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If you want to know how to get into...

If you want to know how to get into the seri goodie cave read this... You have to go toward the water by the cave that you meet rip (Ava) in. Instead of going into the cave follow the waters edge south. Once you get down to the chest go to the wall right before it. Not the wall that is that is directly behind the chest but the next one up. It's in the middle.

By ama
i haven't even met rip do i meet him?the portal that would take me to seri desert is not working since i've never been there before.what do i do.first i need to find do i find him please?
By snow dragon 3636
once in seri (city) go north and keep going north till you reach the bottom of the city then go to the building furthest right head in there (if its not that building then it's one some where on that row) there should be a bar kinda thing in there, closest to the door there will be terrible trever saying "don't even think about entering i'll crush you" and oppersite the table will be shadow saying "....." and albert saying how nervous he is none of these are of any importance so just ignor them, then and the last table all on her own (oh poor little lary) will be ava the one eye code name "rip" you'll have a little chat go out into the room behind her you'll have another little chat then nick will will be shocked that rip is a girl *oh my god* ( but if you have a good memery you'll remember that prince uther did say that rip was a girl cuz he did say she) she'll go to the seri desert south were all the salermanders are but just as your about to into well more near their nest their will be a little path going off right wich leads to a coast more monsters to kill *oh i do love a good monster fight in the morning* north is a cave where you'll meet rip again and south a chest, oh yer she'll ask you for some dianermite an anchor and some sails diannermite in town the first house to the right when you go east i think, anchor desert some where can't remember and you can byr the sails in town in the market place well their you go

p.s some of it might not be quite correct if got a bad memory
YES YES i know i'm i CRAP SPELLER well i hope you can under stand most of what i've wrote

P.s.s i think theirs a goodie cave near the chest in that little cove just out side rip,s cave

Bye Bye for now
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