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Westward 3: Gold Rush Forum


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Winery, To get a winery you need to...

Winery, To get a winery you need to get some grapes. To get grapes you need some purple flowers. to get purple flowers you need to water your flower pots, first color change is red than purple than a bluish white. You will need a least 3 sets of purple flowers, then some chick will show up and tell you that she likes your flowers and then give you the grape seeds. Now that you have your grape seeds you can plant grapes in your farms, (doing this is a trophy for grape farmer), now you need to complete the smuggler missions to get the ability to build a winery. The smuggler missions are in the town after you have your race with the drill. Now that you have a winery and employ someone at it (that is a trophy for wine master) you will need to more grape farms (3 total) so you can sell wine at the general store. P.S. only one winery per grape field with a 3 winery maxium per town.

By chuck
I don't know what I'm missing, but I have three sets of those flowers and no one has come to tell me how nice they look and give me those ed grapes yet.
By dean
what happens if you do not complete the smuggling resoures what do you do to get the winery.
By minuet68
I need help too, I have built over 14 pots and made them all purple and no lady has shown up for me either.
By kimgames
all your flowers in your town have to be purple.. just figured that one out
By kay
I planted five flowers and she came.
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