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Elf Bowling 7 1/7: The Last Insult Forum


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When you are on the ice burg level....

When you are on the ice burg level....there is a trophy that can be won when a shark eats 15 elves. The sharks are hard to get to attack, however they eat the knocked of elves every time there is a pick up spare. For example...if you use a rocket and need some more attackes, then miss the first time completly, and then get a direct hit for a spare on the second shot....automatic shark food!! Or if you are bowling with a big ball aim off left or right and leave a couple elves standing, the next time through will send the elves into the ocean for some sweet shark action. Any time there is a pickup spare...the knocked off elves will be fish food. 15 times and win the "jaws master" trophy!!

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