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Hi I need help in getting a silky s...

Hi I need help in getting a silky shark. Is there anyway to breed 2 fish to get it? I keep buying eggs and no luck and it is driving me crazy! I looked at the chart but couldn't figure out what I was looking at! LOL Please if there is way to breed to get a silky shark please let me know!

By unknown_reader
Silky Shark CAN be bred, but it is incredibly hard. I would suggest beginner eggs. It may take a few sets to get it, but that is the best way I can think of. The Unknown Chemical is too random to be much help, and Silky Shark is Body type #1, and Silky is Fin type #1. This makes breeding one, without another one, pretty much impossible, as you would have to AVERAGE 1 ([X + Y]/2 = 1 or 1.5) to make the type. And doing this, working with intergers higher than 1, is pretty much impossible.

There, it is back on my own signed in name. Yay! WTG, ADMIN! :D You did great!
By britt
the only way is Tiger Shark + Silky catfish
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