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how do you get rye and emma marred

By eula
Emma and Rye can only marry if the egg you returned to Sabriyya provided a red salamander, and if you took it from her for the farm. If Emma has not yet completed the tournament in Seri, return and face any remaining opponents (there are five altogether). Now, follow the steps below:

If Emma WINS the tournament
* go and have a closer look at that cyclops dung you saw earlier in Graystone Pass
* wander through Shadow Woods towards the woodsman's cottage
* return to Bogwood and visit the woman making soup at the inn
* go to Grimm's Farm and follow the path towards the barn (something will happen as you pass the salamander's pen)
* go into Grimm's Cottage, change the leader to Emma, and talk to Rye

If Emma LOSES the tournament
* walk up behind the thug in the northeast corner of Seri (the one who was beating up Rasmen)
* follow the path through Seri Desert towards Graystone Pass
* go to Candar and talk to the little girl singing in the area below the donation box
* go to Grimm's Farm and follow the path towards the barn (something will happen as you pass the salamander's pen)
* go into Grimm's Cottage, change the leader to Rye, and talk to Emma

Now, return to Candar to the chapel, and Emma and Rye will be married.
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