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I posted this a few days ago, & I s...

I posted this a few days ago, & I see it didnt post. I cannot for the life of me, get the painting on the pelt correctly. I tried the code from the statue bird's wing in the wigwam, but it didnt work. The code I used was top 3 blue & the bottom 4 red. Is that right or am I missing something!? HELP!!! Thanks.

By anne
No, you're not doing anything wrong. Whatever was in the wigwam should match exactly to the pelt. There were several colors on the top which vary for each person/game and several on the bottom. Write them down exactly just to be sure you have it right, go back to the pelt and paint it to match. It should complete that puzzle. If it does not, you may need to contact BFG and see if there is a glitch in some of the games. They are very helpful. Sorry to hear you are having problems.
By nikki184x
I have the same colour code, 3 blue top and 4 red bottom and it wont accept it on the pelt. Was there a glitch or am I doing it wrong?
By batush
I had same colors and doesn't work. Top 3 blue, and botoom 4 red.
By stacie
I'm having the same problem. I've tried exiting the whole game and starting over and it still won't work.
By phoenix
I tried to play this yesterday and had same problem. same code in wigwam but doesnt work on pelt. for a game to still have same problem 3 years on and not have been fixed is total rubbish. guess this just a very bad games software company. will avoid theres in future
By sue
There's no problem with the game. There's more to do inside the wigwam to make the colours light up on the totem. Took me ages to work it out too.

By pmcountry
The problem isn't with the game. You missed something. Click the "walkthrough" tab at the top - left and you should find the answer.
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.