretty much on the other side. If you build a tower (or use your scouts) right near the one that's on the left side, you will see a pedestal. That's the one that the monkey coin goes on. It's at the very top of the screen just a little left of the middle.
By 222331
I was confused too. But soon i found it, which made me elated.
It is in the top middle of the island, you must build a tower to see it better. I let my fighters clear it partially, then the tower hit the spot. Besides, the guiding stone said the monkey was hiding.
By 222331
By the way, like cassie said, the block idol gives storm, which helped me kill the shades in that giat war of the shades, which was tough to get throuh, but on volcano island, you fight the king shade. He somehow has an outline, unlike the other shades. WEIRD.
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