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#96 - this also works. 3 green c...

#96 - this also works.

3 green column, 5th over from left
3 green column, 6th over from right
4 white column, 6th over from left
3 purples, in bottom row
4 purples, 3rd row up from bottom
6 green column, 6th over from right
9 white group in center
5 green column, 5th over from right
4 white column, 4th over from right
3 purples in bottom row, sandwiched between greens
6 green column, 6th from left
14 white group in center
3 green column, 5th from left
3 purples on bottom
4 purples, 3rd row up from bottom
10 green group in center
5 green column on rt.
6 white column on rt.
9 white group
3 purples on bottom
5 white column
4 greens (staggered, 3rd-4th rows)
4 purples
9 greens
3 whites.

By catlover
This doesn't make any sense beyond 9 white group in center, there aren't 5 green 5 from right, and nothing makes sense after this. I can't finish it.
By dontmatter
This does not work ignor rows after 9 white and just look for the number of blocks he wrote this helped me.
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